Category: Themes
download Website Templates and WordPress Themes from ThemeForest – the largest marketplace of its kind for Site Templates and CMS Themes.
Modern EMail Templates (Email Templates)
Spam Point : 0.00
- Clean and Modern Design
- 6 Premium Templates
- Valid HTML Code
- People and Products photo used for preview only and not included
Browser Compatible:
- Android
- AOL Mail Chrome
- AOL Mail Explorer
- AOL Mail Firefox
- Apple Mail
- Eudora
- Yahoo
- Foxmail
- GMail
- Hotmail
- IncrediMail
- iPad
- iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- KMail
- Lotus Notus 6.7
- Lotus Notus 7
- Lotus Notus 8
- Lotus Notus 8.5
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Opera Mail
- Outlook 2000
- Outlook 2002
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2007
- Outlook 2010
- Outlook 2011
- Outlook 2013
- Sparrow
- Spicebird
Download Modern EMail Templates (Email Templates)
Incorporated – WordPress Theme (Personal)
- Two Post Sizes: Featured posts will expand to two columns in width. Great for high quality videos and images.
- Responsive: Looks great on all devices. Resize your browser to see it take place.
- Custom Photo Hover
- Google Analytics Ready
- Theme Options Panel
- Upload your own header image
- Background uploader
- Supports all post types: Videos, Gallery, Photo, Standard, Aside, Status, Quote, Link, Audio, Chat
- Large & Small Pages Available
- Shortcodes
- Custom Recent Tweets Widget
- Drop Down Widget Area
Download Incorporated – WordPress Theme (Personal)
Violet – Responsive Coming Soon Page (Under Construction)
Violet is responsive coming soon page template with original countdown timer, modern design full of current features and animations. It includes two PHP files. One is for processing emails sent through template and other for saving information about subscription of email addresses.
Most interesting features:
- Responsive design
- original countdown timer plugin
- validated forms with AJAX
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 2 PHP files for emails and subscription
- smooth animations with jQuery and CSS3 effects
- custom twitter feed plugin
- 38 exclusive social icons
- and many others….
If you liked this theme, please rate it! Violet loves to see many stars
Also in case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will gladly help you or answer your questions. Enjoy!!!
Download Violet – Responsive Coming Soon Page (Under Construction)
Maxxi – Responsive Magento Theme (Magento)
Maxxi Theme is a multipurpose theme can be use for any type of fashion ,gadget or any shop.Its fully responsive with css3 light theme.It come with ajax scroll boxes, video option and can be change to any to color.It have a user friendly option panel with one click installation and easily customizable.
Compatible with Magento: 1.7.x (,,
Key Features
Full Features List
- One Click Installer
- Responsive design
- Theme Options Module
- Unlimited Colors
- Google Font Supported
- Many Types of Slideshows
- ColorBox + Cloud Zoom
- Ajax Add To Cart
- Ajax Scroll
- Facebook Connect
- Html Compression
- Product Video
- 20+ Static blocks
- Multi colors for Navigation
- Product image size editable
- Hover Effect for product
- New and Sale product label
- “Shop by” block in the sidebar can be showed up as accordion
- List products with slider
- Recaptcha
- .Psd files included
- Optimized & well-structured code
Download Maxxi – Responsive Magento Theme (Magento)
HTML Site – Square Resume Package (Resume / CV)
This package provides you with everything you need to successful apply for your new job. From the mail for your application up to the resume letter. Present yourself in modern and streamlined design. Thank you and enjoy!
- HTML5/CSS3 Resume/Portfolio Webpage
- HTML E-Mail Template
- 3 Page InDesign CV/Resume Template
- 12 Page InDesign Portfolio Brochure Template
- Well commented html5 & css3 code
- 4 colors included
- Modern Slider
- Metro Style gallery
- Retina/High Resolution ready
- Printer friendly HTML preview
- Google custom fonts
- Awesome Fonts Icons used
- JQuery powered
- 960grid based design
- HTML5 contact form with validation
- 4 layered .psd files included
- Help documentation
- Well commented html code
- 4 colors included
- Highly compatible with all major mail clients
- 4 layered and sliced .psd files included
- Help documentation
- 300 DPI, CMYK
- Print Ready
- 3 Pages
- ISO A4 Print Format: 210mm x 297mm
- US Letter Print Format: 8.5in x 11in
- 300 DPI, CMYK
- Print Ready
- 12 Pages
- ISO A4 Print Format: 297mm x 210mm
- US Letter Print Format: 11in x 8.5in
If you have a question or a support request go to our profile page and use the contact form or write it down in the comment section of this item. Thank you!
Download HTML Site – Square Resume Package (Resume / CV)
Save the Date – HTML5 Wedding Invitation (Events)
Save the Date is an elegant and modern one-page responsive HTML5 template.
It follows the horizontal stripe layout trend that helps distinguish clear sections while making use of all the available screen space.
Save the Date comes with various functionalities, it provides a working custom ajax validation contact form, a countdown timer, easily customizable google maps, a full-width responsive slider and a fancyBox image gallery. Its stylesheet is built with care for the crisp look on retina displays.
Don’t miss our little “cherry on the cake” – the original effect when you are hovering over the images of the bride and the groom.
Save the Date is well documented and very easy to customize.
It comes in eight color options and includes 10 background patterns – which means 80 ready-to-use theme options.
Used items:
Great Vibes by Google Web Fonts under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
BenchNine by Google Web Fonts under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
Subtle Patterns (Subtle Patterns) / CC BY-SA 3.0
gmaps.js under MIT License.
jquery.flexslider.js Free to use under the GPLv2 license.
jquery.fancybox.js FancyBox Multi Domain License
Download Save the Date – HTML5 Wedding Invitation (Events)
Bolid – Responsive News, Magazine and Blog Theme (Blog / Magazine)
Bolid is new responsive theme for magzines with modular and flexible homepage. Bolid is built for heavy-content websites, but it is suitable for all bloggers!
This theme comes with many cool features as sliders and carousels widgets, modular featured sections and flexible layout and possibility to manage color schemes, responsivity settings.
There are also 50+ advanced shortcodes with Shortcode Generator support, support for post formats and much more!
Main theme features:
- Advanced theme admin panel,
- Unlimited color schemes,
- Modular Homepage (using Homepage widgets),
- News Ticker,
- Single posts jQuery sliders,
- Blog template,
- Posts formats: Standard, Audio, Video, Gallery, Quote, Link, Image,
- Font selector/custom typography – 53 fonts available (hand-picked web-safe fonts and Google webfonts),
- Font Awesome integration,
- WP-PostRating integration,
- Video Thumbnails integration,
- Jetpack support (Social Comments, Email Subscription, Share buttons)
- 2 Custom Menus – with icons,
- jQuery sliders – Galleries,
- Shortcode generator (including layout shortcodes),
- Unlimited dynamic featured sections in Sidebars and Footer,
- Logo and favicon upload,
- Google Analytics Input,
- Custom Footer,
- Sidebar tabs (latest, popular, random posts + list of tags),
- Translation ready,
- WordPress 3.5 + ready,
- Smooth tabless design.
- Homepage template (Magazine),
- Blog template,
- Full Width template,
- Redirect,
- Error 404,
- Archive templates,
- Author template,
- 15 Custom widgets,
- 16 design elements to style in admin menu:
- fonts (56 families, colors, weight, styles, sizes),
- backgrounds,
- texts,
- links,
- hovers,
- icons,
- borders…
And much more…
Download Bolid – Responsive News, Magazine and Blog Theme (Blog / Magazine)
Pannonia – fully responsive admin template (Admin Templates)
Pannonia – a new premium admin skin based on Twitter Bootstrap framework with flexible content structure. It has 2 columns liquid structure with 3 level navigation and lots of sidebar elements. Pannonia is compatible with Bootstrap 2.3.1 version. Integrated bootstrap plugins add an extra easy to use components to custom stuff like buttons, dropdown menus, different button sizes and many other. Pannonia is a fully responsive template, which means it is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad, with ability to hide sidebar.
12 columns grid for main content and widgets makes the whole template very flexible for different type of data and content.
Please, if you found any bugs, strange look or have any suggestions – don’t hesitate to let me know, i will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Usual support available: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 20:00 CET
Some features
Hide/Show sidebar and action tabs
Just click on the button on top right nav to hide/show sidebar and action tabs panel
Custom widgets
Custom widgets included.
Bootstrap components
All bootstrap components have custom styling
Advanced modals
Advanced modals functionality
3 types of icons included: FamFam icons, Glyphicons and Font Awesome.
Jquery UI components
Some of Jquery UI components included
Media elements
Layout for images/videos, with custom options bar
Navbar elements
Lots of navbar elements
Sidebar elements
Lots of sidebar widgets
Full features list
- Liquid 2 columns responsive layout
- Integrated Flot charts:
- Lines
- Bars (vertical and horizontal with tooltips)
- Pies
- Auto updating chart
- Widgets with charts
- Form elements:
- Full set of input fields with default stylings.
- Appended, prepended elements
- Textareas options: characters counter and elastic
- Tags input
- Full set of HTML5 inputs
- Masked inputs
- Styled dropdowns: Uniform and Select2 plugins with options
- Styled and unstyled checkboxes and radios
- Stacked pills, stacked tabs
- Radio and checkbox buttons
- 2 directions form related buttons
- WYSIWYG editor (CKEditor)
- Dual multiple selects with filter feature
- 3 forms versions: default (block), inline and horizontal
- 2 label positions for controls
- Fields validation
- 3 types of wizards: with ajax submit, with standard submit, with different animation
- Set of inputs grid
- Components:
- Collapsible action tabs with buttons, statistics and integrated google maps
- jQuery sliders set
- jQuery UI datepickers: default with input field, inline liquid, inline fixed, icon trigger, dates range
- Color picker with options: HEX format, RGBa format, as a component.
- Timepicker with options: with duration feature, 2 time formats
- Set of navbar elements:
- Collapsible wigets: opened and closed by default
- Progress bars
- Input fields
- Buttons
- Toolbar tabs
- Pager and pagination
- Links list with dropdowns
- Labels and badges
- Glyphicons, FamFam and Font Awesome icons: only icon or icons list with dropdowns
- Caret only dropdown
- Datepicker input
- Checkboxes, radios
- Simple icons list
- Toolbar
- Navbar form elements
- Simple loader
- Styled Growl like notification for success, warning, error and info messages
- Animated gif loaders
- Tooltip in 4 positions
- Bootstrap components:
- Progress bars with options
- Left, right, top, bottom, navbar (left and right aligned), toolbar tabs with optional fade effect
- 4 sizes pagination: left, center, right aligned
- Pager: boxed and unboxed
- 6 options for well element:
- Well large
- Well default
- Well small
- Well smoke
- Well white
- Nested wells with subtitles
- Breadcrumbs
- Scrollspy example
- Accordions and toggles
- Labels and badges
- Alerts in 4 colors: line notifications, block notifications, general top notifications
- Popovers in 4 directions
- Modals:
- Alert, confirm and prompt dialogs
- Multiple dialogs
- Programmatic close
- Generic modal
- Dynamic content
- With iconified buttons
- Override alert and confirm icons
- Callbacks
- Prompt with default value
- Buttons and icons:
- 8 default button colors
- 5 button sizes: block with 100% width, large, default medium, small, mini
- Vertical and horizontal button groups
- Button dropdowns: top and bottom directions, splitted and standard
- With icons: Font Awesome, FamFam and Glyphicons
- Font Awesome, FamFam and Glyphicon icons
- Basic and advanced thumbnails
- 12 columns responsive content grid with offset
- Charts:
- Default line chart
- Vertical and horizontal bars
- Pie chart
- Auto updating chart
- Sidebar line chart and horizontal/vertical bars
- Custom widgets with charts
- Calendar with schedule
- Tables:
- Default without side borders
- Striped table
- Bordered table
- Bordered table inside content
- Hover class
- Condensed table
- Datatable
- Table with footer
- Table with gradient
- Table with checkboxes
- Table with toolbar
- Tabbed table
- Error pages:
- 403 error
- 404 error
- 405 error
- 500 error
- 503 error
- Website is offline
- Typography:
- Headings and default css stylings
- Syntax highlighter
- Left and right blockquotes
- Emphasys styles
- 8 default list styles
- Horizontal and vertical descriptions
- File manipulations:
- File manager
- Multiple file uploader with drag and drop functions
- Page with media elements
Demo images by FreebiesBug
Version 1.0 released
Download Pannonia – fully responsive admin template (Admin Templates)
ThemeTac – Multipurpose PSD Theme (Corporate)
ThemeTac – Multipurpose PSD Theme
If you like our theme please do not forget to rate it.
ThemeTac – Multipurpose PSD Theme its huge psd content makes you do not need any outside help, you have more than you need and also contained stunningly salary makes you work smoothly, you have 42 files Yes, it’s a huge theme (thematac).
I’ve included 21 psd files
- 01 – home page
- 02 – about page
- 03 -blog
- 01 – blog 1 column right sidebar
- 02 – blog 2 column left sidebar
- 03 – blog 3 column left sidebar
- 04 – blog 3 column
- 05 – blog 4 column
- 04 – single post
- 01 -single post full width
- 02 -single post with right sidebar
- 05 – portfolio
- 01 – portfolio 2 column
- 02 – portfolio 3 column
- 03 – portfolio 4 column
- 06 – single portfolio
- 07 – product
- 08 – single product
- 09 – services page
- 10 – features page
- 11 – typography page
- 12 – 404 page
- 13 – coming soon page
- 14 – contact page
- Fonts Open Sans
- Icons Batch icon .
- Photos Pool .
- The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes. Included images are only for preview and are not included in PSD files
Need Support?
If you have any questions about the file, you can always contact me from my
Download ThemeTac – Multipurpose PSD Theme (Corporate)
Blogrid – Grid-Based WordPress theme (Personal)
Blogrid is grid-based multi-purpose WordPress theme. Show off content with all post format that are there. Create online portfolio or gallery with few clicks. Count views and likes. Use unique and useful templates. All options are builded in customizer, play with them and see results before publishing them to audience.
Responsive design – Theme is optimised to work and look great on big screens and small handheld devices.
WordPress 3.5 Ready – Theme take advantage of new version of WordPress in full. All options are builded in live preview customizer, so you can see changes in real-time before publishing them to audience!
Theme Features
- Blog Format Support
- Portfolio Format Support (Standard, Gallery, Video, Audio)
- Gallery Format Support (Standard, Gallery)
- 9 Page Templates (Home, Gallery, Portfolio, Most Liked, Most Viewed, Most Commented, Archives, Tag Index, Contact).
- 6 Widgets (Gallery Categories, Portfolio Categories, Social Icons, Flickr Photos, Latests Tweets, Recent Projects)
- 9 Shortcodes (Buttons, Icons, Alerts, Highlight, Columns, Testimonial, Accordion, Toggle, Tabbed)
- Color Schemes (Red, Blue, Green, Orange)
- Slider Options (Animation Speed, Slideshow Speed, Random Slideshow Speed, Random Images Order)
- Custom Logo Uploader
- “Read more” can be unique for each post
- Show/hide meta for posts, galleries and projects
- Autohide Sidebar Option
- Announcements
- Responsive Design
- Likes & Views counter
- Pagination or AJAX Loader
- Changeable number of columns in grid
- Builded-in Google fonts directory
- Extensive Documentation
- Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
- SCSS File Included
Need Support? Get in touch!
First, thanks for purchasing my theme, i truly appreciate it! Send me message via my profile here on
If You would like to see any feature added to theme feel free to leave comment. I plan to update theme after getting some feedback.
Wanna leave testimonial or show own website builded on Blogrid? Contact me!
Sources and Credits
Big thanks to Justin Mezzell and Chris Gerringer for placeholders.
Download Blogrid – Grid-Based WordPress theme (Personal)
Hexagonal – Clean Multipurpose Responsive Website (Creative)
Hexagonal is the ultimate and professional way for you to present your portfolio or the very best starting point for your own corporate website. If you are searching something different and out of the line, please check out Hexagonal – Clean Multipurpose Responsive Website.
Hexagonal is a fully configurable and easy to use HTML website template with a lot of great features. It has been specifically designed to be easily customized and it’s created by using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. With a responsive design it is easily usable with any device!
- Valid HTML5/CSS3,
- 8 PSD Files also included (worth 10$),
- Fully Responsive Design,
- Responsive Homepage Slider,
- Advanced CSS3 Animations,
- About Page (Company, Career, Team),
- Services Page,
- Team Page,
- Contact,
- Page Elements,
- Progress bars,
- Accordions,
- Lists,
- Buttons,
- Filterable Portfolio,
- PHP Working Contact Form,
- Well organized and commented code,
- Extensive Documentation,
Images used in the demo are not distributed with the theme.
Some Portfolio and News Photos are property of
Foundation – The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
Camera slideshow v1.3.3 – a jQuery slideshow with many effects, transitions, easy to customize, using canvas and mobile ready, based on jQuery 1.4+
jQuery Portfolio Plugin that’s Interactive and Filterable
A jQuery plugin for curved text
Tweet! A simple jQuery widget plugin to put Twitter on your site
jQuery JavaScript Library
Lato Regular
Download Hexagonal – Clean Multipurpose Responsive Website (Creative)
Wazz – Responsive MultiPurpose Theme (Creative)
Introducing a Modern and Elegant wordpress theme for corporate. Let me try to describe the WAZZ theme with few words. You can build beautiful sites with this theme few hours a, it has clean and user friendly design and also which is easy to use and provided flexible and various options such as Page Builder and Shortcodes.
There are many reasons why you need to purchase this theme. It isn’t simple premium theme, WordPress Content builders are aiming only content of the WordPress section but we improved the content builder functionality to Page builder also which included premium Layer slider has $15 market value.
First choose the sidebar area and begin the building your page elements and you can drag and drop elements or simply click the elements once. Each elements has powerful option based user experience (Example: Choosing element background and Element title and colors are easy to changable). If you are working with page builder then you can feel the freedom
Elements & shortcodes
There have individual 22 Elements & 20 Shortcodes. You can build all kind of page layout & websites with combination of those elements.
Layout selections
Right Left Ful. That allows you above possibilities than other builders.
Page Builder Controls
Builder has various controls such as Duplicate, Resizing,Drag and Drop ordering and every elements has rich options and All those features give you easy to build pages and save your time a lot.
Page Builder Templates
Also you can save your built page as template and useon another pages.
Theme has responsive in all modern browser and all tablets, all cell phones
You can build all kind of website with WAZZ. Lets see what WAZZ can do from following eight examples. Example Sites: Agency, Corporate, Portfolio, Mobile APP, Blogger, Company, Hosting
Here you can see few notable features of the theme. But it has many potential options an features to build you site.
600+ Google Fonts
Theme has integrated Google font you can choose around 600+ fonts and also view the font look LIVE.
Font Awesome Icons
The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap. You can use it on every service items
Layer Slider 15$
It is the favorite parallax effect slider in this business. It is highly customizable and incredibly valuable
Unlimited Colors
Theme is switched Boxed and Full Layout also change the General and Background colors.
Admin panel
There have over 60 user friendly options all those helps you to control your site for your need
Layered PSD
Included 3 layered PSD files in the download. You can redesign or glitch part of your site with it
Deep Documentation
If you have a question, you should check theme documentation and hope you get answer from there
Stunning Support
This is an important part of our job. Authors don’t need to give support to customers, but I’ll give you it for FREE.
All those features have only in top files on ThemeForest. That means you can build every type of websites with this theme.
Key Features
- Fully Responsive
- LayerSlider – The WordPress Parallax Slider ($15)
- ThemeTon Page builder
Layout Elements 20+ - Accordion
- Blog
- Carousel
- Column
- Column service
- Content
- Divider
- Image slider
- Messagebox
- Portfolio
- Pricing table
- Progress bar
- Sidebar
- Slider
- Tab
- Team
- Testimonials
- Toggle
- Video
Powerful Shortcodes 20+ - Accordion
- Blog
- Buttons
- Label
- Carousel
- Divider
- Dropcap
- List
- Message box
- Portfolio
- Pricing table
- Progress bar
- Social button
- Tab
- Team
- Testimonials
- Toggle
- Video
- Column Shortcodes
- Unlimited color variation – You can pick custom color with picker
- Additional 5 Post Formats
- Portfolio
- Pricing tables
- Team
- Testimonials
- Partners
- Admin panel – Highly detailed and user experience
- Layered PSD files
- Compatible with Yoast
- Translation ready. PO/MO files included
- Cross browser compatible
- Valid HTML5
- Google fonts, 600+
- Font awesome icons, 250+
- Post formats: Video, Audio, Link, Quote, Gallery and Status (twitter, instagram)
- Twitter and Instagram Url paste our Status section
- Unlimited sidebar
Sources and Credits
Thank you all of you guys for your amazing works. We always appreciated for you!
Open source projects
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
Licensed projects
- Layer Slider by kreatura
jQuery & Plugins
- jQuery by John Resig
- jQuery UI jQuery UI Team
- jQuery Easing pack by George McGinley Smith
- jQuery Isotope by
- jQuery carouFredSel plugin by Fred Heusschen
- jQuery jplayer plugin by Happyworm Ltd
- jQuery Linkify plugin by Dobot
- jQuery prettyPhoto plugin by Stephane Caron
- jQuery Super Fish menu by Joel Birch
- jQuery Supersubs by Joel Birch
- jQuery Color picker by Stefan Petre
- jQuery iPhone-style Checkboxes plugin by Thomas Reynolds
- jQuery List DragSort plugin
- Social network icon pack by Komodo Media
- iconic by somerandomdude
Demo Graphics from Photodune site(doesn’t included in download)
- Whatever You Want by Yuri_Arcurs
- Business moments by Pressmaster
- Woman with an attractive smile using laptop by Yuri_Arcurs
- Pretty girl browsing internet by Yuri_Arcurs
- Man using a credit card for online shopping by Bloomua
- Laptop and mouse by jannoon028
- Hand on Keyboard by phanlop88
- Market analysis by Pressmaster
- Wooden Surface by ollyi
- Smiling Group by ollyi
- Working in the Desert by ollyi
- City Skyline by magicinfoto
- Green interior scene by arquiplay77
- Big city and green fresh meadow by photocreo
- Global warming by f9photos
- Architecture by leeser
- Happy Business People by Yuri_Arcurs
- Tablet Pad by MikeKondrat
- Sleek Screen Mockup, Sleek Laptop Mockup by GormH
- Devices – Responsive Web Mock-ups by PixelBrother
Download Wazz – Responsive MultiPurpose Theme (Creative)
PI. – Portfolio PSD Template (Portfolio)
PI. is a unique and creative PDS template with clean and modern design. It is perfect choice for your corporate agency, creative studio or for portfolio. It can be customized easily to suit your wishes.
- Unique & Modern Design
- Clean & Professional
- Easy to customize
- 12 PSD Files
- 1170 grid
- Fonts used: Open Sans
- Icons used: Iconic Font
- Images used:
- NOTE: All images are not included in the PSD files.
Download PI. – Portfolio PSD Template (Portfolio)
Minishow Responsive Email Template (Email Templates)
MiniShow Responsive Email Template is minimal and mordern template which comes in 5 device width(normal:pc/ max-width:640px/ max-width:480px/ max-width:360px/ max-width:320px),6 colors,9 layouts each, and 3 foreground-background styles to choose from (LightFG/DarkBG,DarkFG/DarkBG and lightFG/LightBG).
Features & Content
- 620px wide layouts.
- 162 HTML email templates (6colors3styles9layouts).
- Layered and sliced elements PSD files.
- Well commented valid HTML .
- User friendly documentation covers PSD & HTML editing, sending the template.
- You can copy/paste content blocks/modules (tables) from layout to another.
- You can delete/duplicate any content block (table)/modules.
5 Devices Width Responsive design
Beautiful Prebuild header-img styles
3 foreground/background styles
Full tested with litmus(click the img to see the screenshots of all major cliens) and clean media query css code:
Version1.0: In this Package you will find:
- 162 HTML E-mail Templates
- layered and sliced elements PSD files
- Documentation
- Current Release
Compatible with
- All major browsers.
- Apple Mail.
- Gmail.
- Thunderbird.
- Hotmail.
- Yahoo Mail.
- Microsoft Outlook.
- iPhone.
- iPod.
- iPad.
- windows phone 7.5
- android 4.0
- Eudora.
- FoxMail.
- OperaMail.
- And many more…
- Images by photodune:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41
- Free icons by:Free Vector Web Icons,Entypo Glyph Set
- I created the template by writing code directly in HTML files so I can’t provide a PSD file with complete template structure. But layered and sliced PSD files of graphic elements (images, buttons, symbols, graphics, deviders, header images,total 7 psd files…) are included in download….
- You can import your templates(better using css-inlineed html page for basic user) into Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor, and they will be displayed correctly, but there is no pre-defined content editing or system tags (merge tags) inserted in templates…
- Images only Preview not included.
- The html code is encrypted for security reasons.
If you like it and purchase, please vote this item. Thank you very much!