Point Of Interest (POI) Auto Map For WordPress (WordPress)

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Create Location Aware WordPress Sites In Minutes

Poi Auto Map combines the power of Google’s Maps and Places APIs to give
you a simple way to add highly interactive Point of Interest maps to your WordPress
website. All you need to do is define a starting address and a list of point
of interest categories and POI Auto Map does the rest. Move the map and watch
the points update. You can also define a database connection from which to
source your POI points. This is the largest update yet in both features and performance.

Works well in any WordPress website and any v3.0+ compatible theme.

This is the WordPress Plugin Version of: http://codecanyon.net/item/point-of-interest-poi-auto-map/101599 . All configuration is done from the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

See a working simple shortcode example here: http://wp2.australele.com

See a working advanced shortcode example here: http://wp2.australele.com/advanced-poi-auto-map-example/

New In Version 5.0:

  • Google Places Integration
    • Access Google Place Information
    • Use Google Places Types
    • Combine Types with search by name for more granular results.
    • Returns multiple results limited only by search radius setting.
    • Uses JSON result set for best performance
    • Can use Googles POI icons for places locations
  • Geolocation – Location Aware
    • Automatically find your current location
    • Ideal for Mobile Applications
  • Mobile / Full Screen Example Included
    • Includes JS / HTML and CSS
    • Works well on ios / android / wm, phones and tablets
  • External Info Window
    • Have infowindow content be shown in an external DIV instead on the standard info window bubble
  • Improved Interface
    • Scrolling Categories List
    • Expand / Collapse Categories List
  • Database Performance
    • Database records are now returned as JSON .
    • Significantly faster for large record sets.
  • Removed Items
    • Panoramio and Wikipedia Layers
    • XML File Processing

New In Version 4.0:

  • Google Maps API v3.0
    • Re written for Google Maps API v3.0
    • keyless api
    • faster mapping / geocaching
  • Removed XML file processing

New In Version 3.0:

  • Database connector
    • Add Markers to the map from your own database
    • Assign custom marker icons to each group or each individual point
    • Add your own custom HTML to the marker point’s popup
    • Street View and Driving Directions Included
    • Only markers from the database that are on the current map area are
      loaded – better speed.
    • Batch / Bulk Geocoding tool included – convert addresses to latitude,
      longitude pairs
    • Must be running PHP 5 .1 or better and MySQL
  • User Printable Street Directions
    • Customize what gets printed with your own logo

v2.0 Features:

  • Integrated Streetview
  • User Search categories
  • Search for locations
  • Photo and wikipedia layers
  • Simple Integration
  • 100% Native Javascript – No Jquery, MooTools, etc
  • Fully CSS stylable
  • Full Documentation Included
  • Full Geocoding – Just provide an address. No messing with Latitude
    and Longitude
  • Dynamic results – no DB or data entry required if you don’t want
    to connect to a database

Perfect For:

  • Location Based Services
  • Mobile Direction Sites
  • Creating an advanced Location / Contact page on your site
  • Realtor / Estate Agents
  • Community Guides
  • Restaurant Guides
  • Photo Galleries

Download Point Of Interest (POI) Auto Map For WordPress (WordPress)

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