AuthSales is an awesome app that will allow marketplace authors to receive text message updates when they receive a sale. This script works by using the envato api via cron job and will check for updates in sales via a cache file. If an update is found, it will get the newest item?s name, transaction timestamp, sale amount, and overall current balance. I have chosen to include only the newest item with current balance to control the amount of text messages being sent. Also if you have full control over your server, you can set the scheduled time, so if you would like it to check every 5 minutes you can or every hour or so. This app is great for authors who do not have the luxury of fancy phones such as the iPhone or Android and would like updates sent to them!
- SMS Text message for new sales
- Highly documented for customization
- Nice GUI for installation
- Great for authors who do not have iPhones or android for apps