Android Photo Taker (Frameworks and Libraries)


Do you want to include photo taking capabilities in your hybrid Android application?
If this is the case, Android Photo Taker is the place to start. Using our already created and tested code, with only a few lines of additional code you can allow your user to take pictures using the phone’s camera or choose photos from the photo gallery.
On a touch of a button you call our Android code in one line and the magic happens: a dialog appears on the screen allowing the user to select the photo source – camera or photo libabry. Once the process has finished you’ll be able to get that photo and do whatever you want with it: show it in the browser, upload to a database, or any other process that is defined by your application’s logic.

So, add this cool feature to you application and impress your customers.

Android Photo Taker support internationalization so you can customize the texts that appear while taking the photo.

Android support: 2.2+, 3.0+, 4.0+

Download Android Photo Taker (Frameworks and Libraries)

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