Help Desk Support Tickets with FAQ and Manuals (Help and Support Tools)

A help desk ticketing system will allow you to provide prompt and efficient support to your clients.

Ultra Help Desk comes by default with an integrated FAQ and manuals systems, thus allowing staff members to decrease response time and improve efficiency.

\Web based

Work from anywhere, whether you are at your desk, on the road, or working from home, our trouble ticket software has the tools you need to access your customer service database. All of Ultra Help Desk features can be accessed through a web browser on virtually any operating system.

\Multi language (All words and phrases can be translated or modified using a web interface)

\40 themes. You and your customers can change the theme that they like.

\Support via our forums with guaranteed response in less than 12 hours (usually within 1 hour).

\Option to run with SSL

\Integrated FAQ and Manuals


The FAQ is a storage place for articles, for example, frequently asked questions.

The advantage of using the FAQ is that it’s easy to reach and search when using the system. 

There’s also a search box available when you reply to a ticket, so that you can quickly select a message that’s already in the FAQ or manuals.

\Email Piping (convert emails into tickets)

Allows you to automatically route all incoming emails into the ticket desk supporting both new emails and replies.

\Ticket monitoring with centralized panel


Customers and operators are always able to see ticket status and ticket owner info.

\Custom email messages

Every message that Ultra Help Desk sends can be customized using a WYSIWYG editor. You don’t have to edit any files or hack any code, it’s as simple as editing an article.

\Priorities and statuses

Ultra Help Desk uses 3 types of priorities (low, normal, high) as well as 5 types of statuses (new, pending answered (by the staff), customer reply, closed).

\Unlimited operators

Create as many operator logins as your business needs.

\Support Departments

Allow you to route tickets to the appropriate department.

\Internal notes can be set for each ticket (customers will not see them, only staff members will).

\File attachments

Each message may include a file attachment. Are supported by the ticket system to allow receiving of files from clients.

\Predefined answers

Allows organizing answers and quick access to common answers.

\Email based submission

Allows submitting new tickets and follow-up messages via email. Both customers and operators may use email. 

\Access code (captcha)
To prevent ticket submissions by spambots.

\Contact Form

That gives you a quick and simple way to have potential clients get in touch with you.


Is a blog like news system allowing you to post your latest news and updates.

\Downloads System


Allows you to make files available, with support for client only restricted access, and tracking of downloads.

\Free upgrade.

See a full demonstration of ULTRA HELP DESK in

Download Help Desk Support Tickets with FAQ and Manuals (Help and Support Tools)

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