Job/Task Manager (Project Management Tools)

A task, job, project management tool which helps to keep track of ongoing progress. I required something simple to keep score of jobs with completion percentage, note-taking capabilities and date/time-created tracking. I still use this myself on a daily basis and it has helped the business to stay organized. If it is popular I will publish updates and work more extensively on it. Think of it as a digital whiteboard.

Note: It’s intentional to allow numeric values as the job name, this is not a flaw.

10th August 2012

  • Fixed incompatibility issue with Google Chrome.
  • Updated to latest jQuery and latest jQueryUI.
  • Fixed button label issue that arose from updates.

8th August 2012

  • Removed ‘completed’ as an edit option.
  • Associated 100% completion with ‘completed’ in the database.
  • Associated less than 100% as the opposite of completed, allowing urgency to be set.
  • Made it impossible to mark a project as both urgent and complete.
  • Fixed the percentage exceeding 100%.
  • Altered all <? ?> PHP tags to the correct syntax of <?php ?>

Download Job/Task Manager (Project Management Tools)

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