Starfish Paginator Shortcode (WordPress)

Make Paginated Data Quickly!

The Starfish Paginator Shortcode is a wordpress plugin intended to make pagination and of any data in your wordpress database possible with just a shortcode and a template of how each record will be displayed. It is AJAX based so users can page through any number of records without refreshing the page. Got custom data? Shortcodes just need to contain the table you would like to display, the fields of the table that will be used in the template, the filter to be used and the template that will be used for each record. With Starfish Paginator Shortcode you can get filtered data on your site quickly and easily with little or no database experience. Supports any data in your database, just add tables for custom data. Includes 5 pagination themes. Perfect for contact lists and leaderboards.

Simple Shortcodes

The shortcode creates a simple control that is completely ajax based, so no refreshes are required, and its done with a very simple approach. Create a shortcode that queries the database and then use the contents of the shortcode to act as a template. Try copy & pasting this shortcode below, it should work on most wordpress data if your tables start with wp_

[wlpager pagesize="15" table="wp_posts" 
   fields="ID,post_date,post_title" odd="background-color: #ABD9EB;" 
   even="background-color: #D8EBED;" filter="id>#10&post_date>@2011-12-03" 
   order_by="post_date DESC"]
<div style="font-family: 'Tahoma', sans-serif; font-size:0.8em; 
  padding: 2px; display:block; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; %ROW_TOGGLE%">
 <div style="display:inline-block; margin-right:5px;">%ID%</div>
 <div style="display:inline-block; margin-right:5px;">%post_date%</div>
 <div style="display:inline-block;">%post_title%</div>

Shortcode Options

  • pagesize
    Size of the page that will be shown, if 100 records were returned
    and the page size was 20 then 5 pages would be shown.
  • table
    Table that will be queried, and whose fields will be returned. Any
    table you would like to paginate must be included in the permitted
    tables option.
  • fields
    Comma deliminated list of fields that will be queried. Only fields
    in this list can be shown in the page.
  • filter
    Ampersand (&) delimited list of conjuctive filters
    (all conditions must be met) with operators. Supported operators are
    = (equals), > (greater than), and < (less than).
    You can have has many filter conditions as you wish, and they do
    not need to be the same fields as the query. They must support
    the type annotations (see filters section below).
  • odd
    Text that will be substituted in an odd number row. Use this
    to toggle styles or classes per row.
  • even
    Text that will be substituted in an even number row. Use
    this to toggle styles or classes per row.
  • order_by
    The sort field(s) and order of the results. Fields should be
    comma delimited and the order is ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).
    If neither is specified, the default is ASC .

Filtering Results

Filtering provides fine grain control of what results will be returned and paged. We have created a way to simply specify all the filter criteria you would like to make with one statement in the filter field of the tag. All criteria must be met for a result to be returned. Sorry, OR operators are not supported yet. Each criteria is separated by an & (Ampersand) and has the following structure:

Operators determine how the filter will select rows, will it need to be equal, less than or greater than the value specified for a result to be displayed. Supported operator types are:

  • = (equals)
    Return a result if the value for the specified field equals the value provided
  • > (greater than)
    Return a result if the value for the specified field is greater than the value provided
  • < (less than)
    Return a result if the value for the specified field is less than the value provided

Type Value Types
To know how to filter the results the plugin needs to know what type of field is being used to make the comparison, we provide three supported field types for filtering:

  • empty (text type)
    Text types dont require any prefix, that’s because thats the most common filter. This would be used to filter on a text status for example post_status=published
  • # (number)
    If your filter is testing on a number value just prefix the number with the # sign for example ID>#10
  • @ (date)
    When testing against TIMESTAMP or DATETIME types use the @ prefix. This is helpful for only showing time relevant results such as past_date>@2012-02-13

Support Site Available Welocally wants to provide great support and build a developer community, so we have created support site for this product so you can bring up detailed technical questions. We request that you go there for technical support so people can use the comments section for simple comments about the product.

Download Starfish Paginator Shortcode (WordPress)

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