Jigoshop Wish List (Jigoshop)

Jigoshop Wish List – WordPress eCommerce Plugin

Jigoshop Wish List allows you to add Amazon-style wish list functionality to your Jigoshop eCommerce store.


For Customers
  • Each registered customer gets their own customizable wish list
  • Customers can easily add and remove products from their wish list
  • Customers can customize their list’s name and description
  • Customers can get a unique link to share their list with family and friends, or choose to keep their list private

Add to Wish List button

For Store Owners
  • Choose whether you want “Add to Wish List” buttons on individual product pages, catalog items, or both
  • Enable or disable customer-configurable lists
  • Enable or disable public lists
  • Customize button text, classes, table headers, and more through the admin interface

Jigoshop Wish List Control Panel

Jigoshop Wish List is built using the standard functions and classes.


Read the Support Guide

Private Wish List

  • The Jigoshop E-Commerce Plugin (version
  • A Jigoshop-compatible theme
  • A properly configured installation
  • WordPress 3.3+


NOTE : The following resources are used in the demo, but not included with your purchase of Jigoshop Wish List.

Download Jigoshop Wish List (Jigoshop)

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