This is a universal quiz template for quiz lovers!
No Programming Skills Required ..just prepare your images and category with your ad mob account and there you go..everything the code will take care of !
An excellent utility to create any kind of picture quiz & deploy in Google market.
Recommended for creating picture quizzes ranging from Flag quiz / animal quiz / vocabulary picture quiz / president quiz / celebrities quiz /geography quiz/ astronomy quiz/ or any visual subject quiz / or else what you can think of..
Features –
• countdown timer
• bg music
• admob integration
• unlimited categories
• unlimited images
• random questions
• automated buttons
• phone vibration on wrong questions etc
• full customization
Download a working app from
This Picture Quiz Template is a complete solution, feel free to add your own images, customize and publish it by just cut and paste method!
Distribute free to android markets or earn considerable commission from Admob advertisements or even popularize any website as a channel of android device network marketing which enable you to add the extra income.
With the implementation of Media player, toggle buttons, countdown timer and menu and custom dialog, you can totally change its look and feel for your own needs. Code is commented, so you’ll find it easy to make any desired changes.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!