LG G Watch Review: This Early Android Wear Watch Could Use A Bit More Time To Bake

IMG_9834 LG is one of the first to market with an Android Wear smartwatch. Their hardware runs on Google’s smartwatch platform, which is pretty locked down in terms of what kind of customizations Google allows OEM to make. But there’s still plenty of room to shine – and fall short – when it comes to hardware design. LG’s watch seems to have missed the mark in some key… Read More

Facebook Becomes A Local Party Discovery Tool With “Events For You” Redesign

Facebook Events Just because you weren’t invited, doesn’t mean Facebook can’t help you crash the party. Facebook Events on the web got a slick visual overhaul today that includes a new “Events For You” tab that recommends gatherings it thinks you’ll enjoy, even if no one invited you, friends aren’t going, and you’ve never been to the venue. Rather than just being… Read More

Foundation: The Squarespace Ideation Narrative

foundation-squarespace In our newest Foundation interview, I spend some time with Squarespace founder and CEO Anthony Casalena. Anthony provides a fascinating look at the Squarespace ideation narrative, and the company’s short-term and long-term goals. Anthony on managing a team at a startup: “You can’t wish trust into existence. Trust is built and shared experiences. I think of how aligned we are… Read More

California Democrats .Whine Over Proposed .Wine Domains

Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 9.51.08 AM Let’s see if we can do this without making any puns.
In May, California Democratic Congressman Mike Thompson sent a letter to the Internet Corporation for Assigning Names and Numbers (ICANN), asking that .wine and .vin domain not be assigned to “any applicant,” provided that worries concerning protections against cybersquatting can’t be resolved.
Congressman… Read More

Music Streaming Eats Downloads With On-Demand Up 42% Over 2013, Digital Sales Down 12%

Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 12.50.06 PM Nielsen’s U.S. music report on the first half of 2014 shows digital music consumption rapidly shifting from downloads to streaming. On-demand streaming was up 42% over the first half of 2013, racking up 70 billion play in the first half of 2014. Meanwhile, digital track sales fell 13% to 593.6 million and album sales fell 11.6% to 53.8 million. The report on US trends (not… Read More

MakersKit Raises $1.5 Million In Seed Funding To Launch A DIY Empire

Screen Shot 2014-07-01 at 1.23.04 PM Looking to build a 21st century DIY media empire? The rags-to-not-yet-riches story of Jawn McQuade and Mike Stone, the co-founders of MakersKit may have written the instruction manual.
Launched in February last year, the company has already raised $1.5 million in seed financing, inked distribution agreements with Nordstrom and Urban Outfitters, and published a book through Amazon. Read More

With Political Failures Left And Right, Tech Needs To Rethink Its Strategy

democracy Politics is the bête noire of hackers and entrepreneurs. It lacks the precision and logic of a function in a computer program while being incredibly inefficient to boot. Taxi services have been bad for decades in cities like San Francisco thanks to local politics, but a dedicated technology startup managed to ameliorate the situation in just a handful of years. Read More

Dropbox Buys E-Commerce A/B Testing Service Predictive Edge, Shuts It Down

dropbox-biz Dropbox has made another acquisition: Predictive Edge, a startup that had built a way to personalise e-commerce offerings, along with dynamic pricing, for marketers to send out to users and run A/B tests around them. The service will be shut down, and the founders will be working on something different, as they note in an announcement on the site: “Predictive Edge is joining forces… Read More

Clever Oculus Project Lets You Live Your Life In Third Person

third person walking Ever wished you could tap the “Change Camera View” button in real life to switch to a third-person view?
These guys made it happen. Sure, it requires the user to wear an Oculus Rift and a big ol’ dual camera rig built into a backpack — and sure, it’s probably only fun (and not nauseating) for about a minute. But it works! Read More

iCloak Stik Aims To Put Robust Online Privacy In The Hands Of The Many, Not The Few

iCloak Stik Meet iCloak Stik: a plug and play device that’s being designed to make robust online privacy accessible to the many not the few — by enabling an average computer user to route their browsing via the Tor or I2P anonymizing networks so it can’t be tracked. Read More

Lawrence Lessig’s Campaign Reform Push Comes To A Head This Friday

Screen Shot 2014-07-01 at 1.06.57 PM Lawrence Lessig, an American intellectual and activist, recently launched a political action committee (PAC) called Mayday PAC, with the goal of electing members to Congress who are in favor of campaign finance reform. The group is currently raising money, with a fundraising deadline of July 4 rapidly approaching. Read More