WordPress FirePHP Debugger (Miscellaneous)

WordPress FirePHP Debugger is a WordPress (mu-)plugin used to improve quality and comfort of development under WordPress. This plugin can replace a banch of plugins for wordpress developers and increase speed and efficiency of development process.

Debugging WordPress plugins and themes can be a real pain. Having tools for debugging is very helpful and even necessary. No more vardump() and echo while debugging. No more routine logs parsing. WordPress FirePHP Debugger take care of it, clean and easy.
Typically, there are two main ways of debugging server-side code: you can utilize an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a built-in debugger or log and perform your debugging processes in a web browser. This plugin shares an elegant, simple, and more maintainable way of debugging wordpress via the web browser (more specifically for the Mozilla Firefox browser).

Demo Video


  • Very easy to install/uninstall (just copy/remove the files, no activation/deactivation)
  • High quality of FirePHP integration:
    • Automatic detection of FirePHP server library inside php include path or separated directory
    • Early loading of the debugger (before WordPress engine starts)
    • No modifications to WordPress core or configuration files
    • Automatic enabling of WordPress debug mode
  • Errors logger:
    • Handles all php fatal errors (no more blank pages and logs parsing)
    • Real time notifications
    • Logs WordPress deprecated functions and arguments
    • Handles all standart php errors and exceptions (including user defined)
  • Safe debugging on live site
    • Restricted access for non authorized users
    • “Remember me” functionality for not logged in users
    • Debug information or php errors will not be shown to visitors
  • Two ways to configure plugin: text configuration file or settings page inside WordPress admin area
  • Useful information blocks for developers:
    • SQL queries log
    • System information (WordPress and server environment)
    • PHP variables and constants

Download WordPress FirePHP Debugger (Miscellaneous)

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