University Of Education (Full Applications)

University of Education,is more than an iOS template built on Appcelerator’s Titanium, is an almost ready app for educational institutions that features 9 different modules.:

1. Academics
*Courses List Module with a Course Page
*Admission Module
*About Module (where you can tell the Institute history…)

2. Media
*News Module, Reading an real RSS , Checking network connection and displaying a loading indicator.
*Gallery Module, Reading a Real Flickr Group pics service, Checking network connection and displaying a loading indicator.
*Twitter, Reading the twitts from an account, Checking network connection and displaying a loading indicator.

3. Contact
*Mail Module, open the Mail App ready to send an email to the Institute.
*Call to us is a functionality that allows call directly from the phone.

  • Map, this module shows a interactive map (google map) centered in the educational institute.

You can use this full app or use the modules for you own project.

All this App is built to be use over Titanium, please visit, for more titanium information.
In simples term you can build native iOS apps using the Titanium’s Javascript API , this app is not a web browser app, this will be 100% native after titanium compiling process.

Please check this Youtube Video

Download University Of Education (Full Applications)

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