Ringtone maker (Images and Media)

Mp3 ringtone maker, upload your mp3 and cut favorite part

How to?

1. Upload your mp3 song
2. Select favorite part from song using two sliders, first one represent start for new ringtone and second one repersent end of it
3. after you selected part of the song, press “OK, i’m finished”
4. press on link to download your ringtone
Second step is to select your favorite part of song with two sliders, one (left one) is representing start of the ringtone and second one (right) representing end of ringtone.
You can move sliders with your mouse, or you can click on one slider and use keyboard arrows for more precise selecting. After that, press button “OK, i am finished” and link for download will be displayed.


  • PHP 5 .x
  • MySQL
  • jQuery

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Download Ringtone maker (Images and Media)

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