Vuejs recursive component

I have a component file and it works recursively by array data. I am calling this component home.vue. For example:

<mycomponent :data=mydata /> 

and if mydata nested array mycomponent call itself again and again. I need to implement these steps on home.vue, I dont want to create another file for mycomponent. But How can I call againg component template again? for example:


<template id = "c1"> 
<div v-for:"">
// if a condition is true then call "id" template again. 

I’m creating a locat TS Library for our project, but the TSDoc isn’t displayed in the IDE

I’m writing a small TypeScript library to be used by multiple sub-systems.

In a different project I linked to the library using npm, but WebStorm only displays the TSDoc for methods, not for classes.


  "name": "shared-utilities",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A package description...",
  "main": "src/index.ts",
  "license": "ISC",
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "npm run build",
    "build": "tsc"
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^4.5.4"
  "files": [


  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es2015",
    "declaration": true,
    "outDir": "./dist"
  "include": [

The TSDoc of a class is not displayed:

Class TsDoc

While the TsDoc of a method is displayed:

Method TsDoc

Additionally, WebStorm doesn’t import classes automatically when using them, like it does with other libraries. I would have to import it manually.

Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

How to get min and max in one sql query?

what will be the query to get min and max at once I am getting errors in this query

router.get('/min/:date', (req, res) => {
  const date =;
  console.log(typeof date);
    `select max(temperature) as highesttemperature; select min(temperature) as lowesttemperature from weather_data where dt=?`,
    (err, results, field) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {

How to I print a div content using javascript? (by class name and not id) [duplicate]

Hello I have made this To-Do project

enter image description here

And I want to create a button that when you click it, it will print ONLY the todos as shown below (shopping, homework, pay the bills).

So i want to print something like this in the paper:

enter image description here

I have searched it up and I have seen ways that only print the ID of the div. However, in my code I dont use ids. In the javascript and html file of this project, I only use class names. I have tried adding id names too in the divs and then use the js code to print, but it doesnt work because my project only works with classes on the divs.

I am a begginer in javascript, sorry if I dont make this clear enough.

Can someone provide me with a working method?

script help, i am new to coding

hello i am new to coding , this is a google sheet app script problem that i have, so, i have 2 sheet and i want to sort in order both of them, sort different column , ive succeded in making the code work for both of them but my issue is that it will only work for 1 of them, seem like the function im creating only work for the 1st function ive enter, the second below dont work, but will work individualy, what im trying to do is to create 1 function that work for both of my sheet, anyone know ?

SHEET_NAME = "The Convenant { Member Roster )";
{column: 5, ascending: true},  // 5 = column number, sorting by descending order
{column: 4, ascending: true}, // 1 = column number, sort by ascending order

function onEdit(e){
function multiSortColumns(){
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
  var range = sheet.getRange(SORT_DATA_RANGE);
  ss.toast('Sort complete.');
SHEET_NAME = "The Convenant ( War Roster )";
{column: 3, ascending: true},  // 3 = column number, sorting by descending order
{column: 2, ascending: true}, // 1 = column number, sort by ascending order

function onEdit(e){
function multiSortColumns(){
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
  var range = sheet.getRange(SORT_DATA_RANGE);
  ss.toast('Sort complete.');

enter image description here

how change class component of image slider to functional component and how can custom auto slide to manual press to slide

I need to change this image slider class component to functional component

import * as React from "react";
import { StyleSheet, View, ScrollView, Dimensions, Image } from "react-native";

const DEVICE_WIDTH = Dimensions.get("window").width;

class BackgroundCarousel extends React.Component {
  scrollRef = React.createRef();
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      selectedIndex: 0
    this.scrollRef = React.createRef();

  componentDidMount = () => {
    setInterval(() => {
        prev => ({
            prev.selectedIndex === this.props.images.length - 1
              ? 0
              : prev.selectedIndex + 1
        () => {
            animated: true,
            x: DEVICE_WIDTH * this.state.selectedIndex,
            y: 0
    }, 3000);

  setSelectedIndex = event => {
    const contentOffset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset;
    const viewSize = event.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement;

    // Divide the horizontal offset by the width of the view to see which page is visible
    const selectedIndex = Math.floor(contentOffset.x / viewSize.width);
    this.setState({ selectedIndex });

  render() {
    const { images } = this.props;
    const { selectedIndex } = this.state;
    return (
      <View style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }}>
          { => (
              source={{ uri: image }}
        <View style={styles.circleDiv}>
          {, i) => (
                { opacity: i === selectedIndex ? 0.5 : 1 }
              active={i === selectedIndex}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  backgroundImage: {
    height: "100%",
    width: Dimensions.get("window").width
  circleDiv: {
    position: "absolute",
    bottom: 15,
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "row",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center",
    width: "100%",
    height: 10
  whiteCircle: {
    width: 6,
    height: 6,
    borderRadius: 3,
    margin: 5,
    backgroundColor: "#fff"

export { BackgroundCarousel };

When I change this, I have error.

import React ,{useState,useEffect} from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View, ScrollView, Dimensions, Image } from "react-native";

const DEVICE_WIDTH = Dimensions.get("window").width;

const BackgroundCarousel =({ images })=>{
   // const isCarousel = React.useRef(null)
    const scrollRef = React.useRef();

//  useEffect(()=>{
//     setInterval(() => {
//         this.setState(
//           prev => ({
//             selectedIndex:
//               prev.selectedIndex === this.props.images.length - 1
//                 ? 0
//                 : prev.selectedIndex + 1
//           }),
//           () => {
//             this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({
//               animated: true,
//               x: DEVICE_WIDTH * this.state.selectedIndex,
//               y: 0
//             });
//           }
//         );
//       }, 3000);
//  })

//   componentDidMount = () => {
//     setInterval(() => {
//       this.setState(
//         prev => ({
//           selectedIndex:
//             prev.selectedIndex === this.props.images.length - 1
//               ? 0
//               : prev.selectedIndex + 1
//         }),
//         () => {
//           this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({
//             animated: true,
//             x: DEVICE_WIDTH * this.state.selectedIndex,
//             y: 0
//           });
//         }
//       );
//     }, 3000);
//   };
    setSelectedIndex = event => {
        const contentOffset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset;
        const viewSize = event.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement;
        // Divide the horizontal offset by the width of the view to see which page is visible
        const selectedIndex = Math.floor(contentOffset.x / viewSize.width);
        this.setState({ selectedIndex });


    return (
      <View style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }}>
          { => (
              source={{ uri: image }}
        <View style={styles.circleDiv}>
          {, i) => (
                { opacity: i === selectedIndex ? 0.5 : 1 }
              active={i === selectedIndex}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  backgroundImage: {
    height: "100%",
    width: Dimensions.get("window").width
  circleDiv: {
    position: "absolute",
    bottom: 15,
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "row",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center",
    width: "100%",
    height: 10
  whiteCircle: {
    width: 6,
    height: 6,
    borderRadius: 3,
    margin: 5,
    backgroundColor: "#fff"

export { BackgroundCarousel };

here is homescreen

import { BackgroundCarousel } from "../components/BackgroundCarousel";

 <BackgroundCarousel images={[{uri :},{uri : card.photoo},{uri : card.photooo}]}/>

how can change to functional component and how can add press function to move image slider instead of auto slide by interval.
when press right corner , move to right and when press left corner ,move left.
please help me.

I want to access dom even in a modal with React-slick (useRef)

Currently, I’m using react-slick to implement it.
I want to access the slider dom with useref (ref.cuurent), but the moment the modal opens, it becomes null.
You can access it by sliding it.
I think it’s probably because I’m accessing it within a modal.
How do I get a ref.cuurent the moment the modal opens?

export const index: React.FC = () => {
    const [isShowHowToModal, setIsHowToModal] = useState(true)

    return (
            {isShowHowToModal && <Modal setIsHowToModal={setIsHowToModal} />}

import Slider from 'react-slick'

export const Modal = React.FC<Props>(setIsModal) => {
  const onClickCancel = () => {

  const refs = useRef<Slider>(null)

  const settings = {
    dots: false,
    infinite: false,
    speed: 500,
    slidesToShow: 1,
    slidesToScroll: 1,

  return (
    <Slider ref={refs} {...settings}>

It would be helpful if you could answer with the function component.

Button outcome is stacked on top of each other

I am currently making a calendar and would really appreciate some help as I am currently learning javascript by myself.

Whenever the month button is clicked, a new output is created and ‘stacked’ underneath the original entry. Is there a way to get the new month to replace the old one?

I have found problems online with button replacements but not code that includes multiple buttons / outputs.

Thanks for your help!! This is driving me crazy!!

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- states the doctype -->
<head> <!-- heading -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<div id="info" class="btn-group" style="width:100%;">
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(0, 2021)" style="width:20%;">January</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(1, 2021)" style="width:20%;">Febuary</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(2, 2021)" style="width:20%">March</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(3, 2021)" style="width:20%">April</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(4, 2021)" style="width:20%">May</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(5, 2021)" style="width:20%">June</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(6, 2021)" style="width:20%">July</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(7, 2021)" style="width:20%">August</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(8, 2021)" style="width:20%">September</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(9, 2021)" style="width:20%">October</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(10, 2021)" style="width:20%">November</button>
  <button onclick="daysinmonth(11, 2021)" style="width:20%; margin-bottom:40px;">December</button>

function daysinmonth(month, year) {
  var dt = new Date();
  dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth(), 0);
  var lastday = dt.getDate();
  daystomonth(lastday, month, year)

function daystomonth(lastday, month, year) {
  dayslist = []
  const d = new Date(year, month, 1);
  var firstday = d.getDay();
  for (i = 1; i < lastday+1; i++) {
    dayslist[i-1] =+ i;
  calender(firstday, dayslist, lastday)

function calender(firstday, dayslist, lastday) {
  const body = document.body,
    tbl = document.createElement('table'); = '1px solid black'; = 'border-box';

  var weekcount = 10; var count = 0;
  var daycount = firstday - 1;
  if (daycount == -1) { //Monday = 1
    daycount = 6;

  for (let i = 0; i < weekcount; i++) {
    const tr = tbl.insertRow();
    if (i == 0) {
    for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
      const td = tr.insertCell();
    if (i == 1) {
      const tr = tbl.insertRow();
      for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
        if (daycount <= j) {
          const td = tr.insertCell();
          count = count + 1;
        } else {
          const td = tr.insertCell();
          td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`  `));
    if ( i > 1) {
      for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
        if (count >= lastday) {
          const td = tr.insertCell();
          td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`  `));
          count = count + 1;
        else {
          const td = tr.insertCell();
          count = count + 1;
    if (count >= lastday) {
      weekcount = i + 1;

Is it possible to loop through a switch statement

I am making a standard slider which has two buttons to go through the images. However I want to make it modular. So that the end user can add 200 images if they like. I use Jquery to hide and show the images. But I don’t want to write 200 if statement, so I used a switch and wanted to loop through that switch which changes the cases active slide to display and hide the other element and stops if the amount of items has been reached.

But I have been having some issues, is there someone more experienced than me that can help

$('.slider-wrap').each( function() {
            let itemsAmount =  $('.slider-img', $(this)).length;

        let currentPic = 0;

        $('.sliderbuttonPlus').on('click', () => {

            let itemsAmount =  $('.slider-img', $('.slider-wrap')).length;
            switch(currentPic) {

                case 0:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-0').css('display', 'block');

                case 1:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-1').css('display', 'block');

                case 2:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-2').css('display', 'block');

                case 3:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-3').css('display', 'block');

                case 4:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-4').css('display', 'block');

                case 5:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-5').css('display', 'block');

                case 6:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-6').css('display', 'block');

                case 7:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-7').css('display', 'block');

                case 8:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-8').css('display', 'block');
                case 9:
                    $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                    $('#slider-block-image-9').css('display', 'block');

                if(currentPic > itemsAmount) {
                        currentPic = itemsAmount;


        $('.sliderbuttonMinus').on('click', () => {

        switch(currentPic) {
            case 0:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-0').css('display', 'block');
            case 1:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-1').css('display', 'block');
            case 2:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-2').css('display', 'block');
            case 3:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-3').css('display', 'block');
            case 4:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-4').css('display', 'block');
            case 5:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-5').css('display', 'block');
            case 6:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-6').css('display', 'block');
            case 7:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-7').css('display', 'block');
            case 8:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-8').css('display', 'block');
            case 9:
                $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
                $('#slider-block-image-9').css('display', 'block');

        if (currentPic <= 0){
            currentPic = 0;

        if (currentPic === 0) {

            $('.slider-img').css('display', 'none');
            $('#slider-block-image-0').css('display', 'block');



HTML displayed on the site

<div class="slider-wrap">
    <div class="button-wrap">
        <button class="sliderbuttonMinus">Links</button>

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-0" style="display: block;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-1" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-2" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-3" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-4" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-5" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-6" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-7" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-8" style="display: none;">

        <img class="slider-img" src="" alt="" id="slider-block-image-9" style="display: none;">

         <div class="button-wrap">      
        <button class="sliderbuttonPlus">Rechts</button>


<div class="slider-wrap">
    <div class="button-wrap">
        <button class="sliderbuttonMinus">Links</button>

// Check rows exists.
if( have_rows('afbeeldingen_slider') ):

    $x = 0;
    // Loop through rows.
    while( have_rows('afbeeldingen_slider') ) : the_row();

        // Load sub field value.
        $image = get_sub_field('slider_image');
        $image_url = $image['url'];
        $image_alt = $image['alt'];

        <img class="slider-img" src="<?php echo $image_url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image_alt; ?>" id="slider-block-image-<?php echo $x?>">

        // Do something...
    // End loop.

// No value.
else :
    // Do something...

?> <div class="button-wrap">      
        <button class="sliderbuttonPlus">Rechts</button>

I got different color about three js

enter image description here

enter image description here

When i use hex color into mesh, just like “#426158”, i got an color, then when i set a color object,like new Three.Color("#426158") into mesh, i got different color, who can help me?

First case:

export function NormalMesh() {
    let color = new THREE.Color("#426158")
    return <>
        <mesh position={[0,1,0]}>
            <meshBasicMaterial color={color} />

second case:

export function NormalMesh() {
    let color = new THREE.Color("#426158")
    return <>
        <mesh position={[0,1,0]}>
            <meshBasicMaterial color={"#426158"} />

i got different result.

How can I execute some async tasks in parallel with limit in generator function?

I’m trying to execute some async tasks in parallel with a limitation on the maximum number of simultaneously running tasks.

There’s an example of what I want to achieve:

Task flow example

Currently this tasks are running one after another. It’s implemented this way:

export function signData(dataItem) {
  cadesplugin.async_spawn(async function* (args) {
    //... nestedArgs assignment logic ...

    for (const id of dataItem.identifiers) {
      yield* idHandler(dataItem, id, args, nestedArgs);
    // some extra logic after all tasks were finished
  }, firstArg, secondArg);

async function* idHandler(edsItem, researchId, args, nestedArgs) {
  let oDocumentNameAttr = yield cadesplugin.CreateObjectAsync("CADESCOM.CPAttribute");
  yield oDocumentNameAttr.propset_Value("Document Name");
  // this function mutates some external data, making API calls and returns void

Unfortunately, I can’t make any changes in cadesplugin.* functions, but I can use any external libraries (or built-in Promise) in my code.

I found some methods (eachLimit and parallelLimit) in async library that might work for me and an answer that shows how to deal with it.

But there are still two problems I can’t solve:

  1. How can I pass main params into nested function?
  2. Main function is a generator function, so I still need to work with yield expressions in main and nested functions

There’s a link to cadesplugin.* source code, where you can find async_spawn (and another cadesplugin.*) function that used in my code.

That’s the code I tried with no luck:

await forEachLimit(dataItem.identifiers, 5, yield* async function* (researchId, callback) { 
  //... nested function code 

It leads to Object is not async iterable error.

Another attempt:

let functionArray = [];
dataItem.identifiers.forEach(researchId => {
  functionArray.push(researchIdHandler(dataItem, id, args, nestedArgs))
await parallelLimit(functionArray, 5);

It just does nothing.

Сan I somehow solve this problem, or the generator functions won’t allow me to do this?

How to Detect user if stopped at some unknown location base or a place from gps history data

I want to create a feature that contains the location history of the user itself every time it stops at a place.

For example, if the user stops at a location that I previously marked, it will display the name of the location, but if it stops at an unknown place, it will display the words “Unknown Stop”. Like the example below.

The following is an example of the location history of the user I have.

"location": {
  "timestamp": 1640226572000,
  "fromMockProvider": false,
  "speedAccuracy": 3.0999999046325684,
  "speed": 2.126629114151001,
  "courseAccuracy": 60.29999923706055,
  "course": 335.00262451171875,
  "accuracy": 4.800000190734863,
  "altitudeAccuracy": 1.71183432826049805,
  "altitude": 6.099546432568,
  "longitude": 91.72313144,
  "latitude": 3.9974028
"device_information": "angelica ANGELICA Redmi",
"battery": 1},{
"location": {
  "timestamp": 1640226575000,
  "fromMockProvider": false,
  "speedAccuracy": 2.9000000953674316,
  "speed": 1.7470654249191284,
  "courseAccuracy": 67.80000305175781,
  "course": 318.0428161621094,
  "accuracy": 4.724999904632568,
  "altitudeAccuracy": 1.741869330406189,
  "altitude": 6.09213144568,
  "longitude": 91.7316444,
  "latitude": 3.9974605
"device_information": "angelica ANGELICA Redmi",
"battery": 1}]

//and more history in array

and the test code done, looks like it works with geolib library but has bugs in time

for (let i = 0; i < unknownArr.length; i++) {
    var dataPertama = unknownArr[i]
    var dataKedua = unknownArr[i + 1]
    if (dataKedua != undefined) {
        var selisihTotalKeduanya = hitungSelisihAngka(dataPertama.lama_unknown, dataKedua.lama_unknown)
        if (selisihTotalKeduanya > 10) {
            var jikaDekatToko = visitTimeArr.some(data => {
                var customerData = data.customer_data
                if (customerData.customer_latitude != null || customerData.customer_latitude != undefined) {
                    return isPointWithinRadius(
                            latitude: customerData.customer_latitude,
                            longitude: customerData.customer_longitude
                            latitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.latitude,
                            longitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.longitude
                        }, 100)
                } else {
                    return false
            var jikadiIntika = isPointWithinRadius(Strings.kordinatIntika, {
                latitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.latitude,
                longitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.longitude
            }, 100)

            if (!jikaDekatToko) {
                if (!jikadiIntika) {
                } else {
                    var dataIntikaPertama = unknownArr.find(el => {
               = 'Intika'
                        return el !== undefined
    } else {
        var jikadiIntika = isPointWithinRadius(Strings.kordinatIntika, {
            latitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.latitude,
            longitude: dataPertama.start_unknown.location.longitude
        }, 100)
        if (!jikadiIntika) {
        } else {
            if (findFirstIntika) {
                var dataIntikaTerakhir = unknownArr[unknownArr.length - 1]
                if ( == 'Intika') {
            } else {
                var dataIntikaPertama = unknownArr.find(el => {
           = 'Intika'
                    return el !== undefined

The result but bug in time