Degrade – The Swiss Army Slider (Sliders)

Degrade – The Swiss Army Slider

Degrade – the swiss-army-slider is a multipurpose, fully customizable slider,
with responsive behavior and all-in-one features. It sports a 40+ options variation,
the slider‘s appearance can be customized through its 8 different shadows, 4 different corner style,
6 different control types, unlimited colors, shortcodes, captions style, fullscreen behavior,
giving you the possibility of making literally hundreds of different sliders.

The slider can be also used as a banner, can play video, can display captions wherever you want,
can be used as advertising tool as well as display panel.

Make the best of it!


Design variation
Easily change its look and feel within seconds. Degrade Slider comes with lots of prebuilt assets like shadows, corners, controls.
Unlimited colors, you can easily change every component’s color inside the slider making it unique. Alternatively you can disable any design component and create HTML banners that run across all devices.

All slides are being dynamically loaded trough Ajax,
we paid special attention to its performance while keeping its rich design,
slides are available as soon as they are loaded, there are no memory leaks,
Degrade Slider is also optimized for touch/drag screen events.

Degrade Slider comes with builtin shortcodes. Shortcodes makes it easy to add different elements that you might need inside the slider.
For example you need a red button with rounded corners, you simply add the following code within a caption:

    <a href="" class="degradeButton roundButton red">Button</a>

See all available shortcodes within the preview.

Whether you‘re displaying on desktops, tablet, mobiles, your work, your images, your products will always look the same!

PSD and Help files
Degrade Slider comes with layered PSD and all the design elements (shadows, arrows, buttons and corners). See help files here: ReadMe

Slider options

               slideAnimationType: "easeOutQuint",          //slider's animation/transition type               
               slideAnimationDuration: 600,                 //slides default animation duration
               enableTouchDragSlides: true,                 //enable/disable touch and drag slides
               autoPlay: false,                             //autoplay slides
               autoPlayInterval: 5000,                      //autoplay interval (5 seconds)
               pauseAutoplayOnHover: true,                  //pause autoplay on hover
               autoPlayStopAtEnd: true,                     //stop autoplay at the end (could be used for banner creation)
               autoScale: true,                             //responsive behavior
               showShadow: true,                            //show slider shadow
               shadowType: 'ShadowType01',                  //shadow type (there are 8 shadow types available ShadowType01 ...ShadowType08)
               showBottomCorners: true,                     //show bottom corners
               bottomCornersStyle: "CornerStyle01",         //corners style (there are 4 corner types available CornerStyle01 ...CornerStyle04)
               showCenterButtons: true,                     //show center navigation buttons
               showCenterButtonsBackground: false,          //show center navigation button's background
               centerButtonsAdjustPosition: 20,             //adjust center navigation buttons vertical position (ex: 20 or -20)
               showCenterButtonsStyle: "Style01",           //center navigation button's style (there are two style available Style01 and Style02)
               enableKeyboardNav: true,                     //enable/disable keyboard navigation
               showSliderBackground: true,                  //enable/disable sliders's background         
               sliderBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",            //sliders's background color
               sliderBackgroundOpacity: .2,                 //sliders's background opacity
               sliderShowBorder: true,                      //enable/disable sliders's border
               sliderBorderColor: "#FFFFFF",                //sliders's border color
               sliderShowInnerBorder: true,                 //enable/disable sliders's inner border
               sliderInnerBorderColor: "#FFFFFF",           //sliders's inner border color
               showLeftRightNav: true,                      //enable/disable sliders's arrows navigation
               showLeftRightNavIsBackground: false,         //sliders's arrows navigation background
               leftRightNavBackgroundColor: "#212121",      //sliders's arrows navigation background color
               leftRightNavType: "Nav04",                   //sliders's arrows navigation type (there are 4 types available: Nav01 to Nav04)
               leftNavAdjustPosition: 10,                   //adjust horizontal position of left navigation arrow
               rightNavAdjustPosition: -10,                 //adjust horizontal position of right navigation arrow
               showSliderPreloader: true,                   //enable/disable slider's preloader               
               showDragCursor: false,                       //show drag cursor
               enableFullScreen: true,                      //enable/disable native full screen (for browsers that supports full screen)
               normalWidth: 800,                            //default slider width
               normalHeight: 400                            //default slider height     

Degrade Slider supports unlimited captions on each slide, you can add any HTML content within captions.

Each caption has predefined properties and animations which you can override from within HTML . See available properties below.

                positionX:"0",                                  //caption position X
                positionY:"0",                                  //caption position Y
                animation:"None",                               //caption's animation cpuld be (None, SlideFromLeft, SlideFromRight, SlideFromTop, SlideFromBottom)
                animationType:"easeOutQuint",                   //animation transition type (see NOTE above)
                animationDuration: 500,                         //animation duration (see NOTE above)
                delayAnimation:0,                               //delay animation start (see NOTE above)
                isBackground: "false"                           //caption background
                backgroundColor: "#212121",                     //caption background color
                backgrondTransparency: .5,                      //caption background transparency
                fullWidthVideo: "false"                         //caption full width video (see sample with video)  

Other Features

  • Full-screen support
  • Touch optimized
  • jQuery Powered
  • Unlimited color variation
  • Custom Design
  • PSD Source Included
  • Documentation Included


Preview Images ( Please note that the preview images are not included within the download file.

Images included within the download file (

Social Media Balloon Icon Set by (Double-J Design).

Download Degrade – The Swiss Army Slider (Sliders)

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