iMageMaker – PHP GD Processor (Images and Media)

iMageMaker is powerful image processor for php. The library can be implement in all frameworks, systems or scripts. Have alot of options and is design to be easy to use.

The code is extremly easy to read and write:

HTML Structure

//First we include the library
include '../imageMaker.class.php';
 * Then initialize the class
 * Params: width, height, background_type, background_color, image_path
 * Then initialize the class
$image = new ImageMaker(533, 400, 'solid', '#fff', '../images/flower.jpg');
//Build new image to create watermark. Param: image_path
$image->new = $image->buildImage('../images/logo.png');
 * Then position the new image somewhere in the main photo
 * Params: main_image, new_image, width, height, postion_array, from where to count the posiotion(bottom/top, left/right)
 * Then initialize the class
$image->positionImage($image->image,$image->new,150,40, array(-5,-5),array('bottom','right'));

//And finally show the image

Download iMageMaker – PHP GD Processor (Images and Media)

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