WPToWord | WordPress to Word Doc Plugin (Utilities)

This plugin is design to download and archive all of your WordPress blog content (including meta data) as a Microsoft Word (MS Word .doc) document. This is useful for clients who prefer to see all of their content laid out in a Word Doc as opposed to seeing it in real time on their website.

This plugin requires that you are running WordPress version 3.0 or greater. You can read more about WordPress and download the most recent version from WordPress.org.

It is also required that the ‘wp-content/uploads’ or ‘wp-content/blogs.dir’ folders be writeable in order to store the documents. ‘wp-content/blogs.dir’ is used only for multisite instances which this plugin is also designed to support. You can read more about these requirements and how to properly configure WordPress at http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress

Download WPToWord | WordPress to Word Doc Plugin (Utilities)

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