Source Guard – Website Source Encoder/Encryptor (Project Management Tools)

Source Guard is PHP class for encoding/encryption and obfuscating your website output source code.

This is first stable dynamic source encoder at codecanyon!

Its easy to integrate with your wordpress or other PHP scripts!




$sg = new sourceGuard();


$sg -> Run(1); //Replace to encoding mode 2 or 3, if you want


Source Guard class freatures:

  • Two encoding modules included (HTML Obfuscator and JavaScript encoder).
  • Three website source protection modes.
  • Easy installation – insert three lines code to run.
  • Works on fly.
  • No special requirements (only PHP 5 .0 or PHP 5 .x).

Why Source Guard?

  • This is good solution to protect your products demos at envato maketplaces.
  • Lighweight.

Files included:

  • Class file.
  • HTML and PDF documentation.
  • Demonstration panel.

Check it in action! (check iframe source)

Download Source Guard – Website Source Encoder/Encryptor (Project Management Tools)

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