Disable WordPress Theme & Plugin Editors (Utilities)

Protect your source code from clients and other users and prevent unexpected core updates. For developers who are maintaining WordPress sites and need full control over all source code revisions.

This simple plugin optionally removes the WordPress theme and plugin editors completely to prevent your clients or other users from viewing and modifying your source code. They aren’t simply removed from the menu, they are fully disabled.

Additionally, this plugin optionally removes the “update nag” message at the top of the screen. Authorized users can still update WordPress (via the “Dashboard” > “Updates” screen in your admin area), but the removal of the update message can help reduce the confusion this message can cause among novice WordPress users.

Additionally, you can lock the plugin’s configuration page to a single user to prevent other users from modifying the plugin settings.

This plugin has a relatively vague name (“WordPress User Theme Security“) within the WordPress Plugins admin area in case you don’t want your users to know you have disabled the editors.

Also included: PHP code snippets you can copy and paste into you theme’s functions.php file to optionally run this functionality fullly incognito: (a) prevent theme and plugin editing and/or (b) remove the WordPress core update nag message.

Download Disable WordPress Theme & Plugin Editors (Utilities)

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