Layers 3D – Parallax and Out of the Image effects! (Images and Media)

Premium Parallax and ‘Out of the Image’ effects.

Layers 3D is a powerful jQuery plugin which you can use for creating ‘Parallax’ or ‘Out of the Image’ effects on your site. With ‘fullsize’ mode you can create even a whole parallax effect website!


  • Animates your layers vertical / horizontal by scrolling of your site or animates your layers by moving your mouse cursor over the container (only at box mode)
  • Use with ANY content you want* (images, HTML elements – for the best effect use a JPG as background and semi-transparent PNG images as layers)
  • Responsive (only with images)
  • Fullsize or box mode
  • Delayed or realtime transitions
  • 3D Factor settings
  • Preloads layer images
  • It’s easy to add a link to an image layer
  • Animation settings
  • SEO friendly
  • Multiple browser support (IE 7+, Safari 3+, iOS Safari, Chrome 3+, Firefox 3+, Opera 10+)
  • Works on mobile devices
  • Detailed Documentation with examples

* The ‘mousemove’ trigger is not working with embedded videos, iframes and some Flash contents.



  • first release

Our Items @ Codecanyon

Layers 3D is a premium jQuery plugin which you can use for creating ‘Parallax’ or ‘Out of the Image’ effects on your site. With ‘fullsize’ mode you can create even a whole parallax effect website! If you like our LayerSlider plugin – you will certainly like this plugin too!

This is a premium image tagging plugin for WordPress. You can easily tag your images or you can create fancy tooltips on your images. It is compatible with the most of the browsers and of course it is highly customizable. It supports also permission control and it is deeply integrated with WordPress.

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This is the WordPress plugin of LayerSlider! You can create as many layers and sublayers as you want. You can use unlimited images with links. The script is very user-friendly, you can add global settings or local (per slide) settings to each layer or sublayer. You can change delay times, easing types, durations and much more.

This is a jQuery content slider using the famous parallax-effect! You can create as many layers and sublayers as you want. You can use images or any other HTML elements, including Flash movies as layers. The script is very user-friendly, you can add global settings or local (per slide) settings to each layer or sublayer. You can change delay times, easing types, durations and much more.

The WordPress plugin of WeatherSlider!

It’s a beautiful weather slider widget with animated weather effects and 48 weather types.

This is a very powerful PHP weather plugin with a lot of features like Geolocation, server-side caching or language support.

Download Layers 3D – Parallax and Out of the Image effects! (Images and Media)

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