Without form and update the website, they are in one file
e.g. we have an apple variable whose value is red and we want to transfer this to a php variable.
Blancer.com Tutorials and projects
Freelance Projects, Design and Programming Tutorials
Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign
Without form and update the website, they are in one file
e.g. we have an apple variable whose value is red and we want to transfer this to a php variable.
I would like to prevent users to access some files through the url. This does it.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^frontend/assets/(?:images|css|js) - [R=401,NC,L]
But, all those files are blocked and are not accessible during the normal operation of the application.
Is there a way to prevent users to access those files, and have the application worked properly ?
i got arrays that needs to be unique and i need to have a condition to check if value dis is in ANSWERED status , if yes then keep it and remove the one that is in NO ANSWER status
this is my full array
[0] => Array
[dest] => 960
[dis] => ANSWERED
[1] => Array
[dest] => 596
[dis] => NO ANSWER
[2] => Array
[dest] => 596
[dis] => ANSWERED
[3] => Array
[dest] => 595
[dis] => NO ANSWER
[4] => Array
[dest] => 595
[dis] => NO ANSWER
after removing duplicates :
[dest] => 960
[dis] => ANSWERED
[dest] => 596
[dis] => NO ANSWER
[dest] => 596
[dis] => ANSWERED
[dest] => 595
[dis] => NO ANSWER
with this code :
foreach(array_unique($testArr, SORT_REGULAR) as $doc)
what i need to do now is remove array[1] that is NO ANSWER because array[2] with key : dis is ANSWERED
thanks for any help
I would like to view the products by category on the home page.
I have two category and products tables.
I tried to create the select categories first and after that of the products in the while.
The problem is that for each category I always get all the products.
How can I make sure that only the corresponding product is displayed for each category?
Sorry but I’m just starting out.
1 Category
corresponding product, corresponding product
2 Category
corresponding product
3 Category
corresponding product, corresponding product, corresponding product
Here is my query:
$sql_cat = "SELECT category_id,category_name FROM category WHERE status='A' order by category_id ASC";
$result_cat = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_cat);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result_cat) > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row_cat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_cat)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status='A' and category='$categoryid' Order by category ASC";
$resultSet = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultSet)) {
$nameproduct=ucfirst(html_entity_decode($row['product_name'], ENT_QUOTES));
[Image 1][1]
Output I get from above command:
[Image 2][2]
If I go more deep and after this command I add [‘UnorderedList’][‘ListItem’] it gives me error.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TKSpS.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xh12R.png
I have created my first php system, it basically is a list of customers which the user can select and log work for which generates a PDF work record.
I want to extend it to generate an invoice every Thursday midnight and send it to the business, eg:
User 1 has worked:
Customer a – 1 hour
Customer c – 2 hours
Customer D – 4 hours
Total 7 hours at (Chargeable rate).
Now in my head it seems pretty straight forward but I want to sense check it with people it possible:
When the PDF is generated I need to store the information in a new table, User ID, Customer name, Hours worked, Time & date. Then each Thursday I need a script to run which will transfer the entries from the database (over the past X days – could I say from ID X which was the last ID to be ran in the previous pdf?) to a PDF, save the pdf to the server and email it to me.
A few questions:
Would It be beneficial to clear this data after X day so the DB doesn’t get too big?
What is the best way to ensure that an entry doesn’t get missed? I will most likely run the script every thursday at midnight, but I’m guessing theres room for error there if somebody submits an entry at the same time? (slim chance but possible)
I’ll be using mPDF for the invoice generation which I already use.
I am trying to load a grid to a tab on a custom page in Mangento 2 admin. The grid is rendered beautifully but js
seems to be uninitialized after the ajax reload fetches it from controller. The grid is not responsive at all. Browser console displays “Type Error: require is not a function”, but I don’t understand how to initialize js for the grid after ajax.
My code (skipping boilerplate e.g. registration.php
, composer.json
, etc/module.xml
, etc/adminhtml/routes.xml
namespace VendorModuleControllerAdminhtmlOffers;
class Edit extends MagentoBackendAppAction{
protected $resultPageFactory;
public function __construct(
MagentoBackendAppActionContext $context,
MagentoFrameworkViewResultPageFactory $resultPageFactory
) {
$this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;
public function execute()
return $resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" layout="admin-2columns-left" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="left">
<block class="VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOfferEditTabs"
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOfferEdit"
namespace VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOffer;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormContainer;
class Edit extends Container{
protected $_coreRegistry = null;
public function __construct(
MagentoBackendBlockWidgetContext $context,
MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_coreRegistry = $registry;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
protected function _construct()
$this->_objectId = 'module_offer_id';
$this->_blockGroup = 'Vendor_Module';
$this->_controller = 'adminhtml_offer';
public function getHeaderText()
return __('Offer');
protected function _isAllowedAction($resourceId)
return $this->_authorization->isAllowed($resourceId);
namespace VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOfferEdit;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetTabs as WidgetTabs;
class Tabs extends WidgetTabs{
protected function _construct()
protected function _beforeToHtml()
'label' => __('Products'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('module/*/products', ['_current' => true]),
'class' => 'ajax'
return parent::_beforeToHtml();
This is all just setup for the tabs to display on the page with path .../admin/module/offers/edit/ID
. Now, to fill the tab with products I load the grid with this:
namespace VendorModuleControllerAdminhtmlOffers;
class Products extends MagentoBackendAppAction{
protected $resultPageFactory;
public function __construct(
MagentoBackendAppActionContext $context,
MagentoFrameworkViewResultPageFactory $resultPageFactory
) {
$this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;
public function execute()
return $resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../../../../lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/etc/layout_generic.xsd">
<container name="root" label="Root">
<block class="VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOfferEditTabViewProducts" name="offer.edit.tab.product"/>
namespace VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOfferEditTabView;
use MagentoCustomerControllerRegistryConstants;
class Products extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended
protected $_coreRegistry = null;
protected $_collectionFactory;
public function __construct(
MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
MagentoBackendHelperData $backendHelper,
VendorModuleModelOfferItemFactory $collectionFactory,
MagentoFrameworkRegistry $coreRegistry,
PsrLogLoggerInterface $logger,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_logger = $logger;
$this->_coreRegistry = $coreRegistry;
$this->_collectionFactory = $collectionFactory;
parent::__construct($context, $backendHelper, $data);
protected function _construct()
$this->setDefaultSort('offer_item_stock_id', 'desc');
protected function _preparePage()
protected function _prepareCollection()
$collection = $this->_collectionFactory->create()->getCollection();
return parent::_prepareCollection();
protected function _prepareMassaction()
'label' => __('Anpassen (ToDo)'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('test/test/test')
return $this;
protected function _prepareColumns()
['header' => __('Stock ID'), 'index' => 'offer_item_stock_id', 'type' => 'number', 'width' => '50px']
return parent::_prepareColumns();
public function getHeadersVisibility()
return $this->getCollection()->getSize() >= 0;
public function getRowUrl($row)
return $this->getUrl('test/test/test');
So my question is how to initialize js for the grid after ajax load.
I want to crawl this tag enter image description here
but I can’t find div id=”yDetailBotWrap” with simple html dom parser.
$html->find('div[id=yesWrap]', 0)
works well but
$html->find('div[id=yesWrap]', 0)->find('div[id=yDetailBotWrap]', 0)
returns null.
how can i crawl this ?
$discord = new DiscordClient(['token' => 'OTIzMDg2MTgzNDg2MDYyNjQz.YcK5AA.HfoDRu-6sKDUPnneA29m3eHQtT4']);
$users = $discord->guild->listGuildMembers(['guild.id' =>923083706934120448, 'limit' => 25]);
There was an error executing the removeGuildMember command: Client error: DELETE https://discord.com/api/v6/guilds/923083706934120448/members/894299782481334302
resulted in a 403 Forbidden
When I am kicking a member from server it is giving me forbidden error
I have use Restcord library in this I have fetched the members through
it ,And it is working prperly but when i am removing member it is
giing me forbidden error I have given permission to my bot through
oath url generator but still it is givig me this error if you any idea
about this i can explain more you can ask me?
public function changeData(Request $request)
$product = Product::where('_id', '=', $request->product['_id'])->first()->toArray();
//result product :
// array(4) {
// ["_id"]=>
// string(24) "5fffc00df116005c724859f2"
// ["name"]=>
// string(6) "iphone"
// ["slug"]=>
// string(14) "product-iphone"
// ["status"]=>
// string(14) "1"
// }
// result $request->product :
// array(4) {
// ["_id"]=>
// string(24) "5fffc00df116005c724859f2"
// ["name"]=>
// string(7) "samsung"
// ["slug"]=>
// string(15) "product-samsung"
// ["status"]=>
// string(14) "1"
// }
$diff = array_diff($request->product, $product);
ERROR: ‘Array to string conversion’
If I use the :
$diff = array_diff(array_map('serialize',$request->product), array_map('serialize',$product));
Then it will return the following result:
array(2) {
string(15) "s:6:"samsung";"
string(25) "s:15:"product-samsung";"
The results above are correct for what I need. But it shows "s:6:
and "s:15:
inside the result. Is there a way for these two to not appear. I just want to get the correct result eg name
is samsung
. Thank you.
Years ago someone made this PHP script for me. I use it on dozens of web pages.
Recently my hoster was taken over by another company and my script stopped working after that.
The helpdesk of the new hoster gave me a tip to look at:
How to send an HTML email using SMTP in PHP
You can use the hostname below in the article above:
$host = “mail.argewebhosting.nl”;
However, I am not a php specialist and I would like to be able to modify it myself. Can someone tell me what I can do to get the script working again?
if (!isset($_POST['naam_inzender']) || !isset($_POST['emailadres_inzender']) || !isset($_POST['opmerkingen'])) {
echo 'U heeft niet alle velden ingevuld!';
$naam = htmlspecialchars($_POST['naam_inzender']);
$email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['emailadres_inzender']);
$bericht = htmlspecialchars($_POST['opmerkingen']);
$organisatie= htmlspecialchars($_POST['organisatie']);
$plaats_organisatie= htmlspecialchars($_POST['plaats_organisatie']);
$email_onderwerp= htmlspecialchars($_POST['email_onderwerp']);
$auteur= htmlspecialchars($_POST['auteuradres']);
$header = "From: ".$naam."<$email>rn";
$header .= "BCC: [email protected]";
$tijd = time();
$datum = strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M', $tijd);
$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$message = $naam.' -'.$organisatie.'-'.$plaats_organisatie.'- met het e-mailadres '.$email.' en het IP '.$ip.' stuurde op '.$datum.' het volgende bericht:
if(mail($auteur, $email_onderwerp, $message, $header))
header("Location: https://www.webkwestie.nl/bedankt_voor_opmerkingen.htm");
echo 'Niet verstuurd';
How can I get rid of this errors.
Line 8 : define('CURRENT_PAGE', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
Line 15: define('READ_PATH', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/read.php?id=');
Undefined index: REQUEST_URI in ......... on line 8
Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in ....... on line 15
I am using this code to download the pdf files which are placed in main directory “public/download/ca/”
<a download="" class="download" target="_blank" href="{{ asset('download/ca/'.$doc>
file_name) }}">
It is working perfectly on my local server project also downloads the files but it is not working on my live server project, its showing “failed – Server Problem”.
I am trying to build a website for my college in which I have to take in the achievements obtained by the user and display on the front end…. but in order to be remove any bogus data received from the students I want to have an admin which will look at the data and once approved it must be visible to all users on the front end main page.
For more clarity on what I am trying to do:
Can you help me on the preferred tech stack I must be knowing or the functionalities i must be knowing to do so?
[enter image description here][1]
<?php require_once('connection.php');
if (isset($_POST['Submit']))
$answ = $_POST['answ'];
$email = $_SESSION['email'];
$insert = "INSERT INTO `id18159895_adproject`.`que` (answ,queID,email) SELECT que.queID FROM que " ;
$result = mysqli_query($con, $insert);
if (!$result) {
echo "<script>alert('ERROR !!!!! '); location='qna.php';</script>";
else {
echo "<script>alert('Successful Post'); location='qna.php'; </script>";
how can add the answer to the current question with my logged email?