12.9-inch iPad coming in 2015, according to new report

Some Apple-based rumors just don’t die, and they’re fueled by the absolute belief that, some day, they’ll be right. The 12.9-inch iPad is proof of this. A new report published today says that Apple is still indeed planning on bringing the giant device to the market.

If you’ll recall, the “iPad Pro” was supposedly scheduled to launch in the beginning of 2014, as was reported in late 2013, but that obviously never happened. And now, here we are nearing the end of 2014 and a new report has surfaced claiming the 12.9-inch iPad is coming in early 2015. This report is based on information obtained from individuals familiar with Apple’s plans, but requested to remain anonymous.



The new iPad will have a screen measuring 12.9 inches diagonally, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the details aren’t public. Apple currently produces iPads with 9.7-inch and 7.9-inch displays. The Cupertino, California-based company has been working with suppliers for at least a year to develop a new range of larger touch-screen devices, said the people.

We’ve already seen a concept of what a 12.9-inch iPad would look like earlier this year, and while a larger iPad might make sense for some, it will be interesting to see if a 12.9-inch iPad can really shake up the tablet market in a major way.

Would you buy a 12.9-inch iPad?

How to iPhone SMS Backup & Restore Windows


Backup and Restore iPhone SMS with ease. No Jailbreak required.

Whether you’re looking to transfer iPhone SMS between iPhone and computer, iPhone SMS Backup & Restore is the best choice which lets you do it in just a few easy steps. Now it is fully compatible with the latest iOS 7 and iPhone 5S/5C.





  • Backup iPhone SMS to computer
  • Restore SMS to iPhone from PC
  • Export iPhone SMS to document files such as txt, csv, doc or html
  • Import SMS to iPhone from iTunes Backup
  • Print out iPhone SMS messages in conversations
  • iMessage supported also

Requirement:  Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8

Download Trial Version


Backup iPhone SMS and More importantly Restore SMS back to iPhone

Backuptrans iPhone SMS Backup & Restore offers all solutions for all serious iPhone users. It not only supports iPhone SMS to computer backup & export, but also enables users to restore SMS backup from computer database to a new iPhone or back to your old iPhone. No other iPhone utility software does more.

With backup feature, users can quickly and safely copy and backup all iPhone SMS or the SMS with a certain contact onto your computer local database where our software can let you freely view or print out your iPhone text messages directly. Whether you prepare SMS evidence for a court or just print it out for memory, the threading mode output will always satisfy you. Very user-friendly. Users can also export SMS from iPhone to computer as txt,csv,word or html files as you wish to. In addition to backup feature, the restore feature is even more amazing. After backing up your iPhone SMS messages onto the local database on computer, you can restore them onto anyr iPhone. So even if your iphone was ever lost, damaged or stolen, your SMS are still safe. Backuptrans iPhone SMS Backup & Restore helps you keep a safe SMS backup on your computer database, just in case anything might happen. Besides, you can also choose to restore SMS form your iTunes Backup if you once backed up your iPhone data with your iTunes library. If yes, you can use our software to restore SMS from iTunes backup onto your new iPhone smoothly even without your old iPhone.

Now you have total control over your iPhone SMS, Backup or Restoring.

Download Trial Version

The latest Updates:

  • Supports iOS 8 beta.
  • Supports the latest iOS 7 and iPhone 5S/5C.
  • Supports iMessages backup, restore, transfer, export and print.



Backup iPhone SMS onto local database on computer

Use innovative synchronization algorithms to help iPhone users easily backup iPhone SMS messages onto local database on computer where they can be easily viewed, exported and printed. Even iPhone with a broken screen supported also.

Restore SMS to iPhone from computer

Unlike many other competing software in the markert, Backuptrans iPhone SMS Backup & Restore can help iPhone users to smoothly restore SMS from computer to iPhone besides backup feature, either a new iPhone or old iPhone. This is extremely helpful when you want to transfer iPhone text messages from your old iPhone to new iPhone. No Jailbreak required.

Restore SMS from iTunes Backup

What if a lost/broken iPhone but still want to keep the sms on it? If you backup your iPhone data on your iTunes from time to time, this is good news. You can use our iPhone SMS Backup & Restore software to put SMS from your iTunes backup to your new iPhone.

Export iPhone SMS into document files

Fast export speed and four common file types supported, including txt, csv, word, and html. You can choose one according to your need. Additionally, you can also choose to export all iPhone SMS out or just export the SMS with a certain contact.

Print out iPhone SMS in a few mouse clicks

Perfectly print out your iPhone text messages in threading mode. Reading the printing output feels like the same as that on your iPhone. Again, you can also choose to print out all iPhone SMS out or just print the SMS with a certain contact.

iMessages management supported also

This software also enables you to backup, restore, export and print iMessages.

Smart Search and Filter

You can fast search messages by entering contact name, phone number, keywords or even part of the message.

Fast and safe

Backup and restore sms safely in fast speed; no worry about your computer slowing down or conflicting with other running programs.

User-friendly UI

Very easy to use, suitable for both beginners or advanced users.

Clean and reliable

100% clean. Easy and safe to install and uninstall.

Download Trial Version

Life-time free updates and fast customer support.

How To Permanently Block iMessage Spam On iOS And Mac

Introduced by Apple alongside iOS 5, iMessage provides a secure, speedy solution for those looking to share messages, photos, videos and other such content across iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Mac.

Sure, it gets its fair dose of downtime, but things have certainly improved over the past couple of years, and among iOS device owners, it has become a critical part of the daily IM repertoire.


Disable iMessage Completely On iOS

If you’re not a frequent iMessage user and would rather stop using it entirely in the battle against the spam, then there’s an easy way to deactivate it. At some point when you first fired up your iOS device, you would have run through the steps to activate iMessage, but if it’s proving more of a hindrance than a help, then here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step 1: Tap on the Settings icon on your device’s home screen.

Step 2: Next, tap on the Messages option.

Step 3: You’ll then notice the iMessage toggle. Simply tap on it to disable iMessage, and voila, your spam problems will have been banished.

Block iMessages From Unknown Contacts On iOS

Of course, this is a bit of a militant course of action, particularly if you would still like to use iMessage to keep up with your friends, and so, here’s a less drastic way to deal with the annoyances that spam can bring.

It simply involves turning off notifications for iMessages not sent by your contacts. This does mean, of course, that if you frequently hand out your iMessage number or email address, that you may miss the initial correspondence, but it’s a small price to pay against being swamped by spam messages.

Step 1: As you might have guessed, you’ll once again need to fire up Settings.

Step 2: Once there, navigate to Notification Center.

Step 3: Next, head to Messages.

Step 4: You’ll see the option to ‘Show Alerts from Everyone’. Tap on it, and instead opt for ‘Show Alerts from My Contacts.’

From then on, only your contact’s messages will show up through your notification set-up. It doesn’t stop spam from reaching you, of course, but aside from a little daily housekeeping, it means the nuisance messages won’t catch your attention so frequently.

Block iMessages From Unknown Contacts On Mac

iMessage is not just limited to iOS users, and it spreads across to the Mac as well, and if you have the same spamming situation on your desktop, then following the steps outlined below will ease things down significantly:

Step 1: Launch the Messages app from the Dock or Launchpad.

Step 2: Click on Messages in the status bar, followed by Preferences.

Step 3: Under the General tab uncheck the ‘Notify me about messages from unknown contacts’ inApplication.

Simply as that, you won’t get a single iMessage or IM from an unknown contact here on in.

source Redmondpie

Disable iMessage Completely On Mac

Step 1: In the same Preferences window as above, click on the Accounts tab.

Step 2: In the pane on the left hand side, select the iMessage account which you want to disable.

Step 3: Uncheck the ‘Enable this account’ box, or click on ‘Sign Out’.

Updated Pangu 1.2.1 7.1.x Untether Jailbreak Package Released On Cydia

The Pangu jailbreak for iOS 7.1.x and up has proved a big hit among Cydia fans, successfully opening the door for the second time on iOS 7 after the initial heroics of the Evad3rs.

Although the initial tool was a tad unrefined, the Pangu team has frequently updated the utility for a smoother, more secure jailbreak, and having recently rolled out Pangu 1.2.1 featuring bug fixes and AFC2, those already jailbroken can now reap the benefits of these enhancements directly from Cydia.

The wondrous thing about Cydia tweaks is that they can get right into the depths of the iOS software, making fundamental changes and enhancing the very behavior of an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. The App Store is full of great apps, many of them even life-changing, but they can only scratch the surface, and even though Apple does its utmost to halt the work of jailbreakers, the scene continues to thrive.

Evad3rs, the team behind the Evasi0n jailbreak on iOS 7.0.x, really set the tone, releasing an untethered break very early on in the firmware’s life cycle. Pangu’s impromptu appearance a few months back was more of a pleasant bonus than a jailbreak we were expecting to see, but with iOS 8 now very much on the horizon, Cydia appears to be underpinned by a multitude of talent.

If you’re jailbroken with Pangu but did not jailbreak your device using the very latest build of the tool, then you’re very much encouraged to grab the updated untether package through Cydia. Named ‘Pangu 7.1-7.1.x Untether’ (version 0.3), it should be easy enough to locate and install, but for the sake of clarification, here’s how it’s done:


Step 1: Fire up Cydia and tap on ‘Changes’.

Step 2: You’ll see the aforementioned ‘Pangu 7.1-7.1.x Untether’ package under the list of available upgrades.

Step 3: Tap on the package, hit ‘Modify’, and follow the steps to confirm the download.

Step 4: Cydia will work its magic, and thereafter, all you’ll need to do is reboot your device.

As updates go, this one is fairly essential, so follow the steps – which will take just a couple of minutes – and you’ll be fully up-to-date with the latest Pangu security fixes.

OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 6 Released, Get Downloading

Right on schedule, Apple has released the sixth Developer Preview of OS X Yosemite and is now available for immediate download. More details, and where to download it from can be found right here.

Developer Preview 6 of OS X Yosemite can be downloaded directly from the Mac App Store under the Updates tab, and according to the accompanying changelog, you get the usual performance enhancements, bug fixes and other under-the-hood changes.

From the looks of things, OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 6 doesn’t bring with it major new features, but rather, Apple is working on polishing what is already there and ironing out bugs to make sure that the company’s desktop OS is ready for prime time use.

Despite its big tie-in with iOS 8 – thanks to its Continuity features such as Handoff – it is believed that Yosemite and iOS 8 won’t be released side-by-side, but rather would see different release time frames.


Apart from being available on the Mac App Store, you can also download the latest Developer Preview from the Mac Dev Center, provided you’re a registered developer with Apple, for which you’ll have to pony up a sum of $99 a year. If you want to give OS X Yosemite a spin without spending a dime, then you can download it for free using Apple’s Beta Seed Program.

Download Yosemite Preview 6

OS X Yosemite is a big step for Apple in an alternative direction in terms of design, since it bridges the gap between iOS and OS X when it comes to overall aesthetics, bringing to the roster an overall flatter look and feel with focus on user content rather than eye candy.


Apple iPhone 6 Vs Samsung Galaxy Alpha

There’s no doubt in our minds that Samsung’s Galaxy Alpha smartphone will manage to capture a lot of consumer attention when it’s released to market. Samsung’s latest edition to the Galaxy smartphone range is a sleek and slender offering, and becomes the first Galaxy phone to ship with a high-quality metal frame.

Great news for those who have previously shied away from Samsung smartphones due to their poor, plastic-infused build quality. It’s great to see the Korean company finally upping its game from a manufacturing quality stance, but how does the new Alpha smartphone compare against Apple’s purported iPhone 6? These beautiful, high-quality renders throw the two devices side-by-side in a battle for consumer adoration.

We definitely don’t want to be the ones to say that Samsung has yet again “borrowed” inspiration from Apple’s iPhone, but that metallic frame mixed together with the very distinct lines that segregate specific areas of the outer shell clearly conjures up visions of the iPhone. Martin Utrecht, a designer and 3D model creator who has a great deal of experience when it comes to creating 3D models and textures of smart devices, decided to throw together some renders of Samsung’s latest Alpha hardware and put it side-by-side with the speculated iPhone 6. The result is a high-quality combination of technical expertise and technology-based aesthetic beauty.



Sapphire glass for iPhone 6 and iWatch: what shines?

Apple has invested $ 700 million to make the sapphire crystal (artificial) reference material of the new iPhone 6 high-end and iWatch. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal said in a lengthy article that this will be one of the most interesting characteristics of the products that await us in the fall.


It is surprising, however, the potential discrimination models, unless Apple has no plans to diversify even playing the card hardware performance and not only that capacity.



The sapphire crystal is manufactured by Apple this month in factories GT Advanced Technologies of Mesa (Arizona). The full production – scheduled for 2015 – will be twice as much as this first phase. According to Eric Virey, an analyst at Yole Développement, the output of the company reaches a volume similar to that of 100 global manufacturers.



But what exactly are the qualities of the sapphire crystal? Does not break and does not line as the traditional glass. However, its performance is still affected by the cut and thickness. In addition to its higher density makes it heavier.

For all its peculiarities is used in the production of glass planes and armored vehicles. Apple today uses it only for the camera lenses for the iPhone and the read key fingerprints. In the smartphone sector now employs him for Vertu in some expensive lines and Kyocera in the new Brigadier.

Its adoption, however, is risky. If it works properly Apple will be able to save on the cost of the guarantee (11% of iPhone owners have damaged screens, according to SquareTrade), but if you act like the Gorilla Glass will suffer a serious blow. It is estimated that the production account of a screen of sapphire is $ 16 compared to $ 3 than at present.

source tomshw.

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Fully Assembled iPhone 6 Logic Board Leaked

The iPhone 6 must go down as one of the most-leaked products in tech history, and since the manufacturing process commenced a short while ago, we’ve been able to get right into the guts of Apple’s next big thing. Today, we get a look at what is claimed to be the device’s logic board, and although the much-hyped A8 processor is obscured from view, the fact that it’s almost fully assembled presents us with our first proper look at what will be one of smartphone’s most crucial components.

As you can see in the photo below, shared by the folks of Apple.club.tw, you’ve got the slot for the nano SIM card as well as the flash storage chip, but unfortunately, the really interesting stuff is still obscured by the shielding that Apple places over these vital pieces of hardware.

The A8 processor, for example, will be the workhorse of the entire device, and although details on this particular feature have been scarce, we recently caught wind of a few interesting tidbits. Notably, the Apple A8 will remain dual-core, but will be capable of churning out 2 GHz + per core, and with the A7 of the iPhone 5s and two current-gen iPads being the first to feature 64-bit architecture, the next-gen edition will certainly do likewise.

Elsewhere, the iPhone 6 will pack a stronger rear-facing camera, with leaks this week offering a glimpse of the revised ‘True Tone’ flash component, and with TSMC having been tasked with mass-producing the improved Touch ID fingerprint sensor, the iPhone 6 should feel a lot smoother and more responsive in terms of real-world use.



iOS 8, which has barely gotten a mention over these past few weeks thanks to the daily dose of leaks and new iPhone 6-related info, is almost ready for prime time according to sources in the know, and with September 9th having been outlined as the announcement date, we won’t have too long a wait for the official, irrefutable final product to emerge.

With 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch models on the horizon, analysts are predicting that record numbers of iPhone users will upgrade this time around as Apple finally brings some of those ‘big’ changes that many folks have been waiting for. With that, a large number of Android users may also jump ship as the Cupertino giant adds that all-important display real estate, but with Samsung also poised to drop the 5.7-inch QHD Galaxy Note 4, it’s going to be a very intense scrap for dominance this fall.

via redmondpie

Source: AppleClub [Google Translate]

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The presentation of the iPhone 6 will be Tuesday, September 9

The latest smartphone from Apple will be presented in four weeks. And by the end of September is expected to arrive in stores

The news was already anticipated a few days ago, but now came the confirmation: the day of the iPhone 6 will be next Tuesday, September 9. Missing four weeks so exact to the presentation of the new Apple smartphone, and to feed the wait there are already countless rumors and stolen images circulating on the Net.



Hot topics, which at this point will be revealed in less than a month, are mainly in the big-screen 5.5-inch, glass (unbreakable?) Sapphire technology to prevent image blur, the chip for payments electronic and the arrival of iTime, ie the new smartwatch Apple.

IPhone-After the fateful day of September should miss a couple of weeks before the arrival of the new smartphone in stores, that is the first purchases should be possible before the end of next month.


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Pangu 1.2 untethered Jailbreak Released

The latest Pangu release supports the same firmware as before, and can be utilized to jailbreak iOS 7.1 all the way to 7.1.2. Apart from that, Pangu supports a wide range of devices that can be jailbroken untethered, which includes

Apple’s latest lineup of 64-bit devices, such as the iPhone 5s, iPhone Air and iPad mini with Retina display.



The complete changelog of today’s release is as follows:

Fix boot loop bug for some iPhone4/4s.

Fix sandbox log issue.

afc2 is included now.

Add patch for task_for_pid.

Add notification if jailbreak fail.



Pangu 1.2 for Mac
Pangu 1.2 for Windows

You can download the latest version of Pangu for both Windows and Mac from the links which we’ve embedded below. When you’re done downloading, simply head over to the tutorial which we’ve linked above, and follow the steps as they are, except that you’ll be using the Pangu 1.2 tool to jailbreak that you just downloaded.

Released iTunes 11.3.1 Download For Mac And Windows

Apple has just made available a new version of iTunes for Mac OS X and Windows, with bug fixes the order of the day. More details on what’s new and where to download it from can be found right here.

No new features are believed to be part of this new release, but Apple confirmed via the software’s release notes that it is aimed at fixing a couple of bugs that have been plaguing those who use iTunes as their podcast manager.

Both updates are available via Software Update inside the Mac App Store right now. And if you’re going to install fresh, then simply point your browser to apple.com/itunes and from there you can grab the latest iTunes release. The download is a rather small one, provided you have a decent enough Internet connection at hand.

Apple to Hold iPhone 6 Event on Sept. 9

New iPhones to Suck All the Air Out of the Tech News Cycle on Sept. 9

Onstage at our inaugural Code conference earlier this summer, Apple SVP Eddy Cue described the company’s fall product pipeline as the best he’d seen in his 25 years at Apple. A few weeks from now we’ll get our first look at what he was talking about.



Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, Sept. 9 — a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance. As with September events past, the focal point of this one is to be Apple’s next-generation iPhones, which are expected to feature larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5 inches and run speedy new A8 processors. Apple declined comment.9to5Mac previously reported that Apple was tentatively planning an event for mid-September.

via recode

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WhatsApp Beta For iOS 8 (Latest Version) (Direct Download)

After our post how to install ios beta 8 & i download the new beta of ios 8 I wanted to put WhatsApp for those who use the beta version for ios 8. Remember to download it using a torrent program. as utorrent for mac.

Also for windows

Whatsapp on iOS beta 8:


Whatsapp on iOS beta 8: how to solve all the problems:

Whatsapp on iOS 8 is not the emblem of stability. If you have installed the latest beta OS on your iPhone, you will realize that the application tends to close suddenly, even in the middle of a conversation.

Not only that Whatsapp is interrupted and the next reboot is not always possible to re-open the chat when we were writing earlier. The difficulties in using WhatsApp with iOS 8 were recorded on the iPhone 5S, 5 and 4S, and it is very likely affect only this Beta, and in the next release everything will work, or at least we hope.

It ‘clear that, most likely, when iOS 8 will be available for everyone for the official download, will be also released an update of Whatsapp, so as to optimize the app to the latest version of iOS. But there’s also those who argue, among the beta testers, that the problems of Whatsapp on iPhone are not so random.

According to the conspiracy theorists would have orchestrated everything Apple iMessage to encourage that with iOS 8 also introduces group chat and the ability to send photos, audio and video, just like the famous app now owned by Facebook.

iOS 8 Beta 5 Download direct link

Apple has just released download links of iOS 8 beta 5 for supported iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices over on the iOS Dev Center.

As usual we have the direct link to download ios 5 beta 8:


direct link download:

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other idevice soon