Ultimate 3D Carousel With CMS (Images and Media)

Link to Carousel demo: Carousel Demo
Link to CMS demo: CMS Demo



A small patch

I left some alert by accident, that can be seen only in internet explorer.
Released an update for that bug, but till then, you can download a small patch with the fixed file.


This is an Advanced Carousel, fully controlled by the CMS .
No more xml files, image folders, image resizing, thumb making, by hand image uploading.
All of this you can do with the CMS .
Just play with the options yourself, refresh the gallery, and see how the changes affects it.
You can play with the images too (create/delete/rename categories, upload/delete/rename images).
Don’t worry, you are not harming the preview.


By purchasing this item, I am totally committed to give you the best support with any
issue you have. I’ll help you with installing, running, and using this gallery.
Besides, if you want some feature that this gallery don’t have, or you found some bug that you think
this gallery have, please don’t hesitate to write me, and i’ll try to add it to the next product update.


PHP 5 .2 or higher with sqlite or mysql extension. (for the CMS )

Carousel features:

  • Resizable – fit itself to any size.
  • Jquery plugin. Very easy to embed to any web page
  • Supports browsers: firefox, google chrome,IE7+, opera. In IE 6 don’t support transparent .png
  • Support any image formats: gif,bmp,png,jpg
  • Fully controlled by the CMS
  • Very customizible, easy to reaplce the buttons, preloader, set your styles etc.
  • Many many settings that you can set via the admin: colors, sizes, text styles and more
  • Has many js events and API function for simple modifying it for your needs.
  • Best images size and download times – the image are resized dynamically on the server, and caches by required width / height.
  • And many, many more…

Admin features:

  • Has 2 login modes – user and administrator. The user has no permissions to edit settings, only gallery data.
  • Easy to use settings presets.
  • Easy to install – the application uses a sqlite (flat file) database, no need to install the database.
  • All you need is upload the application to to the server, and it’s work.

  • Setup EVERYTHING through the CMS . All the appearance settings, and all the gallery data.
    No additional xml files required.
  • Very flexible gallery settings. Has all settings you need to give it a custom look.
  • Auto thumbnails, auto resize images to best fit of thumbnails and image view.
  • Auto resize when image output. If you upload a big image, and your gallery are openes in a small window the image will be resized and cached on the server, and delivired small.
  • Image download functionality
  • Image preview functionality
  • Handy color picker (settings)
  • Drag and drop picture sorting / moving between categories
  • Drag and drop categories sorting
  • Variety images operations: upload, delete, copy/move between categories, change order, change title, description and link, preview, view in browser, duplicate, or download.
  • Variety of categories operations: add , delete , rename , change title, change description
  • Very convenient managing interface – the gallery managing interface is very intuitive and reminds windows.
  • Powerful media server – the php part is basically a media server. Whats means, that you can split your media server, gallery and the admin,
    and put them even on different domains, it will be still working.
  • Multiple file uploader.
  • Multiple images selection (mouse selection , shift and control keys)
  • Enabled context menu and mouse wheel on image operations

Third party components:

The camera items are from IconFinder

The CMS (settings panel) is using Farbtastic color picker.

For the carousel base I use Cloud Carousel

To the developers of both components – Many many thanks.

Check my other items:


Download Ultimate 3D Carousel With CMS (Images and Media)

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