Simple. Secure. Login v3 (Forms)

I have re-written one of my most popular applications from the ground up. This is a fantastic and very secure login application with a built in user management system.

It’s powered by AJAX which means no reloading of web pages everything happens asynchronously.

This item allows users to login, register, edit profiles, retrieve lost passwords. Oh and users have to validate their account using their email addresses.

Administrators get to see their whole user database and allows editing of them, you can set status such as admin, activated or banned.

SSLv3 uses SHA1 password encryption and is also protected against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks. It also shuts the user out after x amount of failed login attempts (In the demo I have set it to 6)

You can lock down pages very easy bu just using the following lines of code:

$c = new core(true);

The documentation covers this and many other things in much more detail.

Admin Account
Username: admin
Password: password

Member Account
Username: monroe
Password: password


Download Simple. Secure. Login v3 (Forms)

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