Exclude property in checking empty properties

Below I have a code to check for empty property, it will return true if one property is empty. My question is how do we exclude other property on checking ?

for example I still wanna check for empty property but I dont want or I want to exclude properties like generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges, majorPositiveAttributes , summary from checking.

So code below will only check empty property except generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges, majorPositiveAttributes , summary. But I dont want to delete those property.



const hasEmptyProperty = Object.values((this.dealDispositionFormFields)).some((v => v === null || v === ""))

object – this.dealDispositionFormFields

    "dealName": "12743-J",
    "summary": "A",
    "majorPositiveAttributes": "b",
    "generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges": "c",
    "terminationPayment": 23,
    "effectiveDate": "2021-12-15T00:00:00",
    "brokerCommission": 232,
    "brokerRebate": 23233,
    "isPharmacyRestriction": false,
    "netEffectiveBrokerCommission": -23001,

Parsing error: Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for

I faced strange bug in vscode…I’m creating an app with react.js.When I write code in js file , the tages are written correctly but when I save the format of code changes so I face this error in run time…For example I write this code :

const renderForeigner = (foreigner) => {
            if (foreigner) {
                return <CFormGroup row >
                     <CCol xs = "12" md = "3" >
                    <CSelect custom name = "IDBirthPlace" id = "IDBirthPlace" >
                         { /* <option value="0">Please select</option> */ }
                          <option value = "0" > country</option> 
                           </CSelect >
                            </CCol >
                             <CCol xs = "12" md = "4" >
                                 <CInput type = "number"  id = "CertificateNo" name = "CertificateNo"  autoComplete = "off" />
                    </CCol> <CCol xs = "12" md = "2" >

                value = { passExpireDate }
                onChange = { setPassExpireDate }
                inputPlaceholder = "expiration date"

                locale = "fa"
                     </CFormGroup >


when I save my code changes to this :

const renderForeigner = (foreigner) => {
            if (foreigner) {
                return <CFormGroup row >
                    CCol xs = "12"
                md = "3" >

                    CSelect custom name = "IDBirthPlace"
                id = "IDBirthPlace" > { /* <option value="0">Please select</option> */ } <
                    option value = "0" > country< /option>  <
                    /CSelect > <
                    /CCol > <
                    CCol xs = "12"
                md = "4" >
                    CInput type = "number"
                id = "CertificateNo"
                name = "CertificateNo"
                autoComplete = "off" / >
                    /CCol> <CCol xs = "12" md = "2" > <

                value = { passExpireDate }
                onChange = { setPassExpireDate }
                inputPlaceholder = "expiration date"

                locale = "fa" /
                    /CCol> <
                    /CFormGroup >


I don't know what snippet makes these changes or what snippet should I install to solve this problem?

Issue regarding page reload in javascript

I am using javascript reload function to reload my page. The function is working but the issue is the page is getting reloaded for every second continuously.
I am using window.location.reload();
even if use location.reload(); same problem I am facing .

what kind of a buffer is this?

I’m using a weird blockchain and it’s API returns data like this:


Now, i know this is a string I sent in that was actually 64 hex as a string
And I get back 128 chars (plus 0x) as the above.

So can anyone suggest how to decode this?
since its all numbers, i’m assuming it’s something base10, but then we would have different byte lengths (64 vs 128) etc.

Since there are lots of 2s and 3s i was guessing maybe that is an indicator for a byte of 2 vs 3

Is it a unicode array of some type?
The ‘0x’ at the front makes me think it’s hex values but there’s no actual DEADBEEF here…

now I know the original string i passed in was 64 hex characters.
I’m getting back 128 decimals.

I’m looking for a converter in JS to get back the hex ‘string’

I’ve tried atob and Buffer but haven’t cracked it yet…

Javascript – Converting between Unicode string and ArrayBuffer

I have an issue with mysql route , the browser hangs/pending after executing the query , though i have used end() method

I have an issue with the MySQL route, After executing the MySQL query, the browser waiting/pending for something, though I have used the connection.end() method

I have checked the database, the data was successfully stored, I need to execute second part of the code after the SQL query



  let sql = 'INSERT INTO `data` (`name`) VALUES (?)'

    if(err) throw err
    console.log ( 'value inserted')


I want to execute the following code after the connection close

    var text = document.querySelector("input").value;
    var node = document.createElement("p");
    if (text!=""){
                    var textnode=document.createTextNode(text);
                    node.appendChild(textnode); //append the value to LI  
                    text = document.getElementById("demo")//  " demo " is the Un-order list id
                    console.log(text) ;
                    document.getElementById("demo").appendChild(node); //append the value to UI
                    document.querySelector("input").value = ""

i have a code that its kinda dirty and i cant think of a way to improve it, what can i do to have a more compact and better solution?

I’m trying to get a specific result of my database in mongoose, but this is what i have its working but the code looks pretty bad.

 const completedOrders = await Order.find({ "status": "delivered" }).

the response of the database is this and i trying to get all the states of every order with status: “delivered”

"completedOrders": [
        "_id": "61b81eef631dcc413e98515a",
        "user": "61b51dcbfd50717dc6dc931a",
        "address": {
            "address": {
                "phone": 54156345645768,
                "rut": "26.232.966-6",
                "state": "metropolitana",
                "city": "dunno",
                "province": "pepe",
                "street": "asdaqqqqqqqda",
                "numstreet": 999
            "_id": "61b8179e7dfc15f26c561175",
            "user": "61b51dcbfd50717dc6dc931a",
            "__v": 0
        "status": "delivered",
        "orderItems": [
        "shipping": 3500,
        "code": "c986aeb3-1fc9-422e-8638-b40651d7906c",
        "total": 690,
        "totalCost": 370,
        "createdAt": "2021-12-14T04:34:55.564Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-12-14T04:34:55.564Z"
        "_id": "61b81fddda2eb87de7d44c42",
        "user": "61b51dcbfd50717dc6dc931a",
        "address": {
            "address": {
                "phone": 54156345645768,
                "rut": "26.232.966-6",
                "state": "metropolitana",
                "city": "dunno",
                "province": "pepe",
                "street": "asdaqqqqqqqda",
                "numstreet": 999
            "_id": "61b8179e7dfc15f26c561175",
            "user": "61b51dcbfd50717dc6dc931a",
            "__v": 0
        "status": "delivered",
        "orderItems": [
        "shipping": 3500,
        "code": "e2828a65-ea12-43e9-9909-f081c9cd32e9",
        "total": 690,
        "totalCost": 370,
        "createdAt": "2021-12-14T04:38:53.517Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-12-14T04:38:53.517Z"

so this is what i tried but its quite dirty and i still want to do the same for city, and provinces, is for the analitycs of my ecommerce

    const AddressesUser = await Promise.all(completedOrders.map(async (array) => {
        const allAddresses = array.address;
        return allAddresses;

    const arrayAddresses = await Promise.all(AddressesUser.map(async (array) => {
        const allAddresses = array.address;
        return allAddresses;

    const allStates = await Promise.all(arrayAddresses.map(async (array) => {
        const states = array.state;
        return states;

How to keep current url including parameters in JavaScript

I am using the modal to edit data by using the code below, and when I click the ‘Change’ button,
I want to keep the current url. Even when I set a parameter, I don’t want me to lose the parameter.

This url has no parameters set. So, if I edit data in modal and click the ‘change’ button, I lose all the parameters I set and return to the initialized screen.

I am using Django and python, and I am getting parameter values ​​through request.POST.get method in views.py .

function (data, status, xhr) {
            let code = data.code
            if (code === 'error') {
                for (let i in fields) {
                    let key = fields[i];
                    let labelElement = editForm.find('label[for=' + key + ']');
                    let container = labelElement.parent();

                    if (key in data.error) {
                        const msg = data.error[key][0];
                        let text = $('<div class="text-danger small" style="line-height: 1rem;">' + msg + '</div>')
                    } else {
            } else if (code === 'success') {
                window.location.href = '/study/help/'; --> I think I need to update this line.

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘split’) React.js

I am building a react app and when I try to load up the application in the browser, I get the error in the title. Command I am using to start the application : swa start http://localhost:3000 –run “npm start –javascript” –api-location src/api. Looking through the stack trace this seems to be related to a line in the Mongoose browser.umd file that is trying to split t.versions.node :

e.noop=function(){},e.errorToPOJO=function(t){if(!(t instanceof Error))throw new Error(“error must be instanceof Error.”);var e,r={},o=n(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t));try{for(o.s();!(e=o.n()).done;){var i=e.value;r[i]=t[i]}}catch(t){o.e(t)}finally{o.f()}return r},e.nodeMajorVersion=parseInt(t.versions.node.split(“.”)[0],10)}).call(this,r(10))},function(t,e,r){“use strict”;(function(t){

This is not my code and I am unsure exactly what it is doing or why the t.versions.node is undefined. My node version is 14.16.1, mongoose version is 5.11.1. Stack trace included below :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:220)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:220)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:1012)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:1009)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:308)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:425)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:756)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:973)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:977)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (browser.umd.js:973)
    at r (browser.umd.js:1)
    at browser.umd.js:1
    at browser.umd.js:1
    at browser.umd.js:1
    at Object../node_modules/mongoose/dist/browser.umd.js (browser.umd.js:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Module.<anonymous> (App.js:38)
    at Module../src/api/app_functions/func_mongo_create_connection.js (func_mongo_create_connection.js:132)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Module../src/api/az_func_wfd/index.mjs (index.mjs:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Module.<anonymous> (CollectLoginInfo.js:59)
    at Module../src/component/Configuration.js (Configuration.js:368)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Module.<anonymous> (App.css?dde5:82)
    at Module../src/App.js (App.js:38)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Module.<anonymous> (index.css?bb0a:82)
    at Module../src/index.js (index.js:18)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at fn (bootstrap:150)
    at Object.1 (ui_carmax_logo.PNG:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:856)
    at checkDeferredModules (bootstrap:45)
    at Array.webpackJsonpCallback [as push] (bootstrap:32)
    at main.chunk.js:1

I also believe this might have something to do with my import/exports of functions throughout my code, but that is partially a guess. Any help is appreciated.

Assign ref dynamically inside concat in react render

I have an array of objects which I create on pressing the add button.The add handler function is as below.

const [inputList,setInputList] = useState([])

const elref=useRef(null)

const add = () => {



This create multiple EditContainer elements all of which share the same ref.How can I create refs like this on the fly for a dynamic array of Object which is a state

Don’t have permission to read data on Onclick in React Firebase Firestore

I am creating a button that loads more documents from firestore database but the problem arises that I am able to do it in useEffect and set the state to the data. When I try to do the same thing in on click event handler it gives me the error that you don’t have sufficient access as I am logged in I have the access so I was able to get the data from firestore.
Here is some code::

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Container from "@mui/material/Container";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import Typography from "../../subcomponents/Typography";
import Adcard from "../../subcomponents/Marketplace/Adcard";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import Pagination from "../../subcomponents/Marketplace/PaginationComponent";
import { db } from "../../config/Config";

function Adspace({ Products }) {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);
  const [lastDoc, setlastDoc] = useState();
  useEffect(() => {
    return db
      .orderBy("MonthlyRate", "asc")
      .then((snapshot) => {
        const ProductData = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
        /* snapshot.docs.forEach((doc) => {
          ProductData.push({ ...doc.data(), id: doc.id });
        }); */

        const lastDoc = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1];
  }, []);
  const fetchData = () => {
      .orderBy("MonthlyRate", "asc")
      .then((snapshot) => {
        const ProductData = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
        setData((PrevData) => [...PrevData, ProductData]);
        const lastDoc = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1];
  return (
      <Container component="section" sx={{ mt: 8, mb: 4 }}>
        <Typography variant="h4" marked="center" align="center" component="h2">
          Rent Machines
          m: 8,
          display: "flex",
          flexWrap: "wrap",
          justifyContent: "flex-start",
        sx={{ mt: 8, mb: 4, display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}
        {/*  {data !== null ? <Adcard /> : ""} */}

        {data !== null
          ? data.map((doc) => {
              if (doc.Type === Products) {
                return <Adcard data={doc} state={Products} key={doc.id} />;
              } else if (Products === "All") {
                return <Adcard data={doc} state={Products} />;
          : ""}
      <Box textAlign="center">
        <Button variant="contained" onClick={fetchData}>
          Load More

export default Adspace;

And here is firestore database rules for this collection

 match /Products/{userid}{
        allow create:if request.auth.uid!=null
      allow read: if request.auth.uid!=null
      allow write:if request.auth.uid==userid
      allow delete:if request.auth.uid!=null

AJAX, using onreadystatechange() but still not working

I have been working on a XML, HTTP communication , and I do not understand why my code seems to have some type of error. When sending a get request, sometimes it fails to get response or even to send to the server(I believe, as no message is shown). When I include alerts it does work. I understand this is due to asynchronous programming, as the alerts give more time to the operation. But even so, I am working with onreadystatechange() so I do not understand. Here is the code:

<script  type ="text/javascript">

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
function sendData() {
const getEnter = document.getElementById('p_input').value;
const cont = document.getElementById('cont');
var url = "";
url += getEnter;

xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
    if(xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200){

cont.textContent ="processing";

I am calling this function on the onClicked event of a button. It would be excellent if someone knew how to fix this

return value remains undefined even when timed out for 10 seconds

I had an issue where I needed to return the response of an async function which kept being returned as undefined. So I decided to use setTimeout() before trying to use it. It still doesn’t seem to work. Can someone explain why?

My attempt:

insertUser = (req,res) => {
    var record = {
        'handle': req.body.handle,
        'name': req.body.name,
        'password': req.body.password
    var response;
    createUser(record, response)
    setTimeout(() => {

createUser = (record, response) => {
    users.insertOne(record, function(err, result){
            response = {'code': 404, 'message': 'Something went wrong. Message: ', err} 
            response = {'code': 200, 'message': result.insertedId}
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);