“Profesional Cronjobs” is a script that allows webmasters to repeat files/functions at a given interval of time. The file Does not require a mysql Database
How it works
Attention!, this is not a SYSTEM cron job , you usually find in CPANEL , or in linux servers where you set a time and a function to run and the server will automatically run the script. The php cronjob is based on last update time. If you set a cron job to run each 10 seconds, the system logs the timestamp when the cron has been last ran and calculates the difference between the user’s access time and the last run time, and if the difference is greater than 10 seconds it will run the script again, updating the last run time and repeating the process all over again.
- Ajax System
- Run files/functions
- Upload files
- Compatible with all servers
- Administration panel
- Easy installation