Map on Post/Page allows you to add google maps with a pin to show an address on your post or page in wordpress. It is simple and easy to use . Just drag and drop the pin to the place and you are done.
Does your post or page in your website describe a place ? Wouldn’t it be better if you could add a map showing an address? Well then here is a simple yet powerful system for you. Just drag and drop the pin, check the box to activate and your users will see the map on the post.
Map on Post/Page is a complete for making website awesome. We bet to you that it is best kind.
Major features :
- Just 1 click installation.
- Simple and clean coding, no hidden API – We just ues google api .
- Works on latitude and longitude , so can be used on any api later.
- Just drag and drop the pin to show your place.
- Very easy and simple to add maps.
- Search address option available.
- Can be used for wider range of purposes.
Upload the Map on Post/Page plugin to your blog, Activate it, And you are done!!!!! Amazed?? Yes it so simple yet powerful.