jUpload – PHP & AJAX upload and manage images (Images and Media)

jUploader is script created for uploading, resizing, cropping and watermarking images. If you are running your blog or site and you use several different sizes of one image (thumb, medium, big) you know how much time you loose in preparing images for web. Probably you have some script for auto cropping but very often it crop wrong part of the picture.

jUploader is combination of auto and manual cropping functions, it is easy to set auto crop options (unlimited different sizes of one image) and if the wrong part of picture is cropped you can manually crop desired part of image ( using AJAX – no page reloading).

jUploader uses php class for managaing images and this package contains php ready file for crop, resize, watermark or apply some effects on all images from one folder to another

– using Ajax – no page reloading
– all effect and actions are done on the fly
– crop image to a several different height and width
– create unlimited numbers of resized/croped images from one image
– preview cropped/resized images on the fly
– resize keeping aspect ratio
– 12 image filters
– rotate images
– manual crop
– add custom prefixes to images
– keeps original image(you made need it sometime – who knows)
– watermark, 5 positions: TopLeft, TopRight,BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center
– drag images to change order
– class for resizing, cropping, watermarking, effects—> included, along with script for managing images in folder. You can crop, resize or apply effect on all images in given folder
– easy to add/remove image filters
– turn on/off effects and buttons

Download jUpload – PHP & AJAX upload and manage images (Images and Media)

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