Document Viewer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to view several file formats directly in a web page. The file formats that Document Viewer supports are:
- PDF Files
- Text Files
- Code – bsh, c, cc, cpp, cs, csh, css, cyc, cv, htm, html, java, js, m, mxml, perl, php, pl, pm, py, rb, sh, xhtml, xml, xsl, sql, vb
- Images – png, jpg, jpeg, gif
- Audio – mp3, m4a, oga, webma, fla
- Video – m4v, ogv, ogg, webmv, flv,mpg, mpeg, mov, divx, avi, wmv
Initialize the plugin
var documentViewer = $('#document-preview').documentViewer();
Load A document
Load a document without an extension
documentViewer.load('http://absolute/url/to/1', {extension:'pdf'});
Load a document passing all options
documentViewer.load('http://absolute/url/to/file.pdf', { height:600; width:500; extension:'pdf', autoplay:true, autoLoadDependencies:true, debug:false, callback:function(){ alert('document loaded'); }, jPlayer:{ //you can play any jPlayer options here warningAlerts:false } });
Document Viewer uses the following 3rd party utilities:
- pdf.js
- jPlayer
- Flowplayer
- Google Code Prettify
Important Notes & Quirks
- This is a jQuery plugin with an optional PHP dependency if you want to use text & code documents.
- This plugin uses pdf.js to render pdfs. Pdf.js is being developed by a very solid team, but it is still in beta, which means that it may not render all PDFs 100% correctly.
- The plugin works in IE7 & 8 for all types except pdfs.