Tickets Plugin: Envato Licensing (Add-ons)

This is a plugin for Tickets. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Tickets before using this plugin.

Envato Licensing

This plugin allows you to interact with your buyers in a number of different ways. Not only does it allow you to validate purchasers it significantly improves your after sales support and customer satisfaction.

Through the use of this plugin a long with our Articles + Forums plugin you can provide customers access to a complete support portal with Knowledge Base, Forums and Support Ticket System.

Customers can register multiple purchase codes to their account allowing them to keep track of their licenses. As an Admin you can then see which products a customer owns.

Features include:

  • Option to restrict user registration to valid envato products.
  • Option to restrict user registration to a white list of valid envato products.
  • Allows users to add and view their envato products on the user profile page.
  • Allows admins to view users envato products stored in their account.

Download Tickets Plugin: Envato Licensing (Add-ons)

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