This is the source file from the Vectortuts+ tutorial “How to Make a Parrot Illustration with Custom Brushes,” by Nancy Zonneveld. Tutorials and projects
Freelance Projects, Design and Programming Tutorials
This is the source file from the Vectortuts+ tutorial “How to Make a Parrot Illustration with Custom Brushes,” by Nancy Zonneveld.
This is the source file from the Vectortuts+ tutorial “How to Create a Spray Grunge Splatter,” by Saurabh Sharma.
This is the source file from the Vectortuts+ tutorial “How to Use Scribble Effects in Illustrator,” by Sean Hodge.
10 Steps to a Better Electric Guitar Tone in a Live Band Setting. This Tut will take you through the common steps to achieve that great tone your looking for when performing on stage. The topics include Volume, EQ, Guitar Selection, Pickup Selection, Comping, Pick Vs. Fingers, Reverb, Overdrive, and Effects.
In this 40 minute exclusive video tutorial you will learn how to install the e-commerce solution Magento on a dedicated server or VPS .
In order for you to follow this tutorial you must have a clean installation of your dedicated server och VPS (running Linux). You must also have the IP-adress of your server and username and password for a SSH connection available. This will be provided to you when purchasing a dedicated server or VPS from your hosting provider.
This tutorial is designed to cover everything from logging into the server for the first time to the actual installation of Magento itself.
I’m using Ubuntu Server in this tutorial, however the process of installing Magento on another Linux distribution is similar.
This tutorial will cover:
I will walk you through every command during this tutorial, and they will also be available in a PDF file along with the video itself.
This tutorial is produced by Martin Hellsing, a former information technology teacher and owner of a webhosting company in Sweden. Today Martin works as a IT-consultant focusing on network security and SaaS environments.
This 29-page PDF guides new-to-Drupal designers and site builders through the process of creating a Drupal theme.
Step-by-step instructions are provided for:
Theming Drupal: A first timer’s guide also includes tips on creating custom node templates, working with base themes and selling your own Drupal themes.
Whether you want to build and sell your own designs, or you’re a newly hired designer at a Drupal Web development shop, this ebook is for designers who know how to make a basic Web site using HTML and CSS and now want to expand their skills to include theming.
Praise for Theming Drupal: A first timer’s guide
“Theming Drupal: A first timer’s guide makes me dance. Every Drupaler should keep it around.” Amye Scavarda, Portland, OR
“[Theming Drupal: A first timer’s guide is] … essential for an industry designer to quickly get up to speed as a Drupal themer, a role for which there is a huge and growing demand.” Victor Kane, author of Leveraging Drupal
”… a fantastic starting place for someone new to PHP and creating Drupal themes. Theming Drupal: A first timer’s guide covers many of the very subjects that drove me up a wall trying to figure out as I started with Drupal theming …” Jared Stoneberg, Seattle, WA
“In the section Displaying Content with More Precision, is reference material you’ll come back to time and again; how to pluck out the labels and field values from node variables. Flatter portions of my forehead could have been saved by bookmarking this type of reference material.” Peter McMillan
“The chapter on theming blocks is guaranteed to be useful for almost anyone just starting out with Drupal theming.” Wayne Atkinson
“This ebook is a very efficient and easy to follow guide…” Rain Breaw, Los Angeles
“I don’t think I have seen another document that explains so many topics on theming in such a clear manner (and in so few words).” Steve Hanson, Wisconsin
Is a career in illustration something you’ve always dreamed of but never quite decided to make the leap and go for it?
Me too. But at the beginning of 2010, I decided to set myself a 12 week challenge and finally commit to make serious progress with my illustration career. I thought it’d be motivating and fun to invite others to join me on the challenge…and so the 12 week challenge was born.
The 12 week challenge consists of:
Some of the things that the challenge will help you create include:
“A professional illustration career is a dream I’ve had for a very long time. Completing this challenge took me further than I thought possible in 12 weeks. Just about the time the hard work was getting me down, a question was asked, ‘How bad do you want it?’. Well say no more, I completed the tasks and I’m rolling!! I’m not saying it was easy, I’m saying it was worth it!” Donna Jeanne Koepp from
“Being an absolute newbie in the world of professional illustration, I was lacking artistic confidence, time management skills, and business acumen. Not only did the 12 Week Challenge provide me with those things (in spades), but it introduced me to a fantastic community of illustrators and friends who are probably some of the most talented and supportive people on the planet. If the 12 Week Challenge can set someone like me (a serial procrastinator) on the right course, it will be of an amazing assistance to anyone seeking to dip their toes into the wonderful world of professional illustration.” Kristine Astop from
“I’d always harboured dreams of being an illustrator and happened upon the 12 Week Challenge online. It gave me the structure and guidance I needed to get started and start believing in my talents, and has become an invaluable resource. Not mention the incredible group of people I have met and who continue to offer unending support and inspiration.” Laura Nuttall from
The 12 Week Challenge Kit is an extended version of the original challenge which was posted for free on the blog and includes the following components:
“Sometimes we know what we want to do but we do not how to get there. The 12 Week Challenge provided me with a road map and tools needed to successfully get to where I wanted to be in my creative career. It also gave me a solid foundation of concepts and resources that I can use to market my craft as I continue my creative journey.” Maria Senkel from
“Happening upon this step-by-step masterclass has benefited me enormously; not only in helping to consider and reposition myself within the creative industry, but through my participation in the 12wk challenge I’ve found myself amid a dynamic community of inspirational and supportive peers.” Dylan White from
“I’d been wanting to go back to illustration for a long time but I did not know where to start. This challenge was exactly what I was looking for: practical tasks, a lot of thinking and strategic planning. We not only looked at our drawings but also (and more importantly) at the business side of our craft. Because if it all goes well, we will be drawing and painting AND we will make a good living out of it.” Philippe Debongnie from
The Smashing eBook Bundle contains the Smashing eBooks #1-5: Professional Web Design, Successful Freelancing for Web Designers, Mastering Photoshop for Web Design, Mobile Design for iPhone and iPad, How to Create Selling E-Commerce Websites. Available as PDF , ePUB, Mobipocket.
Buy 5 Smashing eBooks for the price of 4!
In “The Unautomation Theory” you’ll learn how to:
In “The Science of Unautomation” you’ll get:
In “Applying Unautomation“, you’ll learn how to:
A comprehensive 83-page eBook, featuring “The Unautomation Theory”, “The Science of Unautomation”, and “Applying Unautomation”. Over 25,000 words dedicated to providing everything you need to adopt a simple, passionate approach to money.
Building Websites with Blogger is the ultimate guide to creating a beautiful, usable website with Blogger, and includes 3 bonus Blogger templates!
This eBook delivers details the step-by-step process used to create a complete website, including:
And much more!
Fully illustrated and annotated throughout, this eBook is suitable for Blogger users of any level of experience and includes three beautiful Blogger templates which you can use as the basis for your own website design.
I was once really bad with people.
I mean, REALLY bad. I had a few friends, but they were mostly as bad with people as I was. We weren’t even good with each other. We played video games to avoid dealing with our co-discomfort.
And it’s not just me! It’s HARD to meet people.
You’ve got a few mates from work or school, sure, but those are freebies. That’s forced interaction; hand-holding. How do you actually meet people out in the wild?!
I couldn’t figure this out either. Well actually, I did, but it took a while. And then I wrote an ebook about it. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The point I wanted to get around to is this: these days my businesses are almost entirely based on the strength of my network.
I can walk into a room and be confident that by the time I leave I’ll know most of the people there and will have given them a reason to remember (and want to stay in touch with) me. I understand the intersocial dynamics of different kinds of get-togethers and the flow of power in a social setting.
This was tricky stuff to learn!
Unfortunately, most books on networking focus on things that are a bit arbitrary and unnecessary.
Most of what they preach is also a bit humdrum and boring…do you REALLY want to attend another conference? Infrared-exchange your contact information with a stranger with a Blackberry and a name tag? Shake hands, CRM names, practice elevator speeches, pretend to be interested?
Yeesh, me neither. What’s truly unfortunate is that this dry, frail kind of relationship-building process is what has come to represent ‘networking’ in the business sphere, and it’s not only yawn-inducing, it’s also ineffective.
In this ebook, I propose a new tact that involves building stronger bonds and social habits, and developing a more fulfilling approach to life and cultivating a more valuable network.
I’ll give you tips, tricks, philosophies and stories that will help you become a better networker without boring you along the way.
Not only that, but I’ve convinced 26 of the people who’s networking skills I respect the most (from all different walks of life, industries and lifestyles) to share their own experiences and advice.
Networking Awesomely has over 250 pages worth of information on how I’ve built my ideal lifestyle around a strong network, and how you can do the same.
In this 60 minute exclusive video tutorial you will get a better understanding of how the Internet works and learn about IP-adresses. By wathing this tutorial you will build a foundation of skills necessary to work as a IT-professional or setting up a small yet advanced network at home.
We’re all using them on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if you’re just browsing the internet, playing online games or working as a IT-professional. Every day we all use IP-adresses at home or at work to have fun or get some work done. In this tutorial you will learn the basics on how the Internet works and about the all so important IP-adress itself.
This tutorial will cover:
In addition to a one hour long video tutorial, I have also provided a detailed PDF with several examples on how to convert decimal IP-adresses to binary ones and a summary of the video tutorial.
This tutorial is produced by Martin Hellsing, a former information technology teacher and owner of a webhosting company in Sweden. Today Martin works as a IT-consultant focusing on network security and SaaS environments.
Contains over 10,000 words of juicy tips covering: world changing writing, establishing expertise, blogging, the art of a great testimonial and product description pages.
Throughout this workbook you will learned how to help your visitors overcome option paralysis to make the right decisions about how to find content on your Web site. After completing each of the activities in the workbook you will have the skills you need to complete each of the steps needed to create effective, audience-driven content for your Web site.
Specific skills covered in this workbook include:
1. Defining goals business goals to develop laser-like focus on which Web pages need to be written—and which can wait.
2. Listing actionable steps you want people to take on your Web site to help you write compelling call to action statements.
3. Targeting the right kinds of Web site visitors to grow your business.
4. Structuring Web site content to help convert site visitors to frequent buyers.
5. Perform a content audit to identify which material is already written and what material still needs to be assembled.
6. Identify the key blockers that are preventing consumers from buying from you.
7. Develop the confidence necessary to create powerful statements which demonstrate your expertise to your target audience.
8. Solicit, and receive, jaw-dropping testimonials from your best clients.
Cover photo by Nikki Tysoe (<a”>href=””>
You can spend the rest of your professional career tweaking Web pages to try and beat search engines and get ranked #1, or you can follow this simple 24-page guide on how search engines work and merely beat your competitors at attracting highly qualified buyers. This guide does not have any secret voodoo, trick Google into ranking you higher. It has solid advice on creating Web sites that will attract, and convert, relevant buyers using white hat search engine marketing techniques.
– worksheets to help you create keyword-rich pages that search engines love
– seven techniques you can immediately put to use on your own site to improve how your site is perceived by search engines
– 18 analytics software packages, services and widgets that will help you evaluate the effectiveness of SEO improvements
– how to turn your Web site stats into money-finding tools by tracking only the eight most important elements needed to increase sales
This package includes two bonus workbooks that cover search engines and five simple tips that will ensure you get even more traffic to your site.
In this 29 minute exclusive video tutorial you will learn how to setup multiple websites and domain names on a Apache webserver running on GNU /Linux.
There are so many ways of setting up Apache to run multiple websites and domain names. However, in this tutorial I will show you a simple yet powerful way that works like a charm.
Why spend a lot of money on a complex webhosting control panel to create multiple websites when you can do it yourself?
After watching this tutorial you will have the necessary skills to setup multiple websites and domain names on the Apache webserver. A real money saver!
This tutorial requires that you already have a Linux server with Apache installed. If you don’t know how to install Linux and Apache you might be interested in this tutorial aswell.
You will learn how to:
You will also learn:
The only thing you have to do after watching this tutorial is to make sure that your domain name resolves to the ip-adress of your server. Details on how to get a hold on your ipadress is provided in this tutorial. Create an ”a record” for your domain name that points to
your ip-adress and you’re all set! This can be done in your DNS control panel at your hosting provider or by your DNS provider.
The video is a HD-quality (720p) FLV file witch uses two different camera angles and also captures the screen I’m working on.
This tutorial is produced by Martin Hellsing, a former information technology teacher and owner of a webhosting company in Sweden. Today Martin works as a IT-consultant focusing on network security and SaaS environments.