KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin (Sliders)

KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin

What is it?

Kenburner is the premium way of using a slider in your website. A combination of Ken Burns Effect, state-of-the-art Slider and Text Animations defines this slider.

Customize this slider with just a little HTML and CSS to your very needs. Give each slider some captions to transport your message. Use your Ken Burns Animated banner elements with the possibility of playing YouTube and Vimeo clips in a special detail view with describing text.

So what is so new?

For best perfomance it uses HTML5 Canvas Animation. If this is not possible in your browser it will FallBack to CSS Animation. And if you use a browser which does not this it will FallBack to a jQuery version. So it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on mobile devices with the best possible performance!

The Ken Burns is totally customizable: Start-, End Point, Zoom In or Out, Zoom Factor are all in the different slider parameters. Or go nuts and choose "Random"!

And do not forget that you not only can animate your picture transitions and the Ken Burns Effect but the elements (Text, Icons, Pics…) on each slide too. You can create unlimited amounts of objects and let them appear with style!

Does this really run on all browsers and on mobiles?

Sure it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on iOS(iPad,iPhone) and Android mobile devices due to its 3 Layer Fallback System. Touch swipe for iOS and Android mobile devices is of course included.

What are the features?

Is it hard to implement?

No! It is the typical way of implementing a jQuery plugin. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript.
The given example is an awesome start point to build your own slider out of it. Put the JS and CSS links in the head of your HTML site and put in some DIV elements for your items.

The Blur Transition Effect is based on the change of 2 images. Our Instruction PSD gives you the knowlegde to reproduce this effect on your pictures.

The images seen in the preview are licensed from fotolia and are NOT included in the download. The download of this item contains placeholder images with dimension labels.

  • Image and Thumbs fully resizable
  • Using Canvas Animation with FallBack to CSS Animation and also with FallBack to jQuery
  • Optional Ken Burns effect
  • Unlimited Caption Layers
  • Unlimited Slides
  • Customizable Ken Burns Effect (StartEnd-Position and Zoom or Random)
  • iPhone/iPad & Android Swipe Touch enabled
  • jQuery Conflict free plugin
  • Customizable 100% via Plugin Parameters / CSS / HTML
  • Easy installation in your Website
  • Special Easing
  • Example Page included
  • Example Picture Effect Instruction PSD included
  • 2 Pictures are used for Hover-Effects, so you can build every effect you wish (blur, greyscale…) with your favorite image tool
  • Download KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin (Sliders)

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