Youtube Subscribe Content Locker (Social Networking)

By using this content locker you can convert each visitor into a subscriber of your youtube channel. You can lock any type of content like download links, important information like passwords, image,videos etc . It will secure the content until the user subscribes to your youtube channel . You can get huge amount of subscribers depending upon the traffic on your website or videos.

How it works ?

Suppose you have something to share with the world like ebooks, wallpapers, some kind premium content etc. but you want something in return from the people. Why not to make them your subscribers ? . In this way people will get the content and you will get huge list of subscribers for your youtube channel.
What you need to do is simply secure the secret content you wants to share with the people with this locker and let it do its job. Each of the visitor to your content will be your youtube subscribers. The visitor will need to subscribe first, then the locker will check if the user actually subscribed to your channel or not. If the visitor did then the secured content will show up.

Features :

  • It uses Youtube API to check if user subscribed or not.
  • Easy to implement into your website or blogs ( WordPress,Joomla and all ).
  • Convert every visitor into a subscriber.
  • Easy to customize.
  • Generate links directly if user is already subscribed to your channel.
  • Compatible to all major browsers.

Best For:

  • Download Links ( Ebooks, Wallpapers , or any other files ).
  • Free Content Download Sites.
  • Providing premium content .
  • Basically everything you wants to share with people.

Live Demo:

The live demo of Youtube Subscribe Content Locker can be seen here :

Some Beta Test Results:

Download Youtube Subscribe Content Locker (Social Networking)

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