Modal Contact Form for WordPress (Forms)

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Our Modal Contact Form for WordPress lets you easily add a stylish contact form to your WordPress blog. It comes with the usual name, email, message fields, as well as reCaptcha support to prevent spam.

Its simple to get started – in most cases just activate the theme and your ready!


  • Adds a ‘contact us’ button to your WordPress site
  • Contact form appears inside a modal window/lightbox (powered by Facebox)
  • reCaptcha antispam
  • Capture the users IP address and user agent along with their message.


  • Upload the ninety-modal-contact plugin folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin from the WordPress admin panel
  • Your ready! In the WP admin panel you will now see the ‘Modal Contact’ section under settings. Here you can set up the form and reCaptcha

Contact form not showing? Modal windows not working?

Most good themes contain the required wp_head/wp_footer hooks – if yours does not you will need to add them to your theme’s header and footer.php files.

Change Log

1.0 – First Release

Want to add fields?

There are hooks and actions to add new fields:

  • (action) before_ninety_message – before the message field on the contact form
  • (action) after_ninety_message – after the message field on the contact form
  • (action) process_ninety_modal_contact_form – done when validating fields from the form
  • (filter) ninety_modal_contact_form_message – lets you change the sent message
  • (filter) ninety_modal_contact_sent_to – change who to send the email to, by default its the admin


The form is provided as-is so if you want to add new fields etc etc go for it! Read above, just don’t ask us to do it for you via the comments because its beyond the scope of the contact form we provide :)

Download Modal Contact Form for WordPress (Forms)

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