Polaroid slider mimics the feeling of the old-style polaroid photographs. It’s a powerful javascript-css slider using CSS3 and jQuery!
Create slides with image, video or HTML content or generate slides from your favorite flickr or 500px feeds.
Tested with all major browser versions including internet exploder 7-8 and variety of mobile devices!
- Easy setup, easy to use
- User and browser friendly administrator page
- Multiple Sliders per page
- Possible to add sublides for each slide! Mobile touch devices also supported!
- “Content Drag Effect” with subslides – See this demo
- Shortcodes can be inserted into pages, post and widgets as well
- Polaroid slider widget also included
- Handles image slides, video and custom HTML slides
- Customisable Slider animations
- Uses the built-in WordPress media uploader
- Wide browser support (even internet explorer 7-8!)
- Font selector (100+ fonts!) with classic web fonts and Google web Fonts
- Slide generator for Flickr.com and 500px.com rss feeds.
- Responsive Width!
- Autoplay options (timeout, restart)
- Fullscreen mode (depending on the size of the actual window)
- Customisable navigation bar (squares with CSS3 capabilities)
- Customisable navigation arrows
- Advanced HTML labels with positioning, coloring, opacity and animation options
- 50+ slider and slide options!
- Adjustable init and move animations