Professional Facebook Application Builder is a full program system that enables you to create your own effective recruiting campaign on your Facebook Page to have thousands of fans.
More likes = more sales!
New feature! Create your creative application by profile picture adding on output picture feature
Why choose this application?
The easiest way to increase your number of fans you have on your Facebook Page, is a game or a creative/funny application. With this universal basic script you can start your ‘like collecting’ campaign in minutes. You only have to think out few output, like ‘What will you get for Christmas?…’, ‘Will you survive end of the World 2012?!’ ‘If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?’ etc..
And make few result picture. Your users will try your app, but they have to like your facebook page first, then the app will show the result to them, and also post an image to their Wall and also to their Photo Album.
You can place a link so your user friends will able to try your app also, and if they do the same you have more and more facebook fans.
Professional Facebook Application Builder Features
- Random friend name and profile image burning into the output image
- User name and profile picture burning into the output image
- Facebook TimeLine support
- User have to like to see the result
- Random result
- Unlimited output pictures
- Easy to add or delete an output picture
- Auto picture resize
- Add Photo to Facebook User Album!
- Administrator can add any picture or video on Non-Fan page.
- You can choose like button format
- Facebook Developers Install Guide
Usually it runs on all main web-hosting company i have tested on BlueHost, Hostgator, and it runs on all cpanel, plesk based server and on other also if all requirements are available. Sometimes it was need to ask the Administrator to install ionCube and DOM php module but it was quick and free.
The following are require to use the script.
- PHP running on your server version 5.x
- MySQL running on your server version 5.x
Since 1st Oct. 2011 facebook default browsing is in secure mode. The application works without SSL but you will lose about 60-80% of your users without SSL , because default in facebook is HTTPS . This is true for ANY facebook application you buy on CodeCanyon or elsewhere.
- SSL Certificate