Coffe Time – Sprite Countdown Flip (Countdowns)

Coffe Time – Animated Sprite Countdown Flip

The countdown comes with many powerful features, and its easy to skin it with any kind of image or color.

Its very light, fully optimized to save space and memory usage. It uses a start date – end date system so there is no need for php.

Also it comes with a progress event system, very easy to set up; basically it displays any kind of message at any x percent, very useful to show updates to visitors like “setting up the user database”.

To be noted that any feature can be easily disabled, such as sound effect or progress bar.


  • Exclusive item only on CodeCanyon
  • Sound effect
  • Fully commented html and css files to understand the code when editing
  • Full browser support, except ie 6
  • Easy font and color change (you can change the color with plain hex code maintaining all the noise and light effects)
  • Progress bar
  • Percentage message system
  • Realistic flip animation
  • Html preload of used images
  • All weighs roughly 1000 kb

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Download Coffe Time – Sprite Countdown Flip (Countdowns)

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