This sample game will allow you to create your very own Arcade “Beat em up” game fairly quickly, as you probably know people make a fortune on the iTunes App Store, All you need is a good artist and an awesome sound engineer and some Cocos2D coding knowledge, you could be very wealthy by the end of the year.
Some Basics about the App Template:
– Game runs at 60fps on the iPhone 4, 4s and the iPod Touch 4th gen.
– Use high resolution images for the Retina Display iPhone.
– Integrate as many levels as you want to build.
– Add as many characters as you like per level.
– Easily change, background music.
– Easily change hit sounds
– I reserving the right to use the included Levels and Characters and ALL artwork in any version of the app we may submit to the App Store one day.
Please make significant changes to those elements prior to submitting your version to the Store.