WordPress Social Counters & Ranking (Social Networking)

Show your social counts, prove yourself, attract people, strengthen your network, promote your business. It has dramatically helped us improving our social stats. Get Word Press Social Counter And Ranking Plugin and be ready to face the truth.

In the fast past few months we have realized that how important social stats are for a website to quickly promote business or blog. It makes a big impact on a person’s mind to determine how powerful this website / blog is. These stats will help them to decide whether to join your network or find a better one for product or knowledge he can rely upon.


Displays the number of:

  • Facebook Page Likes
  • Alexa Rank, Google PageRank
  • YouTube Channel and Feedburner Feed Subscribers
  • Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst and Digg Fans & Followers
  • Feed Subscribe Box for inviting users to get subscribe to your blog feeds.
  • Enable and disable any of these networks to perfectly fit your needs.
  • Fluid layout set automatically to you WordPress widget size.
  • Customizable widget background, border, colors according to your theme.
  • Updates every four hours to reduce API calls and load time.
  • Default values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable
  • Support for all major browsers
  • Free future updates, to support even more networks and additional features
  • Freedom

    Our plugin will give you freedom for activating services that you want to show to your reader or users. Suppose if I want to show Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers count only and do not want to show Digg, Dribbble, Forrst fans – followers count. I would prefer as a programmer to show my stack overflow reputation over my social count. I can also decide whether I want to avail ranking facility such as Google page rank and Alexa rank of my site / blog.


    • WordPress 2.8+
    • PHP 5 .0+

    Future plans

    • Add even more networks (e.g. Google+, Delicious, LinkedIn, Mail Chimp, aweber…)
    • New additional styles

    Some More Words

    If you really liked this plugin then take a minute and rate it. It would be highly appreciated by our team. If you have rated it anything less than 5 star then please let us know where were we lacking and didn’t fulfill you expectations. We are all open for your suggestions do not hesitate to contact us. Please go to this link and just fill contact form. We are just one step away.

    Download WordPress Social Counters & Ranking (Social Networking)

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