Bill Gurley On Some High-Flying Startups and Their Economics: It’s the “Same Sh_t” as in ’99

maxresdefault Today, at an interview sponsored by the Benchmark-portfolio company Sailthru, legendary VC Bill Gurley appeared on stage with Bloomberg reporter Emily Chang to discuss the future of e-commerce.
Gurley spent much of the talk addressing the importance of personalization and the opportunity that companies miss when they focus on acquiring new customers rather than optimizing their services for… Read More

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Heads To Florida To Take On Elon Musk’s SpaceX

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 10.40.01 AM Today, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled plans around setting up a rocket manufacturing plant in good old Florida. The news was announced in Cape Canaveral, of course. The company that Bezos is using to take on SpaceX is called Blue Origin and he plans on investing $200M into getting it off of the ground…so to speak. New Shepard, a Blue Origin rocket, is already being developed… Read More

Alphabet Hires Director Of The National Institute of Mental Health For Its Life Sciences Team

Google Alphabet blocks Alphabet has hired the (soon to be) former Director for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), Thomas Insel for its Life Sciences group, according to a statement from the agency. Insel held the role for 13 years and will be stepping down officially on November 1st. This is a move that signals Alphabet’s interest in mental illness, a problem that is extremely underserved all… Read More

EPIX Becomes First Network To Offer Offline Video Downloads On Mobile Devices

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 1.18.51 PM Amazon may have made waves earlier this month with news that it would now allow users to watch Prime Instant Video titles while offline, but now other video service providers are beginning to follow suit. The latest to introduce offline viewing on mobile devices is EPIX, the premium cable channel that’s a joint venture between Viacom, Paramount Pictures, Lionsgate, and MGM.
The… Read More

Here Is How To Address Car Hacking Threats

carhack When you connect a car to the Internet, it is no longer just a car: It is a computer on wheels. When a car can search Google, send tweets and be remotely accessed from a smartphone app, that car has more in common with your laptop than it does the Model T. Securing the next generation of connected automobiles means redefining what it means for a vehicle to be “road-ready.” The… Read More

Gillmor Gang: God Only Knows

Gillmor Gang Artcard The Gillmor Gang — John Borthwick, Robert Scoble, John Taschek, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday, September 11, 2015. Apple Tax announced, fanboys and girls prepare deep rationalization for unnecessary hardware from soup to nuts, TV takes over. Plus, the latest G3 (below) with Halley Suitt Tucker, Mary Hodder, Rebecca Woodcock, Francine Hardaway, and Tina Chase Gillmor. Read More

How Wearable Tech Could Spark A New Privacy Revolution

privacy please Fears over privacy are nothing new. As users began to see the sheer availability of information online, and the amount of personal data being seen and used by tech companies, they became rightly concerned over how much information would be available to companies and individuals, and how that information would be used. The increasing stream of news about the scope and intensity of… Read More

Building Smart City Security

digitalcity As urbanization intensifies and public sector technology initiatives advance quickly, the once-futuristic promise of “smart cities” is coming to fruition. Cities have always been “smart” to a degree, using technology to boost the productivity and efficiency of municipal services. But today, the proliferation of digital connectivity and big data explosion are creating… Read More

Ras Labs Is Testing Futuristic Muscle Material That Could Make Robots Feel More Human

Synthetic Muscle1 Synthetics startup Ras Labs is working with the International Space Station to test “smart materials” that contract like living tissue. These “electroactive” materials can expand, contract and conform to our limbs just like human muscles when a current moves through them – and they could be used to make robots move and feel more human to the touch.
Ras Labs… Read More

For Media And Gaming, Virtual Reality Is The Wolf Standing Just Outside The Door

Sequoia_Wolf_at_the_Door For the last 20 years VR has been just around the corner, but there have been three major hurdles in the way to mainstream adoption. Today, all three hurdles have been removed. It is no longer a case of crying wolf. The wolf is real, and standing just outside the door. Read More

What We Talk About When We Talk About Ad Blocking

mobile ad blocking So here’s an awkward question … How many of you are reading this article without ads? Don’t be shy if you are. You’re definitely not alone. You’ll be getting even more ad-blocking options with next week’s launch of iOS 9, which is supposed to support content blocking extensions. That could be a big step forward  for the technology, which has been a… Read More

Surviving The Technical Cambrian Explosion

Hallucinogenia I’ve been doing a lot of recruiting lately. My employers HappyFunCorp are in the midst of another growth spurt. One of my most illuminating questions is: “What’s your strategy for keeping up-to-date with the Cambrian explosion of technical frameworks, languages, databases, templating systems, and so forth?” Everyone has a strategy — but nobody seems to feel… Read More