Getting The Ultimate Guitar Sound – Part 5 (Production)

Bobby Owsinski continues his series on getting the ultimate guitar sound. Bobby has spent a lifetime achieving just that, and the series is based on his new book, The Ultimate Guitar Tone Handbook.

Every guitar player, engineer and producer wants to record the ultimate guitar sound, but it’s not always easy to capture the great sound that you hear in the room. In this series, based around my new book The Ultimate Guitar Tone Handbook (written with Rich Tozzoli), I’ll outline why acoustic and electric guitars, amplifiers, speaker cabinets and effects sound the way they do, and the best way to record and mix them after you’ve gotten the sound. In Part 5 of this series, we’ll look different electric guitar miking techniques.

While many believe there’s only one accepted way to mic an amplifier, you’ll be surprised to learn that there are as many ways as there are guitar and amp sounds. Let’s look at some.

Table of Contents

  • Single Mic
  • The Classic Setup
  • Classic Setup #2
  • Single Mic Variation #1
  • Two Mics
  • The Classic Two Mic Setup
  • Two Mic Variation #1
  • Two Mic Variation #2
  • Three Mics
  • Three Mic Technique #1
  • Three Mic Technique #2
  • Three Mic Variation #1
  • Marshall Cabinet Miking
  • Jimi’s Sound

Download Getting The Ultimate Guitar Sound – Part 5 (Production)

Get Facebook profile pictures by email-address (Techniques)

Many applications require email-addresses during registration. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to show other user’s profile picture? In this tutorial we’ll be learning how to use Facebook’s Javascript SDK and the GraphAPI to get a user’s profile picture by email addres.

Download Get Facebook profile pictures by email-address (Techniques)

How to Build a Micro-blog with SproutCore (JavaScript & AJAX)

SproutCore is a revolutionary JavaScript framework for creating client-side desktop-class applications that run in the browser. This tutorial will introduce you to the core concepts within SproutCore by developing a simple Twitter like micro-blog.

Included with this purchase:

  • 1 hour HD screencast
  • Full in depth written tutorial
  • Source code for the project

Download How to Build a Micro-blog with SproutCore (JavaScript & AJAX)

Create a Vector Fighter Jet (Adobe Photoshop)

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a fighter jet using 3D modeling. You’ll create complex lighting effects on its body using the Appearance palette and simple gradients. You will also learn about the technique of creating special Art Brushes, which will help turn any of your future work into professional images.

This tutorial is written by Iaroslav Lazunov.

Download Create a Vector Fighter Jet (Adobe Photoshop)

Next-Gen Armored Car: Part 4 – High Poly Modeling (Autodesk Maya)

Over the course of this 6 day series. Artist Shray Khanna will guide you through the entire process of creating a next-gen, low poly vehicle using Maya and Photoshop.

Throughout the series, Shray covers the complete next-gen pipeline in detail. Starting off with low poly modeling in parts 1 & 2, and then moving onto uv mapping, high poly modeling, baking, and finally texture creation. This series is a must read for any artist interested in video game development and asset creation.

Tutorial Series Details

  • Author: Shray Khanna
  • Software: Autodesk Maya
  • Software: Adobe Photoshop
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Other Parts In This Series

Download Next-Gen Armored Car: Part 4 – High Poly Modeling (Autodesk Maya)

Create a Majestic Script in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

Custom typography can be a lot of fun to create. In this tutorial, author Alex Beltechi will demonstrate how to create a custom script in Photoshop in three different styles based on the same lettering layout. The result will be a clean, grungy, and distressed text effect.

Download Create a Majestic Script in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

Create an Underground City in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

In movies, filmmakers often use matte paintings when the backdrop of a scene can’t or doesn’t exist in real life. In this premium tutorial, author Ed Lopez will demonstrate some advanced matte painting techniques by creating an underground cave city with Photoshop. This massive tutorial, which includes over 400 screenshots and almost 3 hours of video will show you how you can create your own matte paintings or photo compositions using stock photography, computer generated images, and even some manual painting.

Download Create an Underground City in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

Build a Spiffy Quiz Engine (HTML & CSS)

The first official Nettuts+ quiz was a massive success with an impressive number of developers participating and evaluating their knowledge. There were a non-trivial number of comments asking how the mini quiz engine was built. And lo and behold! That’s what we’re gonna learn today. Because we, at Nettuts+, are awesome like that! Get started after the jump.

Download Build a Spiffy Quiz Engine (HTML & CSS)

Build a Striking Breakout Game in Flash (ActionScript)

Using the Flash drawing tools we’ll create a great looking graphic interface that will be powered by several straightforward ActionScript 3 classes. The user will be able to play through a series of levels and you, the developer, can easily add as many levels as you like!

Download Build a Striking Breakout Game in Flash (ActionScript)

Vector Blends In-Depth Using Illustrator (Illustration)

In today’s premium tutorial I’m going to show you in depth how to create a glamorous portrait using mainly vector blends. I’ll go into the theory and technical aspect of Vector Blends as well as showing examples of how to use them effectively and in creative ways.

Using vector blends, you can create a gradient, almost airbrush art appearance which further pushes the boundaries of the medium and strays away from the layered object/cell shading style often associated with detailed portraiture art. Furthermore, let’s not forget that while the portrait takes on the appearance of airbrushed art (raster based), it is 100% vector with no rasterizing live effects!

This tutorial is written by Sharon Milne.

Download Vector Blends In-Depth Using Illustrator (Illustration)

Create a Surreal Rock Formation in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

While photo manipulation is an important part of just about everything we do in Photoshop, photo manipulation isn’t always the answer. Sometimes you’ll need to do a bit of digital painting to create the image that you need. In this tutorial, author Marco Casalvieri will demonstrate how to create a surreal rock formation in Photoshop. This image was part of SlashThree’s recent Paradigm Shift Exhibition.

Download Create a Surreal Rock Formation in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

Using Chromatics In Rock Guitar (Guitar)

Toby Pitman continues his series of premium guitar tuts, showing you how to incorporate the Chromatic scale into your lead breaks. Grab this tut today and start to fill in some of the gaps in your lead work! Tabs and a loop to play along with are included.

In this guitar tutorial I’m going to give you an insight into how you can incorporate the Chromatic scale into your playing. Using Chromatic sounding runs can really add interest and a bit of spice to you playing.

We’ll start by having a look at how the chromatic scale works and then look at the concept of passing notes. If your a fan of rock guitar then this tutorial should help you (ahem).. ‘fill in some of the gaps’ in your lead work!

The Chromatic scale contains all twelve notes. That’s all the naturals and sharps and flats etc. You may associate the use of this scale with Jazz and Country styles, and even Classical (Flight Of The Bumble Bee being the most famous Chromatic composition) but there’s no reason why it can’t be use in rock styles too.

Players like Steve Morse (Ex-Dixie Dregs, Deep Purple) have been using Chromatics to great effect for years. In fact Steve Morse is a great player to check out for this kind of thing. The thing about using Chromatic notes is they break up the drudgery of just going up and down a diatonic scale which can get tonally really boring. Passing between notes helps you create more interesting contours and colors that can’t be achieved otherwise.

Table of Contents

  • The Chromatic Scale
  • Four Fingers Per String
  • Three Fingers Per String
  • The Weak Shall Inherit The Passing Tone
  • Connecting The Dots
  • Falling Lines
  • Chromatic Runs
  • Conclusion

Download Using Chromatics In Rock Guitar (Guitar)

Using the Screen Terminal Command (Fundamentals)

In this 18-minute screencast, you’ll learn how to use the screen terminal command that comes built-in on almost every Unix system (including Cygwin). screen is a Unix utility that let’s you run multiple shells (called windows) within a single shell, allowing you to switch between them easily and mouselessly. Once you learn to use screen, you’ll find that your productivity in the terminal will be boosted incredibly. Here’s what you’ll learn about:

  • Opening and naming windows
  • Switching between windows
  • Splitting windows into regions and moving between regions
  • Creating your own screen commands with a .screenrc file

Also included in your download is a cheatsheet outlining all the commands taught in the screencast.

Download Using the Screen Terminal Command (Fundamentals)