JQuery Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow (Images and Media)

Welcome to new Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow jam-packed with settings!

Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow is a clean and simple yet powerfull image gallery with multiple transitions included.
Some of the options include the possibility of having images in fit-inside, fit-outside or normal (untouched) mode, using the component in 100% fluid layout of a custom fixed size, playlist positioned on any side, menu and thumbnails vertical or horizontal orientation… etc

Options include:

  • Component fixed size or 100% fluid layout.
  • Image size options:
    • ‘fit-inside’ (fit image to window size, no cropping)
    • ‘fit-outside’ (image covers full window)
    • ‘normal mode’ (leaves images smaller than window size intact)
    • ‘force image fit mode’ (force smaller images to window size)
  • Playlist integrated ‘inside’ (hides on demand) or ‘outside’ (always visible).
  • Playlist position: top / right / bottom / left.
  • Thumbnail orientation: vertical / horizontal.
  • Menu orientation: vertical / horizontal.
  • 6 transition types with multiple configuration options (transition time, transition ease, directions, image size modes, component background color).
  • Transitions include:
    • Ken Burns (multiple configuration options with built in randomizers)
    • Alpha (simple crossfade)
    • Image Reveal (4 variations)
    • Image Slide (4 variations)
    • Image Split (6 variations)
    • Image Zoom
  • Unlimited image categories possible.
  • Unlimited images per category possible.
  • Can be used with only single image category (no menu).
  • Define maximum visible thumbnails or specific number.
  • Define maximum visible menu items or specific number.
  • Define thumbnails and menu spacing, thumb mask radius, optional rollovers.
  • Auto open playlist.
  • Auto open description.
  • Optional description for each image.
  • Optional different thumbnail size per category.
  • Autoplay slideshow.
  • Optional random play.
  • Global or individual delay (per category).
  • Optional advance slideshow to next category (loop categories).
  • Optional link for each image (blank/parent, open url in new/same window).
  • Link whole slide or just link icon.
  • Optional image preloader.
  • Set active category on beginning.
  • Public methods available.
    • Start slideshow
    • Stop slideshow
    • Load category (number)
    • Load media (number)
    • Previous media
    • Next media
    • Toggle playlist
  • Google fonts used.
  • Embed multiple galleries into single page (examples provided).
  • Special Thanks and Credits

    Images used in the preview are courtesy of Fotolia

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Download JQuery Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow (Images and Media)

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