CMSLogik – PHP CMS & User Management (Project Management Tools)


Welcome to CMSLogik! We built this script, from the ground up, using the latest technology, to make your life easier when it comes to creating and managing a website. This script enables you to easily create a website for almost any niche, as well as manage it using our custom built admin panel. The admin panel allows you to manage your website settings, create user levels, and even pages. Of course that is not it, please see our feature list below for more!

Live Demo

Please checkout our live demo for all the features!

CMSLogik Features

Admin Panel

  • Full User Management – You get full control over your users. You can manage them with the fun & simplicity of ajax powered modals.
  • Full Website Control – With 3 pages worth of settings you have many ways to control your website.
  • User Levels – User levels allow you to have complete control over who has access to your content. Easy to set-up and manage, as well as edit in the future.
  • Page Management – You have full control over your content. Simply create a page, populate it with html/php, and set the allowed user levels. Your page is instantly available to use. You can edit the file from within your control panel or edit the file directly in your code editor.
  • Menu Management – You can manage your top menu directly from within your control panel. Ajax enables you to quickly and effortlessly edit, re-order, or delete your menu links.
  • Statistics – You can see your total, or date oriented, statistics like registration activity, or most active users and pages.
  • Email Templates – With the help of shortcodes you can easily create cool and personalized emails.
  • Email Users – Pick a user level, or pick more than one, and easily send an email based on a template you have created.

Main Site

  • Login/Register – Let your users easily login/register through a sleek Ajax modal. An alternative non-ajax login/register pages are available.
  • Social – Facebook and Twitter login/registration is available as well.
  • Forgot Password/Resend Activation – Your users can easily re-cover a lost password, or have their activation resent through the user of Ajax modal windows
  • Working AJAX Contact Form – We have pre-built a cool, and clean Ajax Contact Form available for use right away.
  • User Pages – The script comes pre-built with 2 user pages, a homepage, and a page where they can manage their account in full.


  • AJAX – We built AJAX into many areas of the website,which means you and your users will get to experience a clean and modern experience.
  • Captcha – You can protect yourself by using ReCaptcha, a powerful Captcha tool provided by Google.
  • HTML5 Valid – Our script has been validated to be 100% HTML5 compliant.
  • CodeIgniter Framework – This fast and modern PHP frameworks allows for extended security and flexibility when it comes to further extending this script.
  • Bootstrap – We used this awesome and powerful front-end framework to deliver you a tool that you can also use in further development of your website.
  • Email Activation – Email activation can be enabled to further secure your site.
  • Installation Wizard– An easy to use Installation wizard is provided to help you get up and running in no time.

Support & Documentation

Support – You can easily get help by contacting us through a contact form located here.

Documentation – Documentation is available directly on the demo page, as well as in your download.

Ongoing Development

If you have a feature idea, or a suggestion for this script, please leave a comment with your suggestion. We have further ideas of our own, however we believe that user input is very important and will try to satisfy any need that we can.

Script Releases & Changelog

Current Version : 1.0.0


Download CMSLogik – PHP CMS & User Management (Project Management Tools)

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