Just One Day Left for Humble Bundle for Android 3!

The folks at Humble Bundle continue to ship the finest game bundles the ‘net has ever seen, and this week, their third Android bundle is on sell. Even if you’re a dedicated Apple customer who would never dream of owning an Android device, this Humble Bundle includes copies of each game for OS X, Windows, and Linux in addition to Android.

Our friends over at Android.AppStorm have written in-depth reviews of each game in this Android Humble Bundle. If you’re a Mac user that also uses an Android phone or tablet, now’s the time to check out the reviews and see which of the games you’d love to get for you’re device. Or, if you’re just looking for some new games for your Mac, you can check out the reviews to see what the games are all about before downloading to play on your MacBook!

The third Android Humble Bundle is only available for a little over a day longer, so if you’re looking for a cheap way to pick up Fieldrunners, Spirits,  SpaceChem, Osmos, and more, be sure to grab a copy before it’s over! It’s a great way to get some great games and support indie devs, ones that support Mac gaming at that! Plus, since we’re nearing the end of our August Gaming Month here at Mac.AppStorm, it’s a great time to get a great deal on some Mac games, even if you can’t put the Android versions to use.

Free Yourself from Writing Distractions with Free

I love writing articles on my Mac. It’s easy, fullscreen mode is convenient, and there are a lot of great apps available for the platform. Overall, the experience is a quality one. But when it comes to choosing what app to write with, I have some trouble. Every month there seems to be a “new” writing app on the Mac App Store that’s really just a reiteration of the existing apps available. I like to remain loyal to a single app, but sometimes it’s fun to explore.

The other day, I was browsing the Mac App Store in search of anything new and significant. I came across Free, a distraction-free writing app by Michael Göbel that, comically enough considering its name, is not free. Its purpose is the same as that of WriteRoom, iA Writer, and the many others in this genre: to create an environment that is the most straightforward it can possibly be so that you can focus on writing and not the app’s functionality itself. My purpose, however, is to take a look at how well an app performs its job, so instead of assuming this app is great, let’s submerge ourselves in all the little appealing ounces of Free.

Getting Started


Free starts up with a “thank you” message that, in addition to informing you that the developer’s cats have been fed using what you paid for the app, gives you a little bit of a background on the developer, what his goal with the app is, and a few little tips and tricks to get you started using it as your default distraction-free editor. There are also links to the app website, support area, and documentation. It’s a good way to start things off and I’m surprised to have not seen it in other apps before. I actually feel like he cares about his users more than other developers out there, which is a very good sign.

A pleasant greeting from Michael Göbel.

A pleasant greeting from Michael Göbel.

After reading the welcome screen and pressing OK, you’ll be taken to a document containing more in-depth documentation. You can close it and you’ll be prompted to delete the document or save it. You can access this information again by clicking the Free Steps option in the Help menu, so don’t worry if you mistakenly deleted it.

Write in iCloud


Free, just like most major text editors of this age, makes sure you won't lose documents.

Free, just like most major text editors of this age, makes sure you won’t lose documents.

One of the most important features of Apple’s latest addition to the OS X family, Mountain Lion, is its solid and thorough integration of iCloud. In Lion, things were sparse and there was no way to place a document in Apple’s cloud environment without tweaking the system a little. Most users don’t want to go to this much effort just to save some documents, so they used Dropbox instead. Mountain Lion, however, further integrated iCloud into the operating system so that all apps could use it.

You can copy the HTML for a document by selecting the text, right-clicking the selection, and clicking “Copy As HTML”. Rich text is also available.

Free’s main startup screen is the iCloud documents window that you’ll find in other apps that use the service. It will allow you to create a new text file, but sadly, even if you’re in the iCloud tab, there’s no way to automatically place that document in the cloud from the start. This exact same thing happens with any other text editor that uses iCloud and you have to manually move the document once you’ve begun it; just hover over the title in the top bar, click the down arrow, select Move to iCloud, and confirm the place change. I know, it really should be simpler than that.

Typewriter Sounds and Markdown Reference Pop-Up

My favorite feature in Free allows you to find out how redundant your writing is.

My favorite feature in Free allows you to find out how redundant your writing is.

A month ago I found out about NoisyTyper for Mac: the best way to make it sound like you’re using a typewriter whenever you type anything on your computer. It’s a fantastic little tweak that’s systemwide, but I’ve not seen anything like it in an app before. Free employs a nifty little typewriter sound effects set that’ll entertain you while you’re writing something; it can also be distracting to some. I myself enjoy having the sounds enabled on occasion to make things fun.

You can enable typewriter sound effects by going to the Inspector pane (the “i” in the top right corner), click Text, and check the box beside “Play typewriter sounds”.

Another great feature that you’ll find in Free is a Markdown reference sheet. If you click the “?” button in the top right corner you’ll get an informative window for Markdown formatting. It has everything you’ll need to know and if there’s something missing, head over to John Gruber’s official documentation. There’s even a shortcut for basic Markdown formatting like blockquotes and links available in the right-click menu. You can find the shortcuts for them in the Edit menu if you are so inclined.

Fonts and Options are Limited

Ah, the inspector. This pane will give you access to the few options available in Free.

Ah, the inspector. This pane will give you access to the few options available in Free.

Free’s philosophy is to be minimal and that’s fine for some people, but it’d be nice to see more font options than one. If the default font were easy to read and not so irritating to my eyes, I wouldn’t be mentioning this lack of customization at all. Sadly, the size is too large to be productive, in my opinion. It should be readable, just not overly large.

At least the developer included some options for the font when printing. If you go to the Print window and click Edit Fonts…, you’ll be greeted with the option to change the document’s font to anything you wish in both size and name. I’m really glad to see that there’s an option for this since the app’s font would waste paper and the developer is apparently against doing such a thing.

Honestly, this cursor is just a bit too big for my taste.

Honestly, this cursor is just a bit too big for my taste.

Other than not being able to change the font type or size, Free lacks an option to adjust the editing display width. Sure, you can change the window size or even go to fullscreen mode, but that’s not going to improve the width of the text body itself. For some reason, the developer decided to leave out an adjustment for this. Byword is still my favorite editor because it productively uses up the screen. I don’t see a reason why any distraction-free editor should leave out such a vital piece of customization.

Access Free’s manual and other useful information by going to the Help menu.

Free has no preferences in the usual spot, surprisingly. (If you use the CMD + , shortcut, however, it’ll take you to the Inspector pop-up.) Instead, you’ll have to go to the Inspector pop-up to get a few little tweaks. There you can inverse colors to get a black background, change the cursor color to orange, green, or blue, modify the window size, and tweak with some text options. Even in this options pane, however, there are no ways to change the width of the text or its size, which is unfortunate.

Final Thoughts

Just previewing a draft of some random article in Free.

Just previewing a draft of some random article in Free.

I really like Free as an alternative to, say iA Writer. I’ll still be using Byword for my text editing though. Göbel’s app offers many reasons to use it, but none of them interest me personally. I also see the lack of being able to change the font as a downside and it hurts the app’s potential. I’m not advising against using Free, however. If you already own another distraction-free editor, there’s just no need to get this one. Stick with what you have unless you need something better, in which case this may suffice but is still just an alternative.

If you happen to be a new distraction-free Markdown editor user, then this is probably the best way to start things off. It’s very simple, the documentation is amazing, and it’s quite minimal. At $6.99, Free is a little more than Byword and a bit less than iA Writer. I think you should read our reviews of both (Byword, iA Writer) before making a decision, honestly. It’s a hard choice since they’re all deserving.

Thanks to Our Sponsor: Chronicle

Our sponsor this week is Chronicle, a great app for keeping track of your bills and paying them online. A single late payment can cost $30 or more, and cause your credit score to plummet by up to 100 points. That’s why anyone who pays bills needs Chronicle. Chronicle reminds you to pay your bills, even when it isn’t running.

With Chronicle, all you’ll have to do is enter the bills you have and their due dates, and it’ll automatically remind you to make sure they’re paid on time. It’ll then let you set recurring bills so you can setup your payment schedule and never have to worry about it again. Combine that with detailed statistics about your bills and a built-in browser so you can pay bills online from one interface, and it’s quite a powerful app for keeping up with your bills.

Chronicle has been a great app for keeping up with your bills for years, but the newly released Chronicle 5 makes it even better. It now features beautiful retina graphics, along with a redesigned interface and a faster backend that’ll make it a joy to use. It also now supports native OS X Notifications, so you’ll never forget about a bill again.

Go Get It!

If you’ve been looking for a better way to keep track of your bills and make sure you never incur late fees, you should give Chronicle a try. You can download a free trial from their site, or purchase it from the App Store for just $9.99, 30% off its normal price celebrating the release of Chronicle 5.

Think you’ve got a great app? Sign up for a Weekly Sponsorship slot just like this one.

Color Strokes – Your Photos, Really Special.

So, you’ve got a photo which is nice by itself, but you’d like to make it pop a little bit more. Perhaps you might want to focus someone’s attention on a part of the image, re-color other parts to change the meaning, or even blur parts as part of the artistic license.

While you would have to have had a whole laboratory ten or more years ago to achieve this with real film, digital images allow us a much easier workflow and with Color Strokes for Mac you can quickly put some unique touches on your photos.

Jump past the break to find out more!

Color Strokes – Reborn With Extended Feature Set

Color Strokes is actually not a new kid on the block. It’s been around for a while under the name Color Splash Studio. With the newly released version in July came a new name and an extended feature set which will be our focus today.

In a nutshell, Color Strokes will turn your color photograph into a black and white picture and allow you to either bring the natural color back to certain parts of the image or to add color to original black and white photographs. And you can do all of that without even having to read the manual.

This is something you can achieve in just two-three minutes with Color Strokes

This is something you can achieve in just two-three minutes with Color Strokes

Simply load your photo into the app – either via drag and drop or via the offered dialogs when opening the app – and it will be turned black and white. Without any color to distract you, you can decide on which part you want to bring back.

The interface is quite simple and easy to to understand

The interface is quite simple and easy to to understand

All you have to do now is to simply draw over the object with your brush. To the right, you have tools pane where you can set a lot of parameters, for example the diameter of the brush, allowing you to paint over large areas quickly or being very precise on borders or small areas.

Paint over areas to bring back the original color of your photo

Paint over areas to bring back the original color of your photo

As with everything, the more time you spent on your image the better the effect will be, even though the work on borders of objects can be laborious at times. But if you zoom into the image – try 200–400 percent – it will be much easier to work quickly and still be precise.

Paint Modes – Color, Recolor, De-Color

Let’s take a closer look at those Paint modes at the top of the right pane. The first one is named Native Color and it will let you bring back the original color of the image.

The other two modes are linked because they affect the background – the area of your photo which you haven’t painted over (yet). You can either leave the background grey or you can apply a sepia or blueish filter.

The background color mode offers three presets, the re-color mode any color you want

The background color mode offers three presets, the re-color mode any color you want

This mode offers you brush settings as well. Why? Because if you painted over something that you’d rather keep black and white you can reverse your actions here.

The Re-Color button will allow you to add color to black and white areas. Not the original colors of your photo, but whichever color you chose. There are a couple of presets, but you can choose any color you like.

Let's go crazy!

Let’s go crazy!

This is one of the new features in Color Strokes and it’s a lot of fun – just let your creativity run wild – the effects may surprise even you.

Tip: After re-coloring, try applying a sepia or blue filter to the background. It will affect the colors you just used and may yield even nicer results.


Towards the lower part of the pane you see the Adjust section, which allows you to fine tune the colored areas. What I like is that you can color something first and then play with the sliders; Color Strokes simply applies the changes to all “selected” areas.

Experiment with the Adjust settings

Experiment with the Adjust settings

While most of these settings should be self-explanatory, I want to turn your attention to the Hue slider. It will change the color of your selected areas by simply dragging the indicator left or right. It’s a very easy way to create interesting results without having to go through something like layer effects or stacking layers (Photoshop users will know what I’m talking about).

The Hue slider can work miracles on your image

The Hue slider can work miracles on your image

If you switch to the Background tab, there are fewer options, but the most interesting for me here is the Blur feature. It will, as the name indicates, blur everything that hasn’t been painted over in the Natural Color mode.

It doesn’t look great with every pictures, but with some, you can achieve some really pleasing effects, like letting my leaf appear to hover above the ground here.

Smart use of the Blur adjustment can lead to interesting results

Smart use of the Blur adjustment can lead to interesting results

Lastly, there are three dedicated Effects at the bottom of the right pane: Soft, Dreamy, and Hard Light. It takes a couple of seconds to apply them, but they can yield some impressive results. I wish, though, there was a slider to control the strength of the effect.

The Filters can add a special "strangeness" to your photo

The Filters can add a special “strangeness” to your photo

Nevertheless there is a slider, but this one if for applying a vignette to the entire image. A vignette will darken the corners and edges of an image, thereby helping you to direct the focus to the center.

Done? Share or Print!

Once you’re done editing, you can save your image traditionally to a folder on your Mac or share it directly with services like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, tumblr or email it. In every case, you can select the resolution you wish to export.

What’s more, though: Color Strokes has partnered up with CanvasPop to bring you real canvas prints of your images and you can go there via a dedicated button in the menu. If it’s your first time with CanvasPop you will even get a nice $30 discount.


If you’ve always wanted to do something special with your photos but either didn’t have the time or money to get down with Photoshop or Pixelmator and iPhoto didn’t offer the range of features you were looking for, Color Strokes might just be the app for you.

It’s pretty easy to use and with some patience and creativity, you can produce neat effects. Give it a try!

This Week in App News

This week has been a relatively quiet one in terms of app news (if you don’t count the Apple v Samsung legal battle) but we’ve still found a couple of stories for you to mull over this Sunday.


OS X 10.8.1 released with fixes to iMessage, Migration Assistant and more

In what was probably the smallest OS X update in history, Apple pushed out the next version of Mountain Lion, version 10.8.1, to the public on Thursday afternoon after being released to developers a couple of weeks earlier.

OS X Mountain Lion 10 8 1

OS X 10.8.1 was released on Thursday with a variety of small bug fixes.

According to the changelog the update, which weighed in at a minute 7.3 MB and took less than a minute to download, install and reboot on some users machines, ironed out a few slight issues regarding Migration Assistant, audio when played through a Thunderbolt display, Messages and also improved Microsoft Exchange support.

There were reports that the beta had fixed the battery drain problem first experienced with the release of Mountain Lion – a number of users reported that their battery drained a lot quicker under the first version of OS X 10.8 when compared to the previous Lion version, 10.7.4. Although there has been no official confirmation from Apple, several MacBook Pro users have reported their battery now lasting on average around 7 hours whilst running OS X 10.8.1, unlike the previous 5 hours with the first release of Mountain Lion.

If you think that OS X 10.8.1 has solved your battery issues then go ahead and let fellow readers know in the comments section below! You can grab the update either by heading over to the App Store, where it should be waiting for you, or from Apple’s support website, where it is available as a manual download.

VMWare Fusion 5 released with full Mountain Lion support; Parallels 8 in the pipeline

On Thursday, VMWare launched the next reincarnation of its popular virtualisation software, Fusion, which boasted a total of 70 new features in its arsenal. New features included full Mountain Lion support which allows Fusion’s notifications to be shared in the Notification Centre, searching for your favourite Windows programs in the Launchpad and AirPlay Mirroring to your HDTV.

VMWare Fusion 5

VMWare Fusion 5 features full Mountain Lion support and optimisation for Windows 8.

The update also brought along optimisation for the upcoming Windows 8 and its new Metro environment, which is slated for general release on October 26, as well as performance enhancements (Windows now reboots in a matter of seconds under the new environment), retina-display optimisation and USB 3 support.

Customers who have purchased a copy of Fusion 4 after July 25, 2012 are eligible to a free upgrade online, otherwise the software is priced at $49.99 and available for purchase here (a free 30-day trial is also available).

In related VMWare news, Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac has been announced and will be available on September 4th, although nothing is known at the moment regarding its features.

A First Look at Facebook integration in OS X 10.8.2

For those of who lamenting after that missing Facebook integration from the release of Mountain Lion – fear no longer. The Developer Preview of OS X 10.8.2, which was released to registered developers with Apple earlier this week, includes it and we’re going to have a quick look at it today.

Facebook Accounts

Signing into your Facebook account through the System Preferences pane.

Just like Twitter, Facebook now appears in your Mail, Contacts and Calendars pane of System Preferences and adding your account is extremely simple: just enter the e-mail address you use to sign in to Facebook and your password and hey presto – you’ve connected your Facebook account to OS X.

Facebook Permissions

OS X will then ask you to confirm the permissions on your account before proceeding.

Your Facebook contacts are automatically imported and synced with any existing contacts in your address book on your Mac (including phone numbers, birthdays and avatar pictures) and now Facebook notifications pop up in your Notification Centre.

Facebook NC

Updating my status directly from the Notification Centre.

Just like Twitter, you can update your Facebook status directly from the Notification Centre and also share images and sites directly from supported applications.

Facebook Sharing

Sharing to Facebook is easy via any supported app (in this case, Safari 6)

Although we have no official word on the release date of OS X 10.8.2, given the release of the developer version we can expect the final version around the middle of September (maybe to coincide with the release of the rumoured iPhone 5 on September 12th). We’ll keep you updated on this one.

Sketchbook Pro relaunched with new brushes and Mountain Lion support

Autodesk has released the next reincarnation of Sketchbook Pro which boasts over 100 new present tools in its brush library, including synthetic paint brushes and smudge brushes for more realistic images as well as the ability to control and adjust a variety of aspects about our image, including the brightness, hue, saturation, contrast, colour balance and so on.

SketchBook Pro 6

SketchBook Pro 6 features a wealth of new brushes (over 100 in total) and full Mountain Lion support.

Sketchbook Pro 6 also features full support for Mountain Lion and allows users to save their created documents directly to iCloud, which can then be accessed across all their devices.

The app hasn’t yet been released onto the App Store but will be available within the next week or so and Autodesk considers this a completely new application so unfortunately there’s no free upgrading from Sketchbook Pro. There will, however, be an introductory price of $30 for the new version, according to Macworld.

Heard Anything Else?

If you’ve heard anything else exciting that’s happened this week then go ahead and post a link to it in the Comments section below for the benefit of our other readers!

The Notification Center & What’s Next for Growl

Apple has been moving towards a more “mobile feel” with Mac OS for a while now. Lion introduced a few features like the Launchpad, Mission Control, and even some multi-touch gestures to make your Mac feel much more like an iPad or an iPhone.

The recently released Mountain Lion builds on that, by providing even more snappy goodies to the OS like increased compatibility with mobile devices through iCloud, a Game Center, social network integration, and, most notably, a newly introduced notification system called, quite fittingly, “Notification Center”.

How does it work? Where is it moving towards? What’s gonna happen to other apps, like Growl, that have done the same thing for quite a while now? Let’s take a look.

Notification Center

Notification Center

Notification Center

If you’ve already installed Mountain Lion, it is likely that you’ve run into the Notification Center. It is pretty much what it sounds like. It provides your Mac with built-in notifications that work through a system called Notification Center, which integrates with a few of Apple’s apps like Mail.app, Calendar, Messages, Facetime, the App Store, as well as a few third party apps like Twitter, Sparrow, and even Growl (we’ll get to this later).

A Notification

A Notification

Notifications by default are shown as small windows on your right top corner as they come up. They include a preview of what it’s about, the icon and the name of the app where it came from. These will disappear after a few seconds, but you can view a summary of all of them inside the Notification Center.

Bringing Up the Notification Center

Notification Center

Notification Center

The Notification Center panel is pretty much a collapsable sidebar on the right side of the screen that shows you a summary of all of your active notifications, as well as a quick access “Tweet” button that gets activated once you setup your Twitter account in the OS. Here you can activate any notification to view the content in the corresponding app, or you can just delete them so that they won’t clutter up your summary.

There are quite a few ways to display the Notification Center:

  • Notification Center Button: it lives on your system status bar, on the upper right corner, just next to Spotlight.
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Inside the system settings you can setup a new shortcut for displaying and collapsing the Center. Just go to Settings/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts, choose the “Show Notification Center” field and record your shortcut. Mine is Alt+Left, it’s quite convenient.
  • Hot Corners: This is also customizable under Settings/Mission Control/Hot Corners. Here you can set the Center to show up once you touch any of your screen corners with your cursor.
  • Gesture: Mountain Lion comes with a default multi-touch gesture for displaying and collapsing the Notification Center. It works with two fingers, by swiping from the outside of your trackpad to the inside from right to left. It sounds way more complicated than it is, you can see a visual example under Settings/Trackpad/More Gestures.


While the Notification Center is as cool as it gets, it still falls short on a few aspects, like the apps that it’s compatible with. Right now, it pretty much only supports apps built by Apple and only a few third-party apps, although this is bound to change soon enough as developers get more familiar the API.

This aspect is where the competition of the Notification Center still wins, at least for now…




If you’ve been a Mac user for long, chances are that you’ve heard of and most likely have installed a little third-party app called Growl. You might have gotten it by yourself or you might have run into it when installing another app that includes it, like Adium or Dropbox. For the longest time, Growl has been considered an essential app to any Mac user.

But what does it do, exactly? Well, pretty much what the new Notification Center does. When installed, Growl works together with many of your already installed apps (Bowtie, Twitter, Evernote, you name it) to provide you with customizable notifications of all sorts.

Growl’s Advantages

Growl Compatibility

Growl Compatibility

As it stands in terms of features, customization and compatibility, Growl beats Apple’s Notification Center by a mile. It works with pretty much any relevant third-party out there, and even if it doesn’t, there’s likely some sort of plugin that will make it work (at one point I even got it to work with Mail.app).

Then there’s also the customization. Growl lets you easily turn off notifications from certain apps, install and switch notification styles, turn it on and off right from your menu bar, as well as install plugins that make it work with a number of apps that usually don’t work with Growl.

What’s Next For Growl?

What does a third party developer do when its marketshare seems threatened by a giant like Apple? Well, many decide to go against the competition by building on what Apple’s service or app offers and adding a bunch of new goodies that put their products above it, like Postbox has done with Mail.app.

Others, like the Growl team, make the more difficult choice of working with the competition instead of going against it. They realized it’s only a matter of time before third party developers start choosing building their app to work with the Notification Center API rather than with Growl. After all, for regular users it’s always easier to use something that comes installed with your computer and that you don’t have to look for, therefore making it a more widely used platform.

And so, in recent statements the Growl Team has made it clear that they intend to further continue developing Growl, but along with the newly introduced Notification Center. Here’s a little quote from the dev, taken from this post:

…in the back of our heads we always knew that some day that Apple would be implementing a notification system. That was one of the original points, to get the idea noticed by Apple. That point has long since passed, but hey it is what it is.

Growl is already beta testing Growl 2.0, which is going to bring a few new features to the app, like integrating the action notifications (like the MailMe display) and the visual notifications (the usual notifications that you see in Growl), along with a bunch of other minor improvements like an improved “rollup”. But the main feature of Growl 2.0 is that it makes it much easier for both developers and users to decide whether they want to switch to the Notification Center or just to keep using Growl.

Growl 2.0 improves the framework of the app, making it much easier for developers to implement Notification Center features in their app, if they already had the Growl framework setup. Or, if users have the Growl app installed in their system, they can also choose to continue using it and take advantage of its many features. This makes it a breeze for users and developers to make the transition into the new Notification Center, but it isn’t yet released and it might take a while until it sees the light. That’s where Hiss comes in.




Hiss is an app that can help you forward all your current Growl notifications to the Notification Center. It’s still in beta and it will likely be useless once Growl 2.0 comes out, but if you’re looking for a way to get Growl working with the Notification Center right now, then this is a great alternative.

Hiss in the Notification Center

Hiss in the Notification Center

As it is still in beta, it doesn’t work quite as well as you’d expect it to. All the Growl notifications forwarded will come up in the Notification Center as if they were just coming from “Growl” instead of from the actual app that it originates from. Aside from that, it works great for having all your notifications in one single center instead of splitting them in two.


The Notification Center is a big step towards making Mac OS a modern and complete operative system, but it still has a long way ahead of it. Apple certainly has the big hand on being able to implement notifications in a true native manner, with the sidebar and the compatibility with the major Mac apps.

Growl, in the other hand, isn’t going anywhere and the team behind it is proving to be smart and cooperative by making it easy to migrate from what they have already built to the new Apple system. The soon to be released Growl 2.0 will surely be a more than capable competitor to the Notification Center, but the Growl Team is also not forcing its users to stick with it in order to continue taking advantage of its superior compatibility.

What do you think? Has the Notification Center fit your needs so far? Have you used Hiss? What do you think will happen to Growl in the future? Which notification system will you continue to use? Are you even able to fit notifications into your workflow? Discuss!

Crunch Numbers and Ace Math With These 10 Apps

Math can pose difficulties for even the most brilliant among us. Complicated equations, complex graphs, or even just troubles adding fractions can cause trouble and frustration for anyone trying to conquer math. If you find yourself or someone that you know struggling with math, rest assured. There are a number of apps that can help to ease the worries of a tough math problem or class.

All ages can find an app to help them. I have included in this collection a number of apps for a variety of ages and subjects. There’s apps here for everything from complex graphing to statistics to simple multiplication problems. Stick with me to learn about some of the many applications available to help you ace that nagging math class you are struggling with, along with a few bonus apps at the end.


I’m not in a math class anymore, but sometimes I still like to try and improve my math skills. The ability to do complex calculations in your head is pretty cool (at least it is for me, anyway). Mathemagics is an app which teaches you tricks to do those complex calculations, anyway). Mathemagics is an app which teaches you tricks to do those complex calculations.

Within the app, you learn tricks to square complex numbers, quickly multiply numbers up to 19 in your head, and much more. If you have any desire to know math tricks or have to take a test without a calculator, then the app is definitely worth it. I have picked up a lot of skills and can always impress folks with my mental math abilities.

Price: $0.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later
Developer: Blue Lightning Labs

Algebra Touch

Lower level math and algebra students can certainly enjoy this Mac port of the popular iOS app, Algebra Touch. The app allows you to master solving basic equations with intuitive features like dragging to rearrange numbers and clicking to simplify. Through the app, you can master skills like commutativity, factorization, variables, isolation and much more. I wish that the app had more available to do, via lessons and/or more features available like powers and logs. All in all, though, I definitely recommend the application for anyone picking up algebra.

Price: $1.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later
Developer: Regular Berry Software

Math Evolve

I don’t know about the rest of the readers my age, but I still remember getting to play Oregon Trail and Number Crunchers on computer lab day. Math games have definitely evolved since then, and Math Evolve is the new standard. This game is for users 6 and up and focuses on basic arithmetic, mental math, number sense and more. The app includes story and arcade modes for greater variety, and is probably the most enjoyable way to learn basic math available for Mac. It’s just an incredibly well made math game and any review will attest to that.

Price: $0.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Developer: InterAction Education LLC

Math Drills

Another app geared towards basic arithmetic skills, Math Drills takes a more traditional approach and utilizes simple drills to master the basics. Up to 50 students can use the app to create personal settings and save their statistics. Missed problems are shown with greater frequency and solutions are presented in a variety of ways, including number lines, hints and wooden blocks. If you or someone you know just needs to sit down and master the basics, this is a great way to do so.

Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Developer: Instant Interactive


A quality graph making application is a must for some math classes. If you are in that boat, consider trying OmniGraphSketcher. The application allows you to freely sketch lines which are converted into the graph. If sketching isn’t your strong suit, the app converts all lines into smooth, curved lines.

When you need complete accuracy, you can easily import the data from an external source like an Excel spreadsheet. You can even add to the lines to make the graph easier to understand. Change line type, add arrows, text, color and much more. The application works really well, so if you need graphs the next level up from hand drawn, this is the app for you.

Price: $14.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Developer: The Omni Group

Daum Equation Editor

If you have ever tried to type anything for any math class involving equations, you know that it’s not an easy task. Thus, there are a number of apps to help, amongst them Daum Equation Editor. This app allows you to create, edit and format various equations in an intuitive way. The app auto formats for you, and all of the available symbols are shown on the main screen. You can also use the input editor for greater control. Most importantly, the app supports copy and paste as well as the ability to save the equation as an image. This makes it easy to transfer equations into the paper you are writing, rather than messing with plugins and such for Microsoft Word or Pages. The app works really well, and it’s free. Definitely worth a go if you struggle to format equations correctly.

Price: Free
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
Developer: Daum Equations


This app utilizes the popular Wolfram Alpha Engine, an incredibly powerful calculator to help with math, physics, engineering and more. The app is an incredible tool, as it can solve anything from a simple arithmetic problem to a complicated integral. It shows solutions, graphs, steps used in solving the problem and even the rules utilized. The app is resizable and can be pinned above all of the other windows you have open. Anyone in a higher level math class should really take advantage of the services provided by Wolfram Alpha via this app, as the solutions and steps provided can truly help you obtain a greater understanding of the subject at hand.

Price: $1.99
Requires: OS X 10.7 or later
Developer: Petur Ingi Egilsson

Magic Number

If you don’t wish to make the investment for a hand held calculator, there are a number of calculator apps out there. Magic Number really stands out as a fantastic scientific calculator.

The app loads in about a second, perfect for any quick calculations. You can intuitively enter problems, rather than worrying about complicated, proper formatting. The history function works well, and the calculator is accurate up to 25 digits. Most importantly, the whole calculation is visible so you can really see what you’re working with. If you need a decent calculator and are ok with a completely digital calculator, this is my app of choice.

Price: $5.99
Requires: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Developer: Seed Ltd.


MathBoard is yet another way to master basic arithmetic skills. MathBoard covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, cubes and roots through user-generated quizzes of up to 250 questions each. You can define a number range from -1000 to 1000 and require that certain numbers be present in the problems. You can save quizzes, request similar quizzes and track statistics. Each quiz has a workspace to solve problems and access the the problem solver for basic arithmetic. It’s yet another great way to master basic math skills, geared towards a younger user base.

Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.6 or later
Developer: Palasoftware Inc.

Statistics Pro

Statistics Pro is a program designed to easily calculate the most common statistics formulas in statistics, discrete mathematics, structures and business statistics classes. The app solves the problem and also provides a step-by-step guide to the solution. You can modify the problem with just one click to enter a different variable. Other features include expected values, data analysis, probability calculations and much more. One annoyance is the inability to save/print from the app, but it’s something I can deal with. For simple access to common formulas and solutions, statistics pro is the way to go.

Price: $4.99
Requires: OS X 10.4.0 or later
Developer: Praeter Software

These are a few of the many different apps available to help you learn to ace your troublesome math class. Whether you are helping someone to learn basic arithmetic or are struggling with a complicated equation from an upper-level math class, there is an app for your situation. While this is a limited selection, I consider these apps to be among the best apps.

As always, I’m curious to know what your list would be. Do you utilize any of these apps? Would you add a certain app to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

A Few Extra Apps from Our Editor

I happen to love math apps, so I couldn’t help but add a few here. If you’d like more math apps, here’ a few great ones to try out:

  • Soulver: Like a notepad for calculations. Crazy simple to use, and very powerful
  • Numi: Like a small, slimmed-down version of Soulver that lives in your menubar. Free right now, too.
  • OmniOutliner: An outliner meets a simple spreadsheet, and you’re got quite a powerful combo.
  • Numbers and Excel: Because spreadsheets are still some of the best math tools ever invented, and Numbers makes them fun again.
  • Spotlight and Alfred: Doing simple calculations, directly in search, is something that I do daily, and it’s hard to overstate how useful it is.

That and WolframAlpha, which was mentioned above. Mathemetica and WolframAlpha were the most helpful tools for me in college doing calculus.

Spore: A Game of Evolution

Spore is far from a new game. It was released almost four years ago to a tremendous amount of hype, in part due to it’s lead designer having a history of simulation games including the blockbuster SimCity and The Sims franchises. It received some criticism due to that hype, but it still turned out to be a fantastic game even if it hasn’t been awarded the same legacy and future that The Sims holds.

Spore is a simulation game based around evolution where you take a species from being a mere cell in an ocean to a galactic, space-bourn empire. Through the game you are slowly introduced to more civilised concepts of unity and, through hostile or friendly measures, eventually achieve world and galactic domination. As part of our look back on some of our favourite Mac games as part of Gaming Month, let’s take a look at this ambitious game.

Cell Stage

The first stage of Spore is Cell Stage. After a short cinematic of a meteorite falling to earth your avatar breaks free and starts to roam the ocean. There’s pretty much only one aim here: eat food. You don’t even have to worry about survival, since you’ll just respawn without any loss of anything you’ve gained up to that point.

Depending on your choice when you setup your game, you’ll either be a herbivore or a carnivore, and will therefore either eat meat — chunks floating in the ocean already or ones you gain by killing another cell — or plant matter. Eating food gives you DNA points which earns progress up to a final point in which you can evolve to land. DNA points also allow you to purchase new parts for your cell which results in the ability to better fight off other cells or eat other types of food.

Cell Stage, the first stage of Spore and your creature’s evolution.

Each stage of Spore is roughly reminiscent on an existing game, with Cell Stage resembling flOw and featuring similar physics and fluid dynamics that add an extra dimension to the game. Cell Stage is sort of a souped up Pacman; it’s fun but fortunately doesn’t go on for too long.

Creature Stage

As your being eats enough food to progress, you’ll eventually be given the option to advance and evolve into a land creature. You’ll enter your avatar editor once again and be tasked with tweaking your cell into something capable of living on land before a cinematic of you leaving the ocean plays.

Creature Stage is very similar to Cell Stage. You’re thrown into a game world inhabited by other species and your own and must earn DNA points in order to achieve eventual evolution to the next stage. While you do need to eat, food isn’t the main way of earning DNA points in this stage; instead, you need to either befriend or exterminate other species. Performing friendly or hostile interactions with other species — the intensity of which are determined by the parts on your creature, unlocked by befriending/killing species or interacting with piles of bones in the world — earns you points with a bonus for totally eradicating or allying with the species.

Creature Stage builds on the fundamental gameplay of the previous stage.

The world in Creature Stage is much bigger and you can run into rare features such as crashed or flying spacecraft, spice geysers (which will become very important in later stages) or unusual landmarks. However, the stage does get repetitive after time and could have benefited from being shortened. Fortunately, though, this is the only stage of the game that does feel too long.

Tribal Stage

Creature Stage introduces the player slowly to the concept of civilisation as you grow a pack of animals to help you to befriend or kill other species. At the end of the stage your species becomes more sapient and forms a tribe from the nest it called home.

Again, Tribal Stage doesn’t introduce any radical new gameplay concepts. You still need to opt for a hostile or friendly approach, or a mix of them both, and interact with other species to progress. You need to either ally or destroy all the other villages in your game world to progress on from this stage, but this is no longer about the sum of your parts. Instead, the stage introduces the player to using tools to help in passive, friendly or hostile missions by purchasing buildings in their village.

Tribal stage is the first stage of real civilisation in the ultimate quest for galactic dominance.

Tribal Stage also introduces the player to a greater sense of economy, using food as a currency. Fortunately it’s pretty much constantly available from animals (eggs and meat), the ocean (fish), trees and plants (fruit) or by stealing from other villages. This food both supplies your villagers with nutrition and is used to purchase new buildings for the village, afford new members of your tribe and as a method for offering gifts to other tribes or enticing more primitive animals to live in your village and lay eggs to collect as more food.

This part of the game is particularly well done. It doesn’t push the player into anything that’s too difficult to instantly pick up nor does it consist of repetitive tasks.

Civilisation Stage

As Creature is to Cell, Civilisation is to Tribal. Civilisation Stage resembles a technological advancement in your species as it becomes capable of engineering ground, sea and air vehicles in addition to conducting diplomatic relations. Your species establishes an economic, military or religious philosophy based on your actions in the earlier stages and use this as a method of taking or converting other civilisations on the planet.

Just like interacting with tribes in the previous stage, in Civilisation players communicate and interact with other settlements — your planet’s civilisation are now all of the same species, although tribes of others still exist and can be found on the planet — and use vehicles as a proxy for this. Again, Spore does a good job of not needing nor pushing complex concepts on the player but doesn’t result in a repetitive experience. It’s different but intuitive enough that it doesn’t feel so.

Civilisation Stage is reminiscent of the Civilization series of games.

In doing it’s job of preparing the player for the final stage, this part of the game pushes a greater sense of economy on the player. Cities earn money for the player, as does claiming geysers of valuable spice on the planet’s surface (try to claim these as soon as possible when only your civilisation exists because, as new ones establish themselves, they’ll be claimed by others). More money is earned by adding more factories to cities, but this must be offset by entertainment buildings to ensure citizen happiness. Vehicles also cost money and budgeting expenditure to the correct areas is important to avoiding slow progression.

As with each stage there’s customisation tools here too, perhaps more so than any other. You can too create your citizen’s dress, but more importantly design all the vehicles and buildings in the world. I’m not a big fan of doing this, though, so it’s fortunate you can use the Sporepedia to populate with other creations. If you’ve logged in to Spore’s online service, the Sporepedia is populate by other player’s content and their creations can appear in your worlds, much like their species can appear in the Creature Stage, etc.

Space Stage

At the end of the Civilisation Stage your species advances to such a state that it can engineer spacecraft to leave the planet. Space Stage is really the primary part of Spore, although the choices you made in the earlier stages do influence the gameplay in this stage slightly, especially in the tools made available to you and their price.

In Space Stage your aim is to grow your empire. Planets produce spice — adding more factories to colonies and cities still results in more efficient spice production — which can then be sold at varying prices, with various types and different rarities. This money can then be used to buy tools that enhance hostile or friendly interactions with other empires whom you may encounter through exploration of the galaxy, form new colonies and upgrade your spacecraft. You can also find and subsequently sell or collect rare items in addition to being rewarded for performing tasks for other empires and your colonies.

Space Stage, the final frontier.

Space Stage does not have a real end, although you can level up. However, after that the game continues and little is changed. Similar to the “official” ending of Minecraft once you’ve defeated the Ender Dragon, there is an ultimate goal to Spore, even if the game continues after then. Reaching the centre of the universe triggers a cutscene that forms the “end” of the game, a difficult task since it requires significant travel from the player’s homeworld and requires navigating the sprawling and hostile territory governed by The Grox.


If it were released in 2012, Spore probably wouldn’t win any awards for graphics. However, there is a cartoonish charm to it’s presentation that doesn’t attempt to be too realistic. Creations can be made to be overtly cartoonish and unrealistic but as is the nature of a game that doesn’t try too hard to be scientifically realistic.

Spore particularly excels in audio with sound effects being well distinguished between the stages. The ambient music in Spore is particularly good and just good stuff to listen even outside of the game.


Spore is essentially an amalgamation of five much more simple games with the added dynamic of events in the previous stages having some influence on the current one. Standing alone, these individual stages mightn’t be as credible (although they’d make killer iPad games!) but combined they make for an ambitious project. It might not live up to the insane amount of hype it received prior to original launch or be scientifically accurate, but it does result in a fun experience. Plus, it doesn’t suffer from any performance or stability problems through it’s use of Cider like The Sims 3 does on OS X (at least, it hasn’t for me playing this game on three systems or on the three previous iterations of OS X).

You can pick up Spore for less than twenty dollars now which I’d say is definitely worth it. Spore will still give a few hours of play and the various possible routes you can take your species mean it has some replay value. Although it hasn’t received the same legacy as The Sims, Spore does have one expansion pack, Galactic Adventures, that adds some more goal-based gameplay through mini-games that take place on planets and can be produced and shared by players.

Spore’s a fantastic game and, four years on, the price reduction only means it offers better value.

Backup Your Twitter Feeds with Tweet Cabinet

Ever wanted to search through a user’s old tweets? Or maybe you’ve thought about archiving your timeline (for posterity, vanity, or perhaps future analysis). Problem is, there’s no easy way to do it. Twitter provides no such tools to its users (not directly, anyway). Thankfully, there are plenty of third-party services and apps for archiving and searching both your tweets and other public timelines.

Tweet Cabinet is the first app of its kind that I’ve seen for Mac. It keeps a local archive of as many users’ public timeline as you desire, allows advanced searching within this archive, and does not require authentication — you don’t even need a Twitter account to use it. But it feels underdone, with a poor user interface and limited non-search filtering options. Let’s take a look at whether there’s enough here to make the app worth your while.

Grabbing Tweets

Getting started with Tweet Cabinet is simple: Just click on the Add User button and type in the handle for the account you want to archive. The app then queries the Twitter API for all of that user’s public history, displaying the results in the main window. This comes with a few caveats, though.

Due to limitations with the Twitter API, Tweet Cabinet — just like all Twitter backup/archival services — can only pull a maximum of 3200 tweets. For some users, this will give you their entire history; for others, you may struggle to go back further than a year. (I was able to see a tweet from @macappstorm dated December 29, 2009.) If you want to look back further than 3200 tweets on any timelines, you’re in for a long and tedious manual search.

See what Mac.AppStorm was tweeting about back at the beginning of 2010.

If you’d like to read through the early days of Twitter, you can do so by changing the number at the end of a tweet’s permanent link. That number is the tweet’s ID, and you’ll be automatically redirected to the correct URL when you change it. For instance, if I take https://twitter.com/mossrc/status/237403397022699520 and change that big number at the end to 20, I’ll be redirected to the first public tweet, from March 2006: https://twitter.com/jack/status/20.

Tweet Cabinet does not grab native retweets, however, so there are unfortunate holes in the archive it creates. I’m not sure why this is — I’ve tried online Twitter backup tools that do, so I expect that it’s more an issue of implementation than a limitation of the Twitter API.

You can view either an individual or all users’ timelines. A username becomes bold in the Users column when one or more of that user’s tweets are displayed. The New Tweets button shows the total number of tweets — across all users — found since the last refresh.

Advanced Search

It’s not immediately obvious (unless you’ve been on the Tweet Cabinet Tumblr site), but the app offers very sophisticated text search options. The usual boolean operators (and, or, not) are represented by +, /, and , respectively. You can enter the search terms Mac and app or Mac + app to find tweets with both of the words in their body, or Mac – app for tweets with “Mac” but not “app.” These can be joined and grouped using parentheses — say, app + (Mac / iOS), which will find tweets that mention apps and either Mac or iOS, or app + Mac – (iOS, Android, Windows), which retrieves tweets that contain the words “Mac” and “app” but not “iOS,” “Android,” or “Windows.”

Searching through my saved users for tweets containing the word app and either Mac or iOS. Note that even fairly short queries become partially hidden in the search box, which remains the same size no matter how big you make the window.

This is pretty neat, but the best bit is that you also have a near operator, ~, which looks for words that appear near each other in text. If your search terms are common words, this is a lifesaver. The more closely words are to each other, the more likely it is that they are related in meaning — and consequently relevance. You can specify word distance, too. Searching for Mac ~3 app returns tweets in which the two words are at most three words apart.

Tweets with the word “twitter” near the word Mac. This is a great way to add relevance measures to your search.

I was frustrated by the tiny search bar when testing out more complicated queries, but even with large datasets the results come fast. Tweet Cabinet’s search capabilities are a killer feature, so it’s bizarre that they’re not mentioned in the App Store description or explained in the (non-existent) in-app documentation. I should also note that, while using Lion, the app crashed many times when I tried to type parentheses in the search box.

Bad Design, or No Design?

Although it covers most of the bases, Tweet Cabinet is rather unwieldy to use. Minimalist user interfaces are all the rage these days, but this app isn’t minimalist in its design; it’s incomplete. The stock standard OS X toolbar has been used with odd spacing between icons and a search bar that should be bigger and more prominent. You can’t select text in a tweet, or click a link (although you can copy a link to the tweet or the full text of a tweet). You can’t select multiple tweets simultaneously, either. Right-clicking or double-clicking does nothing.

Tweet Cabinet shows no information about date or time of a tweet, nor is there an option to limit by date. If you include such advanced text search as is found here, why would you not also offer several non-text filtering options? You can adjust the maximum number of tweets displayed with the Tweet Limit box, but only to one of seven values (100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, infinity) — which is hardly ideal, especially given that you can’t add a date range to it.

Consider Your Options

The alternatives for Twitter backup in the Mac app world are sparse — as I said in the introduction, I’m not away of any similar apps, although I’m sure some savvy reader will mention one in the comments. On the web, however, Twitter archiving and backup tools are plentiful.

I’ve had great success with twDocs, which exports tweets to several different file formats and offers a number of options not found in Tweet Cabinet — including formatting customization and backup of direct messages. It does require authentication, however — so you’ll need a Twitter account to use it. Tweetake is a similar choice. Greptweet fetches public tweets from any user, formatting them in a plain text file that you can download or view in your browser.

TwDocs outputs a simple but detailed list of tweets, including all of the information you want — except perhaps for the actual tweet that you’re replying to. Why can’t Tweet Cabinet do something similar?

If you’re looking for something with more features, Backupify can do automated backups of multiple social media and Google Apps services — with free (storage limited) personal accounts. ThinkUp is pretty cool, too, with excellent analytical and visualization tools, but you’ll need access to a web server to run it.

It’s hard to recommend Tweet Cabinet over any of these — or other comparable services. Not when the cost is $4.99 for an app that’s still very rough around the edges, anyway. Tweet Cabinet still has a long way to go before it can stand above the web-based alternatives.

If you want to keep a regularly-updated local archive of tweets from any number of users, and you like the idea of doing advanced searches on that data, it’ll do the job well enough. But the app needs a much better UI, more filtering options, and more information included with each tweet (give me the date, at the very least). Until then, it’s just barely “good enough” — which is by no means good.

Six Apps and Services That Want to Make You Quit Using iTunes

This post is part of a series that revisits some of our readers’ favorite articles from the past that still contain awesome and relevant information that you might find useful. This post was originally published on September 20th, 2011.

While I’ve used iTunes for the longest time, and it works pretty much as my media center; I have to come to terms with the fact that it isn’t as great as it could be. It’s heavy, slow, glitchy and at times I find it very annoying.

Ditching iTunes is especially enticing when you now have all these new options available: apps that go from streaming free music, to playing you a personalised radio with music that suit your musical tastes. iTunes is still my main music app, but it’s being quickly overtaken by some of these other options.

Radio Services

Smart radio services that use information from your library, have become the best way to find new music as you are guaranteed to find something that you like. Last.fm and Pandora are the most popular, although there are also some options for your regular internet radio listening.



Last.fm is a web app that lets you do a lot of things: store a history of everything you listen to, friend people and compare music tastes, comment on new music, join groups, check info on events, and many more things. It makes music a social experience, but one of the things that makes it so great is the radio service, which lets you listen to “stations” that are related to your music library. You can’t really choose one song and play it, you just pick a station and listen or skip whatever comes on.

The Mac app for Last.fm isn’t that complete, but it does a good job at keeping up with your “scrobbles” and it also lets you listen to the radio service of the web app. It won’t sustitute your music player, but it’s a good companion to it.

Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4 or later



I like to think of Pandora as a more serious version of Last.fm, without many of the community pieces that make Last.fm so great. I’ve never been a user of Pandora, since it is only supported in a few countries, but I’ve always felt that it is a more professional version of its main competitor. Pandora gives you access to a bigger library, and easier accessibility to it. For example, unlike Last.fm, you can play the station of an artist and hear music from the artist as well as related music to him; while Last.fm will play you anything but music from the selected artist.

Obviously, Pandora is a web service but with apps like Pandoras Box, you can listen right from your Mac menu bar. To use third party apps, Pandora requires you to be a paid subscriber.

Price: Free/$36 per year
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or later

Other Radio Apps

A few months back I did a roundup on radio apps, which includes a number of apps that let you listen to regular internet radio stations, and not just recommendations. Apps like Radium for example, that sit in your menu bar and let you choose a genre of music or a specific radio station as fast as you can think about it.

Streaming Services


This newcomer in the U.S. had made quite a good impression for our UK fellows since it came out there a couple of years ago. Spotify U.S. lets you stream almost any kind of music that you could imagine, and it’s free (well, “freemium”). Unless you buy a subscription you’ll get a few short ads every now and then, but the amount of music available in the app is unbelievable and unrivaled by any other streaming service.

The Spotify app for Mac is surprisingly great. It has support for scrobbling, playlists, queues, and it can even play music from your iTunes library, so you can altogether stop using iTunes (which is what I have been doing since Spotify US came out).

Price: Free, $4.99/mo, or $9.99/mo
Requires: Mac OS X 10.6 or later


Spotify’s most capable competitor promises you can “listen to anything, anytime, without ads”. I have not used it myself as it’s only available in the US and Canada, but from what I’ve heard the library is great and the service is even better than Spotify. The downside here is that there is no “free” plan like the one Spotify has. There are two kinds of subscription, but they are priced at $5 and $10 per month.

While Rdio is mostly web-based, you can download a Mac or Windows app that lets you stream music directly to your desktop, and it even gives you mobile streaming access (and offline storage) at its most expensive subscription, much like Spotify does.

Price: $5/mo or $10/mo
Requires: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

iTunes Alternatives

iTunes is a tool that you almost can’t avoid these days. You have to use it to sync your iOS devices, buy apps or other kinds of media, store books, etc. But as iTunes’ functionality has grown, it has become a heavy and slow app, filled with stuff everywhere. Sometimes you just want to play a few tunes from your library without having to deal with iTunes, and that’s what these apps are for. They may not sync with your iPod or let you buy and rent movies, but they will play your music just fine!.


Vox is a lightweight iTunes alternative. It can access your whole library, but without slowing down your computer or the app itself. Unlike iTunes, it has support for a bunch of formats other than the usual MP4 and AAC; and also unlike iTunes, Vox lets you tweak sound and mess around with a number of settings.

Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or later
Developer: AleNofx


Miro is perhaps the most complete competitor for iTunes. Not only can it play your music: it also has built-in support for Amazon’s MP3 store, video support (with way more formats than iTunes), support for Hulu and YouTube and many, many other things. Although the music part of it isn’t that great, it is certainly worth it to check it out just because of all the features that it has to offer.

Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or later
Developer: Participatory Culture Foundation


The music industry is, probably more than any other industry, in constant evolution. Personalized radio services (like Pandora) used to be seen as the newest and coolest way of listening to music, but with new streaming services like Spotify and Rdio, this is now debatable. These services make the concept of buying music a thing from the past, and they offer such accessible prices that you just can’t help but feel attracted to what they offer.

However, there’s also the need of keeping up with music libraries not only on your desktop, but also in your mobile devices. In my opinion, that’s what’s keeping music stores like the iTunes one afloat. Streaming services may be the future, but they still have some shortcomings to resolve.

Which service or app do you use? Are you still buying music from the iTunes or some other store? My music listening process is really divided nowadays: I keep up with everything I listen to on Last.fm, I listen to a lot of new music on Spotify and I keep the music that I really like on iTunes or by buying the vinyls. I should say though, I barely even open the iTunes app anymore, since Spotify lets me access my library from the app. What about you?

Grandview: Extremely Simple Writing

Some apps just don’t make sense at first. Grandview was definitely one of those for me. I love writing apps, and own almost every one available for the Mac. Yet, I could never wrap my head around the reason for Grandview.

Until I tried it out today, since its free right now in the App Store. To my amazement, it clicked for me. I’d still say it’s not for everyone, but here’s what I like about Grandview, and why I just wrote this article in it.

It’s all about focus

Grandview is perhaps the simplest app in the world, at least at first glance. You launch it, press CMD+Shift+A to start using it, and your whole screen goes white. No cursor, no menus, nothing. All you can do is start typing. As you do so, you’ll start off with a large font that shrinks to fit your whole word on the screen. Yes, word. Hit space or return, and your screen goes back to plain white.

No really: all you see is the word you’re writing

There’s a bit more going on behind the scenes, though, which is why Grandview is useful for more than just showing off that your Mac’s keyboard works. Just keep typing, then add punctuation at the end of your sentence, and you’ll see a preview of your whole sentence come on the screen. Press return or space again, though, and you’re back to blank whiteness. Your arrow keys won’t work, but you can hit delete and go back on what you’ve already typed.

Ah, there we go: a full sentence.

Then, if you really need the whole view, to see everything you’ve written down, just tap CMD+=. This will open the whole document you’ve typed up, looking much like OmmWriter with a white background, or perhaps a less strongly designed iA Writer. Here, you’ll still have no curser, but you can select text with your mouse or with Shift+arrow keys.

Oh the humanity: everything I just wrote!

And that’s it?

If that was all there was to Grandview, it’d be a slightly eccentric simple writing app, one that bordered on unusuabality. There’s no spell check, no simple ways to edit your text, no Markdown support, no iCloud sync. But that’s not what it’s designed for.

Grandview is designed to give you a simple way to write your thoughts down without being distracted by anything else, even what you’ve already written. Stanley Fish says to be a good writer, you have to love sentences. Grandview gives you the chance to savor each word and sentence you write, and not worry about anything else. Perhaps it’s minimalism taken to the extreme, but as a writer, I was surprised myself to find how much I enjoyed writing in Grandview. It’s perhaps the easiest way to type up something quick, and with a quick keyboard shortcut, it almost feels more like it’s built into your Mac than a separate app.

Then, Grandview makes itself very useful by working both with text files and your clipboard. When you close Grandview by pressing CMD+Shift+A again, everything you’ve typed will be copied to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into another app. That way, instead of using an app like QuickCursor to edit text from, say, a web form in another app, you can just use Grandview to do it all. Tap the shortcut, write, then tap the shortcut again and hit CMD-V in your other app’s text box.

A quick reminder the first time you close GrandView that your text is in the clipboard

If that’s not enough, you can tap CMD+s at any time while you’re writing, and save your text as a .txt file on your Mac. Or, you can go back and find anything you’ve typed in Grandview recently from its menubar, or even open a txt file you’ve created in Grandview. That way, you can be sure the words you typed out will not be wasted.

All your recently written snippets, ready to re-edit

And then there’s a few more features…

Turns out, there’s a bit more you can do with Grandview to make it your own personal writing space. From its preferences, you can change the keyboard shortcuts to launch Grandview. You can also tweak the font, standard font size, and colors in the app, more in the spirit of WriteRoom than iA Writer or Byword. You can even tweak the app’s minimalist behavior, turning on a blinking cursor or turning off reverse mode that lets you delete words you’ve already typed. It’s not much, and I’d recommend leaving most of the settings alone, but for an app that feels like so much of an extension of your writing mind, it’s nice to be able to tweak it to a certain degree.

A handful of preferences to make Grandview your own

Nearing perfection

Writing apps need to be perfect, or nearly so, or you’ll never really switch to using them by default. I tested out Launch Write, and was initially excited by its potential to make quick, focused writing simpler. Then, I managed to lose what I was writing with it, and honestly never gave it another try. I’ve had similar experiences with online and native note apps through the years, and all it takes is one lost note, and I’m seriously wary of relying on the app. Perhaps it’s too harsh a perspective, but words are important, and I can’t afford to lose what I write.

Thankfully, Grandview passed this test with flying colors. Its clipboard integration and file open/save process worked great for me, and with recent snippets saved in the menubar, I never lost anything. I’ve tried out almost every writing app out there, and for ones that do anything non-traditional, that’s not something I can always say. The only real problem I had with Grandview was a funny one: its startup screen says that you’re to press Option+shift+A to launch Grandview, when its screenshot shows pressing CMD+shift+A. The screenshot is right for the default shortcut.

Do what you see, not what you read…

Wrapping it up

So here I just finished writing a full article, complete with Markdown formatting I’ll convert with Marked, right inside Grandview. The real test of any app is whether I’ll continue using it after testing, or if I’ll post my article and move on to my next app for testing without ever touching the app again. I’m happy to report that Grandview has earned a place in my writing workflow. There’s no other writing app that’s clicked for me as much as Grandview has, other than my beloved iA Writer. That’s about the highest praise I can give a writing app.

I know it sounds silly, and everyone knows that you should be able to see what you’re writing. Surely seeing only one word at a time is crazy.

Perhaps it is. But if so, I’m proud to be one of the crazy ones.

iAntivirus Simply Finds That Malware

There have been many takes on Mac antivirus software over the years. Some people still refuse to believe that Apple’s prized computers can get infected, but the reality is that the Apple world is less secure than you might wish. ClamXav is a great app if you’re looking for some extra protections from the dangers out there, and it really works its hardest to keep your Mac safe. Our own Jorge Rodriguez reviewed this fine app at the beginning of this year, saying that “it feels trustworthy”.

But aren’t there some other worthy competitors to Mark Allan’s minimal virus protection approach? Why yes, and I think the most notable one comes from Symantec. It’s called iAntivirus. That’s right, the developer of Norton also made a Mac antivirus app that’s nothing you should overlook. It’s an extremely minimal approach with only four menu options, but there’s still a lot of protection offered. Let’s take a deeper look, shall we?

Scanning for Malware

This app even scans your IPAs (iOS apps).

This app even scans your IPAs (iOS apps).

When you get an antivirus app, there’s nothing better to do with it than start a scan. iAntivirus is a 96.7 MB App Store download and should only take a few moments on a fast broadband connection. Once it’s installed, you can open the app and start a scan on your home folder effortlessly by simply clicking the icon. The only other thing that needs to be done after that is waiting. In my case there were over 5,000 files to be scanned and it took about ten minutes on a my new MacBook Air.

If you have a solid state drive, performance may be a bit faster since the read times are significantly better than that of a traditional hard disk.

It looks like I'm good.

It looks like I’m good.

To change scan modes you can either press the left or right arrow keys or click on the left or right of the current mode. iAntivirus allows you to scan your entire system, home folder, specific files or folders, or your Facebook Wall. If a scan completes and no threats are found then you’ll see the same screen that’s shown above. I couldn’t really test accuracy of the virus detection in this app since I don’t have any malware at hand.

Keep 'em confined.

Keep ‘em confined.

If a piece of malware is found, the app will move it to the Quarantine where it can stay without harming your system. Should you wish to remove the item, go to the Tools menu and click Quarantine. Find the item who’s existence you want to terminate, select it, and click Delete. You can then click Done to exit the Quarantine or continue your purging spree if necessary.

Since Symantec makes this software, it’s far more likely that it’ll detect viruses being as their database has a plethora of individual malware infections identified. iAntivirus even scans for Windows viruses to make sure that anything you give to a friend isn’t plagued by a little troublemaker. ClamXav does not do this, and also has a notably smaller database to identify viruses, making it not-so-great compared to iAntivirus. However, the independent software does have a few more options available for scanning and further protection, so some advanced users may prefer it.

Virus Definitions Updates are Rare

It’s been nearly two months since Symantec updated iAntivirus with new definitions. There’s not a feature to do so built-in to the app so I’m assuming that they always plan on doing so through the Mac App Store. With that in mind, where are the new definitions? I’m sure there are more developments on the malware front than that. Things are not stagnant, you know. Symantec does have a great database, but if the one in this app isn’t up to date then what good is it? That’s definitely one major problem to consider with iAntivirus.

Facebook Wall Scanning

The most nifty functionality found in iAntivirus is its Facebook Wall scanning. All you have to do is click the icon in iAntivirus’ main screen and sign in to your Facebook account. Symantec’s service will then proceed to scan your social networking hub for malicious links that may harm you or your friends. If one is found then you’ll be alerted and prompted to delete the post.

It’s for Basic Users

There are very few options offered in iAntivirus' preferences.

There are very few options offered in iAntivirus’ preferences.

If you’re a more intelligent person who wants advanced functionality, then iAntivirus isn’t going to work for you. ClamXav is free and, even though it’s simple, will do a better satisfy your needs. I really wish iAntivirus at least had a scheduling ability for scans or even some sort of automated system that checked an external drive when you plugged it in. There are way too many ways to spread a virus and it really doesn’t matter how it makes it on to your Mac because the damage will already be done.

iAntivirus offers no realtime protection. There’s no option to check newly added files, which should be something that’s included even if the software is free. I don’t think that people need something advanced or hard to understand, but rather a piece of software that will help them without their need to do something. iAntivirus does that in the most minimal way possible, and could be much better. For free, the app is fine since it has that excuse to be less than what paid apps are, but Symantec really should be offering just a bit more with their software.

Macs Can Get Viruses; Protection Isn’t Necessary

I recommend that anyone using a Mac get this app. There’s no reason not to be protected by something free of charge, even if you’re sure that you’ll never get a virus. I think that purchasing actual antivirus software from Symantec, like Norton Antivirus for Mac, is unnecessary. There are many great free solutions out there that won’t destroy the performance of your system, but more advanced tools like the one I just mentioned will.

Any Mac user should know that there are viruses coded for the system. OS X is BSD-based, which is similar to the Linux core in every Linux distribution out there. The latter is open source, which means that anyone can have fun with the code, and many core OS X components are open source as well. That can make it more secure, as developers can search for holes and patch them, but it can also present a danger that malicious developers can search for attack points as well. There are similarities in Mac and Linux code, but the main point is that the latter has viruses and the former does as well. You can argue this point as much as you wish, but the facts still exist: people can create malicious software for the Macintosh system. It happened with the Flashback Trojan and will continue as Apple’s computers become more popular.

That’s why it never hurts to get a bit of protection, especially when it’s free and doesn’t over-tax your system.

Keys: Bring Your Typing Up To Speed

Typing has become as essential to life as writing and reading. It’d be impossible to use most tech products today without any typing skills, and if you use computers for any extended period, you’d better be fast while typing or you’ll quickly get left behind. Accuracy and speed are still crucial skills, even with AutoCorrect and speech detection built into OS X today.

Keys is an app that aims to get you typing faster than ever and to help you improve the accuracy of your typing. The average person can type around 50-70 words per minute, but with Key, you’ll hopefully be typing like the pros at 150 words per minute in no time. It might be the perfect app for back-to-school season, getting you ready to type up essays, or for any of us IT pros that want to speed up our typing. Let’s take a look and see if this is the app you need to make your typing more efficient on the world’s best OS for writing.


I am yet to come across another app that features an interface quite like Keys: the interface is clean and slick and lets you to concentrate on one thing: typing. When you first open up Keys, you’re presented with a welcome screen that gets you up and running with the app, making sure you don’t miss a trick and know how to make the most out of it. When you first start the app up, you’ll have a desire to just press the keys but I assure you, reading the notes about how to use the app is very useful!

To use Keys, you’re presented with a row of letters and spaces, and all you have to do is press the keys correctly. This may sound easy but each time you make a mistake, Keys counts this and along the side you can see how well you’re doing. You also have a virtual keyboard that shows what you’ve typed and the keys you’re pressing, this is especially useful to get you started with touch typing. Keys also gives you a pointer as to which hand you should be typing with via a handy little graphic in the top left corner.

On the right, you’re able to view how many mistakes have been made, the amount of keystrokes you’ve made, your percentage of error and the speed in which you type. As you use Keys more and more, you’ll kick yourself when you make a mistake, because from personal experience I can assure you there’s nothing more infuriating than when your 0% error ticks up.

The interface also features some standard controls at the bottom of the app, including the ability to start again, toggle whether or not the guides on the keyboard appear, a settings menu and also an indictor showing your progress and also the ability to toggle a drawer showing all the available courses.

Testing Yourself

If you consider yourself a more able typist, then you can simply toggle a drawer on the right and choose from all the courses built into Keys. They range from the simple ‘asdf’ to more obscure parts of the keyboard. With each course you practice typing on different areas of the keyboard, gradually getting more proficient, and the idea is that you’ll become proficient and familiar with the whole thing.

One limitation I have found is that you’re not able to actually choose a course in which the whole keyboard is used. You’re limited to only four keys (not including the space bar) and cannot be tested on them all. That would be useful because that’s the ultimate goal: the ability to touch-type regardless of where the key is located.

Keyboard Support

One thing lacking for Keys is the ability to use international keyboards, and currently only a U.S. keyboard is supported. Although this isn’t too much of a problem for someone like me using a British keyboard, it could become tedious and tiresome for something using a more ‘exotic’ keyboard.

Visualising Your Performance

Once you’ve done with your typing, Keys nicely lays out your performance of that session using a nice graph and shows a couple of nice graphics representing your error rate and speed.

It would be handy if you could actually keep track of each session and compare how much better you’re getting at typing and to track your progress, maybe it would be worth a future update to include this. It would also be useful to be able to export the data and graphs so you can publish your results and performance.


If you’re the kind of person that types a lot and uses a computer often then I’d recommend that you get up to speed with your typing using Keys. Keys is a useful, functional application that really does work. One downside is that it’s not exactly an inexpensive app and does come at the price of $29.99, but I’d recommend considering the investment if you’re a serious power user and serious at typing. If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative, the web app TypingWeb is a decent alternate, though with a far less nice interface.

After using Keys for the best part of a week, I have found myself typing faster. Before reviewing Keys, I was skeptical because I didn’t think I could type any faster than I already did but after using Keys, I am nearing 100 words per minute!

App Store Deals This Week

As always every Wednesday, here are our weekly picks of the best deals on the App Store for this week.

Happy downloading!



It semems like us Mac users are absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes to minimal writing environments given the likes of apps such as Byword and iA Writer and now there’s one called Grandview which takes an interesting approach to ‘distraction-free’ writing environments. The app allows one-word-at-a-time text entry and by pressing a hotkey from any application, you can quickly enter Grandview’s full-screen writing environment. The app sits nice and discreetly in the menu bar, ready to access whenever you need to use it and is currently on offer for free, so it’s worth grabbing for a trial run – even if you hate its approach.

Price: $13.99 – free
Developer: Dark Heartfelt
App Store link: Grandview



YourtTrip makes trying to plan an itinerary for a big trip really easy. The app will help you confirm any specific location that you want to visit plus will help you find places through the integrated Map Search function. It will also help you pack by suggesting common items to take with you making sure that you don’t forget anything, and the integrated Smart Budget planner will ensure that your trip stays within your allocated budget. Itineraries can be e-mailed, printed off or mailed as PDFs directly from the app, and YourtTrip is currently free until August 26.

Price: $9.99 – free
Developer: Macingaz Group
App Store link: YourtTrip



CodeRunner is an excellent application for editing and running code in virtually any programming language on OS X, including AppleScript, C, C++, Java and Objective-C (and there are plenty more languages that are supported – just head over to the app’s page on the App Store for the full list), as long as you have already got the application installed on your Mac. The app sports a tabbed interface, syntax highlighting and colour themes and also includes a file browser, allowing easy access to all your source files. CodeRunner integrates with Lion’s built-in autosaving, versions control and fullscreen mode and is fully compatible with both Mountain Lion and the retina display on the new MacBook Pro.

Price: $9.99 – $4.99
Developer: Nikolai Krill
App Store link: CodeRunner



I’m sure almost every Mac user has heard of Fantastical (we gave it a commendable 9 out of 10 in our full review of it last year) and it advertises itself as the calendar app that “you’ll actually enjoy using”. It offers integration with most calendar services, including iCal (or Calendar in Mountain Lion), Outlook and Busycal and supports iCloud, Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar and more. Other features include automatic alarms for new events and Reminders support in both Mountain Lion and iOS. The app is currently running a 50% off promotion for a limited time only, so grab it whilst it’s hot!

Price: $19.99 – $9.99
Developer: Flexibits Inc
App Store link: Fantastical



Numi is a wonderful little utility that sits quietly in your menu bar and lets you perform calculations by simply typing in (either in text or numbers) exactly what you want it to work out for you. It combines calculations with text and fully transforms text into calculations so you don’t have to switch between what you are entering – simply type it all in and let the app do all the work for you. Most basic operations are supported and the app is easily accessible through a shortcut (the standard one is Ctrl + Alt + =)

Price: $4.99 – free
Developer: Apprium
App Store link: Numi

Mental Case

Mental Case

Mental Case is a great app that helps you create flashcards for your studies. You can integrate audio, video, images and text into them and the app is also one of the only flashcard apps for OS X that integrates downloads from FlashcardExchange as well as Quizlet and you can sync all the flashcards you’ve created with your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi (if you have the separate iOS client installed) as well as across multiple Macs via iCloud. The app is currently 65% off as part of their back to school sale and I think that students everywhere will benefit highly from this app (the full list of features is available on their App Store listing).

Price: $29.99 – $9.99
Developer: The Mental Faculty
App Store link: Mental Case

Check Back Next Week!

Remember to check back next Wednesday for some more hot (and free) App Store deals and if you can hardly wait until then, feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the apps featured above!

Weekly Poll: How’s your Unibody MacBook Holding Up?

Since 2008, Apple has shifted the design of all MacBooks with a unibody aluminum shell, starting with the original MacBook Air and continued with the MacBook Pros. Today, if you buy a MacBook, you’ll have to get one with an aluminum unibody, as that’s all they sell now. Apple’s hailed the design as stronger yet lighter than previous designs. It’s certainly proved popular with customers. Every high-end PC, it seems, tries to one-up Apple’s unibody design.

Plastic cracks and scratches, and rarely would hold up to any heavy blows or falls. Aluminum is much more resilient, but is still susceptible to scratches from hard objects and even bends from hard falls. It’s far from the hardest or strongest material on the planet. Just search for bent MacBook Air, and you’ll find some horrifying pictures online (of course, if a plastic notebook took the same blows, it likely would have cracked and shattered instead of just bending … but still).

That’s why we’re wondering how your unibody MacBook Pro or Air is holding up. Have you gotten some small scratches and bent corners, or does yours still look factory-fresh? Is the unibody design working better for you than other laptops you’ve had in the past? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!