Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)


Birdo makes WordPress comments more powerful and social. It lets your users comment with a tweet, spurring the conversation and promoting your website at the same time.

How it works

When your user uses Birdo to make a comment on your website, he’s asked to authenticate with his Twitter account, and his comment will appear on your website and on his Twitter page, always with a shortened version of the post address.
This way, every comment is a promotion on the twitter social network to every friend of your user.

Try for yourself: View Birdo Demo


Augmented sociality

Increase the connection with your users, exploiting the hotness of Twitter. Add to WordPress the ability of tweeting your content.

Increased promotion

Expand your audience, giving your users the chance to promote your content in their social circles.

Raised traffic

Maximize your website exposure, putting your content under Twitter spotlights.

…Do more, with less

With simple functionality and an unobtrusive design, promote your content without punching your users on the eye.

System Requirements

We support WordPress 2.8+ Anyway we always recommend to use the latest version of WordPress, it’s safer and you get the latest innovations!


The plugin tries to automatically inherit the styles of your blog, but sometimes you can need to adjust the css for full integration (we can give you basic instructions, if you need).
Birdo uses standard WordPress functions to work, so it should be compatible with most themes. We are always adding compatibility to new themes, when we found some that it doesn’t work (if the theme is not coded correctly, and miss the WP hook Birdo uses, it could not work right out of the bat, but you can easily make it work with a one line addiction to your theme code. You probably won’t need to do that).

Download Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)

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