Apple keyboard gets touchy-feely with wooden tactile mod

This seems to be the day for keyboards. First, I wrote a review of the Scosche freeKEY flexible and water-resistant Bluetooth keyboard. Now we have word from CreativeBits of a wonderful keyboard mod that uses the tactile feel of sandblasted wood grain on a standard Apple keyboard to “strengthen the relationship between user and interface.”

Designer Michael Roopenian‘s stated goal was to “enhance user’s connections to their keyboards through texture and variation.” His website shows research into the most used keys on the keyboard, the keys that are depressed by each finger, and drawings of other ideas he looked at. Those included keys sculpted into a large relief of the letter’s shape, and keys that were each topped with a different material for a unique feel.

After user testing, Roopenian found that users wanted a consistent and uniform design, coupled with a logical variation in the surface. His solution was to use wood with a deeply sandblasted grain. As you can see in the screenshot above, the result is an attractive wood surface that provides users with tactile feedback.

While Roopenian’s Engrain Keyboard may not be practical for many Mac users, it’s great to see that designers are continuing their search for the perfect interface device.

Apple keyboard gets touchy-feely with wooden tactile mod originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Image spotted on Apple’s website hints at iWork ’11

A small misstep by Apple in a MacBook Air image hints at the rumored iWork 11 suite. Located directly above the iPhoto image in the right sidebar is a reference to the rumored productivity suite. Rumors coming fast and furious last year pointed to a January launch of the iWork 11 applications along with the Mac App Store. While the OS X App Store debuted on time, the suite of applications which include Pages ’11, Numbers ’11 and Keynote ’11 did not materialize.

This above image does not guarantee iWork ’11 will appear in the immediate future. In fact, we have seen this shot briefly before in the early days of the Mac App Store, but Apple is now re-purposing it for use with the MacBook Air. Of course, it could be an oversight by Apple, but we’re hoping it suggests the productivity suite is still on Apple’s radar. Fingers-crossed it will get some love at WWDC.

Thanks, @Helveticats.

Image spotted on Apple’s website hints at iWork ’11 originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Time Inc. magazine subscribers to get iPad versions for free

Time Inc. is reportedly in talks with Apple to let print subscribers access the iPad version of its magazines for free. According to a Wall Street Journal report, subscribers to Sports Illustrated, Time and Fortune magazines will be able to download the iPad app and use the app’s built-in authentication scheme to identify them as print subscribers. This arrangement, already available for People magazine subscribers, will debut on Monday.

Apple introduced subscription-based pricing earlier this year and many magazines now offer their digital version for a nominal fee separate from the cost of the print version. Parent company Time Warner took a different approach and extended its television-based “View Anywhere” model to its magazines. This outlook allows paying customers to access content across platforms — cable customers can watch TV and print magazine subscribers can read content on their iPad.

By bundling its digital version with the print version for one flat price, Time Inc. is trying to innovate in the struggling print media market. The media company will announce its Q1 financial earnings on Wednesday May 4 and this new subscription model may be a bright spot in what is expected to be a quarter of flat performance.

Time Inc. magazine subscribers to get iPad versions for free originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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TUAW’s Daily iOS App: Gears

Crescent Moon Games is the developer behind popular iOS titles like Aralon and Ravensword, and it’s returned to the platform recently with a new game called Gears. This is a sphere rolling game in the vein of the old Marble Madness, though as you can see from the screenshot above, we’ve come a long way since that first isometric title. In Gears, you use a finger (or the tilt controls, though those don’t work quite as precisely) to roll a ball around on your iPhone or iPad, guiding it through a series of obstacles of different types. As you might expect, gameplay’s simple to pick up, but complexity gets added in later on with more mechanics and tougher levels.

There are 27 different levels to play through, with undoubtedly more to come. While the app is a universal build, there are actually a few different graphical settings so that you can run it faster on an older device or make it look really great on a newer one. Game Center leaderboard integration is included, so Gears turns out to be a quality title wrapped in a very feature-rich package.

Gears is at an introductory price of just US$0.99 as of this writing, and at that price, it’s highly recommended. Crescent Moon has already shown that it can create really in-depth RPG titles, but with Gears, the company proves it can bring that polish to smaller titles, too.

TUAW’s Daily iOS App: Gears originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Scosche freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard: A hands-on test

A few days ago I highlighted a new flexible and water-resistant Bluetooth keyboard from the folks at Scosche. As many of the people commenting on that post noted, flexible “chiclet-type” keyboards of this type have a reputation for being difficult to type on. TUAW blogger Erica Sadun mentioned that when she’s used chiclet keyboards, her fingers have actually started to hurt after a short amount of time due to the extra pressure required to depress the key switches.

After hearing that from Erica, it was with a great deal of skepticism that I opened a box from Scosche the other day that contained one of the freeKEY Bluetooth keyboards. Is the US$59.99 ($49.99 through freeKEY a good portable keyboard for iOS device owners who want to travel light, or does the design of a keyboard like this keep it from really being useful? In the following review (see next page), I’ll provide a hands-on test of the freeKEY with an iPad 2 and let you know how it held up to my lightning-fast typing.

Continue reading Scosche freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard: A hands-on test

Scosche freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard: A hands-on test originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 07:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Maglus iPad stylus rendered for, an Irish Kickstarter-like project

The Maglus

Considering the iPad 2 works just fine with just a finger for most people, I wouldn’t have thought there was much of a mass-market for a capacitive stylus for use on the 9.7″ tablet. But that hasn’t stopped people trying, including a new Irish Kickstarter-like project called The Maglus.

The Maglus, as the name might suggest, is a magnetic capacitive stylus that will mimic the touch of a finger on the iPad’s screen. It tucks neatly out the way when not in use by attaching to the Smart Cover or the body of the iPad 2.

Having reached €2,939.00 (US$4,350) of the target €15000 ($22,195), the team behind the €24.99 Maglus has released a couple of new renders of the near final product (as seen above). You can view a video of a prototype below.

If you’re interested in getting your hands on one — perhaps you’re an artist, illustrator or someone who needs the precision of a pen on the iPad — then head over to the Maglus page. You can pledge €15 or more to secure yourself one of the magnetic styluses, but hurry — the offer is only open to the first 2000 pledgers.

[via RazorianFly]

Continue reading Maglus iPad stylus rendered for, an Irish Kickstarter-like project

Maglus iPad stylus rendered for, an Irish Kickstarter-like project originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 06:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Mac OS X Lion to feature iOS-like ‘jiggling’ app unistaller

New features of Mac OS X Lion are slowly leaking out after the last Lion Developer Preview was released. The latest find, noticed by, is a built-in uninstaller function, reminiscent of the way you remove apps in iOS.

The Lion app uninstaller works through Launchpad, Mac OS X’s app launcher “home screen” layer. When Launchpad is displayed, a user can click and hold the mouse cursor on an app’s icon; after a brief pause, all the app icons will begin jiggling. An X will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the icons, and clicking it will cause a dialog pop-up to appear asking the user, “Are you sure you want to delete the application?” Clicking Delete will move the app and any associated files to the Trash. Currently, this uninstall feature only works with apps purchased through the Mac App Store.

New Mac users are commonly confused about how to delete Mac apps. Coming from a PC, they are used to uninstallers and don’t realize that one can (usually) simply drag any app to the Trash to delete it. The new uninstall feature in Lion is another sign that Apple wants to take the simplicity of iOS and apply it to the Mac in hopes of making OS X more familiar and intuitive to anyone using a Mac for the first time.

[Thanks, Sam]

Mac OS X Lion to feature iOS-like ‘jiggling’ app unistaller originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 02 May 2011 05:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Talkcast tonight, 10 PM EDT/7 PM PDT/4 PM HDT: Casper Phone Edition!

It’s that time again kids! This week we have TONS to talk about, from the actual release of the Ghost Phone to the dust-up over iPhones and their location tracking and everything in between.

Tonight we have a special guest, too! Chatting with me and the other TUAW staffers about the news of the week will be Editor-At-Large of The Mac Observer, Jeff Gamet! WARNING: If you have a delicate constitution, I feel it is my duty to warn you that Mr. Gamet will not be wearing pants. Forewarned is forearmed and all of that.

Keep in mind that when you come for the show, you are invited to stay for the aftershow, and TUAWTF is never recorded for a very good reason.

Your calls and questions help us make the show the best it can be, otherwise I’m just talking to myself! To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only client, the embedded Facebook app, or download the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in. For the web UI, just click the Talkshoe Web button on our profile page at 4 HI/7 PDT/10 PM EDT Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VoIP lines (yay for free cell phone weekend minutes!): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 — during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *8.

If you’ve got a headset or microphone handy on your Mac, you can connect via the free Gizmo, X-Lite, or Blink SIP clients; basic instructions are here. Talk to you tonight!

Talkcast tonight, 10 PM EDT/7 PM PDT/4 PM HDT: Casper Phone Edition! originally appeared on TUAW on Sun, 01 May 2011 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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South Park makes fun of all things Apple in season opener

South Park has aired the opening episode of its 15th season, and it blasted not only Apple’s products, but the culture surrounding the company as well. We knew this was coming based on a Steve Jobs parody keynote promo that was shown leading up to the premiere.

Some of the best bits were the Genius Bar segment (see below — sorry, Flash required) and the part where Eric’s mom tries to get him to buy a Toshiba HandyBook instead of an iPad. I’ll let the episode speak for itself, though. You can watch it in its entirety here. Be warned, however — as usual, South Park is very NSFW.


South Park makes fun of all things Apple in season opener originally appeared on TUAW on Sun, 01 May 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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White iPhone has different innards than its black counterpart

The first tear down reports for the white iPhone 4 are coming in and it seems as though there are a few differences internally. The differences include a modified lens and proximity sensor.

According to the report, which drew its information from various Twitter posts, the sensor remains the same, but the “magnitude of the incident light” between the black and white iPhone 4 models is a different size.

Photo comparisons of the two devices seem to indicate that the rear-facing camera lens on the white iPhone 4 has been set farther back than its black counterpart.

Additionally, when compared to teardown photos of last year’s iPhone 4 model, the internal proximity sensor on the white model appears to have been changed as well, though the exact nature of the change remains unclear.

For more on the differences as well as some photos of the tear down check out the article by AppleInsider.

Open Source: Custom iPad UISplitViewController Allows Placement Inside Tab Bars

Received word about an excellent looking custom UISplitViewController for iPad apps known as the APSplitViewController. The APSplitViewController includes a couple of highly desired features such as the ability to use your split view controllers in conjunction with tab bars, and allow you to include UINavigationController within the views.

I have previously mentioned the MGSplitViewController, and while the APSplitViewController does not include as many cosmetic features as the MGSplitViewController the MGSplitViewController has not been kept up to date and issues have been reported with tab bars and the navigation controller (which were never claimed to work the the MGSplitViewController anyways).

Thanks to Slava Brushtuk from Alterplay for mentioning the APSplitViewController.

You can find the Github page for the APSplitViewController here:

Read More: Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools

©2011 iPhone, iOS 4, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips. All Rights Reserved.



Display the NewView after pressing Button

This is the NewView application. In this application we will see after lunch the application first, splash screen will come, later after MainScreen appears, in this screen we will see two buttons are there, after pressing first button “First View” will come , there is one back button and pressing back button the page return to MainScreen. So let see how it will work.

Step 1: Open a Xcode, Create a Window base application. Give the application name “Splash_Xcode”.

Step 2: Xcode automatically creates the directory structure and adds essential frameworks to it. You can explore the directory structure to check out the content of the directory.

Step 3: We need to add three ViewController class in the project. So select the project -> New File ->UIViewController subclass -> select with XIB for user interface -> then give file name “MainControllerView” . Do the same thing two more times and give the file name “FirstView” and “SecondView”.

Step 4: We need to add images for this application. Added two back groung images

i) Default.png

ii) lightingeffects.png

two buttons

i) firstview.png

ii) secondview.png

and one back button

i) backbutton.png

Step 5: Open the MainWindow.xib file , first drag the ImageView from the library and place it to the window, now select the window open the Attribute inspector and select the Default image.

Step 6: Now open the Spalsh_XcodeAppDelegate.m file and make the following changes:

#import "Spalsh_XcodeAppDelegate.h"
#import "MainControllerView.h"

@implementation Spalsh_XcodeAppDelegate

@synthesize window=_window;

(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

MainControllerView *mainController = [[MainControllerView alloc] init];

[_window addSubview:mainController.view];

// Override point for customization after application launch.
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;}

(void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application


(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application


(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application


[_window release];
[super dealloc];


Step 7: In the MainControllerview.h file, we need to define FirstView and SecondView class, UiLabel for  displaying label, two buttons and two IBAction methods. So make the following changes:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@class FirstView;

@class SecondView;

@interface MainControllerView : UIViewController {

IBOutlet UILabel *label;
IBOutlet UIButton *firstView;
IBOutlet UIButton *secondView;

FirstView *firstView1;
SecondView *secondView1;


@property(nonatomic,retain)  IBOutlet UILabel *label;
@property(nonatomic,retain)  IBOutlet UIButton *firstView;
@property(nonatomic,retain)  IBOutlet UIButton *secondView;

(IBAction) FirstView:(id)sender;
(IBAction) SecondView:(id)sender;


Step 8: Double click the MainControllerView.xib file and open it. Open the view from the .xib file and drag the ImageView from the library and place it to the view window. Select the View and open the attribute Inspector and select the lightingeffects.png. Now drag the two button and one Label from the library and place it to the View. First select the label and open the Attribute Inspector, change the text into “Please Click the Button”. Now select the button and open Attributes Inspector change the image name into “firstview.png” and change the type of the button into Custom. Do the same thing for the another button and load the “secondview.png”. Connect the File’s Owner icon to the label , FirstView button and SecondView button and select label, firstView and secondView. Now select FirstView button and open connection Inspector and connect Touch Up Inside to the File’s Owner icon and select FirstView: method. Do the same thing for the Second button and select the SecondView: method. Save the MainControllerView.xib file .

Step 9: Open the MainControllerview.m file, and make the following changes.

#import "MainControllerView.h"
#import "FirstView.h"
#import "SecondView.h"

@implementation MainControllerView
@synthesize label,firstView,secondView;

(IBAction) FirstView:(id)sender


firstView1 = [[FirstView alloc]
[self.view addSubview:firstView1.view];


(IBAction) SecondView:(id)sender

secondView1 = [[SecondView alloc]
[self.view addSubview:secondView1.view];

(id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {

return self;

[super dealloc];

[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];


#pragma mark – View lifecycle

[super viewDidLoad];

[super viewDidUnload];


return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);


Step 10: Open the FirstView.h file and  make the following changes:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class MainControllerView;

@interface FirstView : UIViewController {

IBOutlet UIButton *backButton;
MainControllerView *mainControllerView;

@property(nonatomic,retain)  IBOutlet UIButton *backButton;


Step 11: Double click the FirstView.xib file and open it. First drag the label from library and place it to the view window. Select the label and open the Attribute Inspector , change the label name into “First View”. Drag the Navigation Bar from the library and place it to the top portion of the view and change the Tile of the Navigation Item into “First View”. Now save the FirstView.xib file.

Step 12: Open the FirstView.m file and  make the following changes:

#import "FirstView.h"
#import "MainControllerView.h"

@implementation FirstView

@synthesize backButton;

(id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
// Custom initialization
return self;

[super dealloc];

[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];


#pragma mark – View lifecycle

[super viewDidLoad];

UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
button.frame = CGRectMake(5,18,100,40);
[button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"backbutton.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button addTarget:self action:@selector(BackAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
button.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

[self.view addSubview:button];


(IBAction) BackAction:(id)sender


mainControllerView = [[MainControllerView alloc]

[self.view addSubview:mainControllerView.view];
[mainControllerView.view release];


[super viewDidUnload];

return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);


Step 13: Open the SecondView.h file and  make the following changes:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@class MainControllerView;

@interface SecondView : UIViewController {

IBOutlet UIButton *backButton;
MainControllerView *mainControllerView;

@property(nonatomic,retain)  IBOutlet UIButton *backButton;


Step 14: Double click the SecondView.xib file and open it. First drag the label from library and place it to the view window. Select the label and open the Attribute Inspector , change the label name into “Second View”. Drag the Navigation Bar from the library and place it to the top portion of the view and change the Tile of the Navigation Item into “Second View”. Now save the SecondView.xib file.

Step 15: Open the SecondView.m file and  make the following changes:

#import "SecondView.h"
#import "MainControllerView.h"

@implementation SecondView

@synthesize backButton;

(id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
return self;

[super dealloc];

[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];


#pragma mark – View lifecycle

[super viewDidLoad];

UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
button.frame = CGRectMake(5,18,100,40);
[button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"backbutton.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button addTarget:self action:@selector(BackAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
button.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

[self.view addSubview:button];


(IBAction) BackAction:(id)sender


mainControllerView = [[MainControllerView alloc]

[self.view addSubview:mainControllerView.view];
[mainControllerView.view release];


[super viewDidUnload];

return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);


Step 16: Now compile and run the application in the Simulator.

You can Download Source Code from here Spalsh_Xcode

Talkcast tonight, 10pm EDT/7pm PDT/4pm HDT: Casper Phone Edition!

It’s that time again kids! This week we have TONS to talk about, from the actual release of the Ghost Phone to the dust-up over iPhones and their location tracking and everything in between.

Tonight we have a special guest too! Chatting with me and the other TUAW staffers about the news of the week will be Editor-At-Large of The Mac Observer, Jeff Gamet! WARNING: If you have a delicate constitution, I feel it is my duty to warn you that Mr. Gamet will not be wearing pants. Forewarned is forearmed and all of that.

Keep in mind that when you come for the show, you are invited to stay for the aftershow, and TUAWTF is never recorded for a very good reason.

Your calls and questions help us make the show the best it can be, otherwise I’m just talking to myself! To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only client, the embedded Facebook app, or download the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in. For the web UI, just click the Talkshoe Web button on our profile page at 4 HI/7 PDT/10 pm EDT Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VoIP lines (yay for free cellphone weekend minutes!): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 — during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *8.

If you’ve got a headset or microphone handy on your Mac, you can connect via the free Gizmo, X-Lite, or Blink SIP clients; basic instructions are here. Talk to you tonight!

Talkcast tonight, 10pm EDT/7pm PDT/4pm HDT: Casper Phone Edition! originally appeared on TUAW on Sun, 01 May 2011 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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South Park makes fun of all things Apple in season opening

South Park has aired the opening episode of its fifteenth season, and it blasted not only Apple’s products, but the culture surrounding the company as well. We knew this was coming, based on a Steve Jobs parody keynote promo shown leading up to the premiere.

Some of the best bits were the Genius Bar segment (see below — sorry, Flash required) and the part were Eric’s mom tries to get him to buy a Toshiba HandyBook instead of an iPad. I’ll let the episode speak for itself though. You can watch the full thing here. Be warned, however — as usual, South Park is very NSFW.


South Park makes fun of all things Apple in season opening originally appeared on TUAW on Sun, 01 May 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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