YouTube videos for Facebook Pages Tabs (Miscellaneous)

This application enables you to enrich your Facebook page by adding a new video tab where you can integrate different type of videos from YouTube (including your own channels, or your own channels selection), and enables your visitors to view (featured videos always up to date, categories) and search millions of YouTube videos without leaving your Facebook page.

It’s also a great way to get more likes to your Facebook page since the users need to like your page before being able to unlock its content.

Try out our demo here


– Enrich your Facebook page with an awesome YouTube app
– Unlock your app only for users who have liked your page
– 4 types of videos feeds available.
– Get your own YouTube channel (or selected channels) on your Facebook page
– Include YouTube featured videos and categories (always up to date)
– Let your visitors search into millions on videos right from your page !
– Powered by the YouTube API v2 and Facebook page tabs.
– Supports paginations
– Uses AJAX for playing but also navigating through the video lists.
– Included documentation (and how to create a Facebook page)

Download YouTube videos for Facebook Pages Tabs (Miscellaneous)

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