PHP Time Debugger (Miscellaneous)


Sometimes you need to know how much is the execution time for a particular script to optimize it. Script optimizations are very important if you want to connect to a db, external API or when running a loop function. PHP Time debugger uses the simple but effective watchpoint() function, you can label the watchpoints and see how much time elapses between the watchpoints, furthermore measures the allocated memory that the script uses. PHP Time debugger is a lightweight (only 12kb) PHP script which you can upload to any server and start using it right away, no configuration needed. Using it is easy, just copy your script to the input window and click the process code button, the PHP Time debugger will do the rest. You can use it to measure db connection time or to measure connection time to any external file. Two color variation are available.

Download PHP Time Debugger (Miscellaneous)

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