Smart Social WordPress plugin (Social Networking)

Smart social -one awesome wordpress plugin
smart social is one powerful , fuel custonizable ,social sharing WordPress plugin that enables your site users to share the page to various social or bookmarking network.
It have your different icon sets with hover effects. PSD also includes so that you can customize .


  1. Smart social website support
  2. Easily choose which social box appear .
  3. Drag and drop to organize social icon set.
  4. Numerous other possible customizing
  5. Icon set can be changed.
  6. Above post/pages or after page/post option can be set.
  7. Float options can be set left or right.
  8. Position can best for the float or slider.
  9. Background color of float or slider can be changed.
  10. Title of the float or slider share can be changed from 10 different color set.
  11. Tool tips can be active or disable.
  12. Psd inclued to change images.
  13. Code is potimize so that it do not load when it is not necessary.
  14. 6 Different icon set with hover or without hover or shadow.
  15. More features is coming soon.

Title image :

10 different color images for share.

Icon set :

Sorting Option:


Firstly please check out the FAQ section and see if you could find any solution there.
You can also contact me via the contact form or my profile page. I i’be happy to help or provide support for my product.

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