Dynamic Grid: Twitter Feed for WordPress (Social Networking)


This plugin uses the “Dynamic Grid” engine. Thanks to that, you have the power to create exactly the layout you need. And if you don’t know what you need, the plugin comes with rock-solid default settings that create a beautiful and random layout on every page load!

If you want to tackle the settings a bit you can create anything – horizontal 1-row scroller, vertical 1-column scroller, grid with square cells, grid with random number of cells, or even – a grid with random number of cells and every cell with a random height! You get the idea…

The best thing is, that it can be random on every page load, which means a unique experience for the user on every visit.

Twitter API

Dynamic Grid: Twitter Feed works with the Twitter API to pull content from Twitter. You can choose to get tweets by a search – for example #codecanyon. Or, you can display the most recent tweets by a specific user. No authentication needed, it’s a one-click setup.


Keeping up with the hot stuff on the internet, of course that Dynamic Grid: Photo Gallery is responsive. Just check the “Auto” checkbox next to the “Width” setting and it will just fill it’s parent element. Sweet!

Admin Panel

Looks great, it’s incredibly intuitive to use, it has helpful tips all over it and it just works great. Without sacrificing control.

When first activating the plugin you will be guided by a short series of helpful tips on how to get started, what you need to do to setup the plugin and more. Believe it or not – the plugin doesn’t come with a separate documentation file. It’s all integrated in the UI. Next to every setting you will see a detailed explanation what that setting is and what it does. It’s all right there, without bouncing between the documentation file and the site over and over for each thing that you don’t understand. It’s really amazing.

Another nice feature – every time you try to save the changes, the form validates and it shows you helpful tips if you have done something wrong.

And last, but not least, you have a preview tab to immediately check out the changes that you’ve made – right there, without adding the thing to a test page and bouncing back and forward, refreshing, etc. It’s really easy and fast to customize, and you get immediate feedback.

Customer Support

Despite the tough love that I sometimes give to my customers, I am very thankful for making my job possible. That’s why I have set up a dedicated support forum for my products. If you need help, make sure that you are using the forum, not the comments – it’s faster, your question won’t be lost in my mailbox and you will help others with similar problem.

The link is in the top of the description and in the footer of the plugin’s backend UI :)

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Download Dynamic Grid: Twitter Feed for WordPress (Social Networking)

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